11,484 research outputs found

    Influence of higher order effects on the vortex instability of thermal boundary layer flow in a wedge shaped domain

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    We reconsider the onset of streamwise vortices in the thermal boundary layer flow induced by an inclined upward-facing heated semi-infinite surface placed within a Newtonian fluid. Particular emphasis is laid upon how the induced flow in the isothermal region outside the boundary layer affects the boundary layer itself at higher order, and how this, in turn, affects the stability criterion for the onset of vortices. We find that the stability criterion for thermal boundary layers in air is less susceptible to changes in external geometry than for boundary layers in water. In general, we conclude that the variation of the stability criterion with wedge angle (between the heated and the outer boundary surface) is too great for the theory to predict reliably where disturbances first begin to grow


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    The evaluation of trust in economic decision making remains on the periphery of mainstream economic analysis and teaching. Yet business managers use trustworthiness in daily exchanges to create competitive advantages for their firms. An exploratory empirical test of Barney and HansenÂ’s three levels of trust (weak, semistrong, and strong) and Lewicki and BunkerÂ’s portfolio of governance mechanisms revealed that strong-form trust exists in day-to-day business relationships along with other governance mechanisms. Identity-based transactions were more prevalent than were weak trust market exchanges in important economic transactions.Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Relations/Trade,

    Testing the impact of diagenesis on the delta O-18 and delta C-13 of benthic foraminiferal calcite from a sediment burial depth transect in the equatorial Pacific

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    Stable oxygen and carbon isotope (δ18O and δ13C) values measured in foraminiferal calcite are one of the primary tools used in paleoceanography. Diagenetic recrystallisation of foraminiferal calcite can act to reset primary isotopic values but its effects are typically poorly quantified. Here we test the impact of early stage diagenesis on stable isotope records generated from a suite of drill sites in the equatorial Pacific Ocean recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 320. Our selected sites form paleowater- and burial-depth transects, with excellent stratigraphic control allowing us to confidently correlate our records. We observe large inter-site differences in the preservation state of benthic foraminiferal calcite, implying very different recrystallisation histories, but negligible inter-site offsets in benthic δ18O and δ13C values. We infer that diagenetic alteration of benthic foraminiferal calcite (in sedimentary oozes) must predominantly occur at shallow burial depths (<100 m) where offsets in both the temperature and isotopic composition of waters in which the foraminifera calcified and pore-waters in which diagenesis occurs are small. Our results suggest that even extensive recrystallisation of benthic foraminiferal calcite results in minimal shifts from primary δ18O and δ13C values. This finding supports the long-held suspicion that diagenetic alteration of foraminiferal calcite is less problematic in benthic than in planktic foraminifera and that in deep–sea sediments routinely employed for palaeoceanographic studies benthic foraminifera are robust recorders of stable isotope values in the fossil record


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    Homoeopathy is a system of treating patients using very low dose preparations according to the principle: "like should be cured with like". This paper summarises the research evidence presented in a recent issue of Effective Health Care on the effectiveness of homoeopathy. Increasing numbers of patients are seeking information on complementary medicines from NHS health professionals. Results of a 1998 survey of use and expenditure on complementary medicine in England suggested that 28% of respondents had either visited a complementary therapist or had purchased an over the counter herbal or homoeopathic remedy in the past year. From this survey it was estimated that there could be over 470 000 recent users of homoeopathic remedies in England

    The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper

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    The upland sandpiper (Bartramia Longuardia) has experienced a steep population decline in the northeastern U.S. since the mid-20th Century. In Pennsylvania it was found in less than 0.5% of atlas blocks during the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania project (2nd PBBA; 2004-09) and breeding was confirmed at only two locations. Due to continued declines and a small population size, the upland sandpiper was listed as PA endangered in 2012. During May 2012 the areas around 15 2nd PBBA upland sandpiper sightings were resurveyed by Gettysburg College students and volunteer birdwatchers. The aim was to establish whether the atlas records related to persisting populations. We used five-minute audio playback at up to 10 locations within 4km of the atlas sightings. A maximum of 19 pairs/calling male upland sandpipers were found across the state in 2012, most of them on or close to reclaimed surface mines. However, locating such a scarce species can be problematic, and it is still not known to what extent the species is under-reported. To help direct future surveys we analyzed data from the 2nd PBBA and the 2012 survey to produce a habitat suitability model for the upland sandpiper in Pennsylvania. We used a GIS framework to determine areas of suitable habitat and then stratified these by proximity to recent (2004-2012) upland sandpiper sightings. We recommend that our suitability model be used to establish a sampling protocol for more thorough statewide upland sandpiper survey every five years, in order that the species’ precarious status can be closely monitored

