514 research outputs found

    Gaming disorder and the COVID-19 pandemic: Treatment demand and service delivery challenges

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    Gaming activities have conferred numerous benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, someindividuals may be at greater risk of problem gaming due to disruption to adaptive routines, increased anxiety and/or depression, and social isolation. This paper presents a summary of 2019–2021 service data from specialist addiction centers in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Treatment demand for gaming disorder has exceeded service capacity during the pandemic, with significant service access issues. These data highlight the need for adaptability of gaming disorder services and greater resources and funding to respond effectively in future public health crises

    The Neuroscience Information Framework: A Data and Knowledge Environment for Neuroscience

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    With support from the Institutes and Centers forming the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research, we have designed and implemented a new initiative for integrating access to and use of Web-based neuroscience resources: the Neuroscience Information Framework. The Framework arises from the expressed need of the neuroscience community for neuroinformatic tools and resources to aid scientific inquiry, builds upon prior development of neuroinformatics by the Human Brain Project and others, and directly derives from the Society for Neuroscience’s Neuroscience Database Gateway. Partnered with the Society, its Neuroinformatics Committee, and volunteer consultant-collaborators, our multi-site consortium has developed: (1) a comprehensive, dynamic, inventory of Web-accessible neuroscience resources, (2) an extended and integrated terminology describing resources and contents, and (3) a framework accepting and aiding concept-based queries. Evolving instantiations of the Framework may be viewed at http://nif.nih.gov, http://neurogateway.org, and other sites as they come on line

    Genetic Characterization of Nipah Virus, Bangladesh, 2004

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    Until 2004, identification of Nipah virus (NV)-like outbreaks in Bangladesh was based on serology. We describe the genetic characterization of a new strain of NV isolated during outbreaks in Bangladesh (NV-B) in 2004, which confirms that NV was the etiologic agent responsible for these outbreaks

    Dynamic segmental kinematics of the lumbar spine during diagnostic movements

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    Background:In vivo measurements of segmental-level kinematics are a promising avenue for better understanding the relationship between pain and its underlying, multi-factorial basis. To date, the bulk of the reported segmental-level motion has been restricted to single plane motions.Methods: The present work implemented a novel marker set used with an optical motion capture system to non-invasively measure dynamic, 3D in vivo segmental kinematics of the lower spine in a laboratory setting. Lumbar spinal kinematics were measured for 28 subjects during 17 diagnostic movements.Results: Overall regional range of motion data and lumbar angular velocity measurement were consistent with previously published studies. Key findings from the work included measurement of differences in ascending versus descending segmental velocities during functional movements and observations of motion coupling paradigms in the lumbar spinal segments.Conclusion: The work contributes to the task of establishing a baseline of segmental lumbar movement patterns in an asymptomatic cohort, which serves as a necessary pre-requisite for identifying pathological and symptomatic deviations from the baseline

    A pilot study of rapid benchtop sequencing of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile for outbreak detection and surveillance

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prospects of newly available benchtop sequencers to provide rapid whole-genome data in routine clinical practice. Next-generation sequencing has the potential to resolve uncertainties surrounding the route and timing of person-to-person transmission of healthcare-associated infection, which has been a major impediment to optimal management. DESIGN: The authors used Illumina MiSeq benchtop sequencing to undertake case studies investigating potential outbreaks of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile. SETTING: Isolates were obtained from potential outbreaks associated with three UK hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: Isolates were sequenced from a cluster of eight MRSA carriers and an associated bacteraemia case in an intensive care unit, another MRSA cluster of six cases and two clusters of C difficile. Additionally, all C difficile isolates from cases over 6 weeks in a single hospital were rapidly sequenced and compared with local strain sequences obtained in the preceding 3 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Whole-genome genetic relatedness of the isolates within each epidemiological cluster. RESULTS: Twenty-six MRSA and 15 C difficile isolates were successfully sequenced and analysed within 5 days of culture. Both MRSA clusters were identified as outbreaks, with most sequences in each cluster indistinguishable and all within three single nucleotide variants (SNVs). Epidemiologically unrelated isolates of the same spa-type were genetically distinct (≥21 SNVs). In both C difficile clusters, closely epidemiologically linked cases (in one case sharing the same strain type) were shown to be genetically distinct (≥144 SNVs). A reconstruction applying rapid sequencing in C difficile surveillance provided early outbreak detection and identified previously undetected probable community transmission. CONCLUSIONS: This benchtop sequencing technology is widely generalisable to human bacterial pathogens. The findings provide several good examples of how rapid and precise sequencing could transform identification of transmission of healthcare-associated infection and therefore improve hospital infection control and patient outcomes in routine clinical practice

    Crop Updates 1999 - Oilseeds

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    This article contains eighteen papers INTRODUCTION, Paul Carmody, Agriculture Western Australia PLENARY SESSION Transgenic canola in Western Australia: Outlook and challenges, Phil Salisbury, University of Melbourne Farming system issues for herbicide tolerant canola, Rick Madin, Rick Madin and Associates, David Bowran, Agriculture Western Australia Beating blackleg in 1999, Martin Barbetti, Ravjit Khangura, Paul Carmody, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia The Mustard Industry in Australia – Opportunities for a new oilseed, Phil Parker, NSW Agriculture Management of blackleg with fungicides, Ravjit Khangura and Martin Barbetti, Agriculture Western Australia Effect of aphid feeding damage on canola yields in 1998, Francoise Berlandier and Linnet Cartwright, Agriculture Western Australia Post-anthesis duration and rainfall affect oil content of canola, Ping Si, University of West Australia, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia, Nick Galwey and David Turner, University of West Australia Canola responded to high rates of fertiliser in 1998, Wayne Pluske, CSBP Impact of agronomic practices on canola quality, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia Survey reveals widespread infection with two virus diseases in Western Australian canola crops, Roger Jones and Brenda Coutts, Agriculture Western Australia Calculating canola yields and oil contents as a function of soil and fertiliser nitrogen supply, Bill Bowden and Isabel Arevalo-Vigne, Agriculture Western Australia Canola benchmarks 1997/98 – Central Eastern District, Jeff Russell, Agriculture Western Australia Seeding rate affects the yield and some architectural features of canola, Syed H. Zaheer, Nick W. Galwey and David Turner, University of Western Australia Foliar applied fungicides for blackleg, Andrew Simon and Art Diggle, Agriculture Western Australia Farm based demonstration 1998 canola N – Wheel evaluation, Jeff Russell, Agriculture Western Australia Effect of sowing date on seed yield of canola, Dave Eksteen, Agriculture Western Australia Investigating water use of summer crops on the South Coast of Western Australia, Arjen Ryder, Agriculture Western Australia, Bill Crabtree, Western Australia No Till Farming Association, Serena Wyatt, Catchment Landcare Coordinator, Wellstead, Jim Baily, Subasio Downs, Wellstead INTRODUCTION, Paul Carmody, Agriculture Western Australia PLENARY SESSION Transgenic canola in Western Australia: Outlook and challenges, Phil Salisbury, University of Melbourne Farming system issues for herbicide tolerant canola, Rick Madin, Rick Madin and Associates, David Bowran, Agriculture