    A Sucessful Academic Upgrading Programme Follow-up Over Five Semesters

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    This paper describes a programme which attempted to upgrade prospects of students entering Memorial University of Newfoundland Regional College in Corner Brook in September of 1976. The elements of the programme are described and results are presented which compare the academic performance of marginal students who parti- cipated in the programme with that of those marginal students who did not. The students were followed up for over a further four academic semesters and their academic results were compared at the end of each semester. The results demonstrate that except for a brief drop at the end of the second semester, the results of the students who participated in the programme were clearly superior to that of those in the com- parison groups for each of the other semesters. The factors associated with these differ- ences and their implications for further academic upgrading programmes are discussed.Cet article décrit un programme qui a comme but de revaloriser les perspectives d'avenir des étudiants admis à l'University Memorial de Newfoundland à Corner Brook en septem-bre 1976. Une comparaison du fonctionnement académique des étudiants marginaux qui ont participé à ce programme avec les étudiants qui n 'ont pas participé est présentée. Les étudiants ont été suivis pendant quatre semestres académiques et leurs résultats ont été comparés à la fin de chaque semestre. Les résultats démontrent, avec une seule exception d'une légère baisse à la fin du deuxième semestre, que ceux qui ont participé au programme avaient un fonctionnement académique supérieur à ceux des autres groupes de l'échantillonnage. Les facteurs associés à ces différences et les implications pour d'autres programmes similaires sont discutés

    Maternal parameters in lower segment caesarean section: a comparative study of the effects of spinal anaesthetic agents

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    Background: With bupivacaine, intrathecal opioids are widely used in spinal anaesthesia for LSCS. We wanted to study the effects of intrathecal opioids on maternal parameters.Methods: With 20 patients in each group, the study was done in 40 patients posted for LSCS. One group received only bupivacaine and another group received intrathecal fentanyl and bupivacaine. Maternal parameters related to sensory block, motor block and analgesia were recorded.Results: Intrathecal fentanyl prolonged analgesia and reduced the duration of motor blockade.Conclusions: Fentanyl is a good adjuvant for intrathecal bupivacaine in LSCS

    Can perioperative haemodynamics and opioid requirement in Abdominal Hysterectomy be influenced by a premedication drug?

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    Background: Abdominal hysterectomy is a common surgery, usually done under Spinal anaesthesia. It would be greater if a premedication oral drug were available to reduce the perioperative use of opioids. The aim of the study was to find out whether gabapentin can reduce the perioperative dose of tramadol but without affecting perioperative haemodynamics.Methods: This is a randomized double blinded controlled study. Patients undergoing Abdominal hysterectomy under Spinal anaesthesia were divided into two groups. One group was given gabapentin and another was given placebo as premedication drugs. Perioperative haemodynamics were monitored. Perioperative requirement of tramadol injection was estimated.Results: No significant changes were noted in perioperative haemodynamics. Perioperative requirement of tramadol was reduced in gabapentin group.Conclusions: Gabapentin does not affect perioperative haemodynamics. Gabapentin reduces perioperative requirement of tramadol

    Legal By-products of Chemical Testing for Intoxication

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    One among many problems of national moment is the intoxicated motorist. Legislators have long fumbled for remedies to halt a wave of senseless killing and mutilation that has resulted from an unhappy combination of ethyl alcohol and mechanical power. Convictions in court have been too difficult to halt a wave of senseless killing and mutilation that has reconstructive and effective legal control. Jurors themselves, have often been hesitant to convict because the sum total of objective evidence produced has not convinced them that the subjects they were judging had actually been drunk or intoxicated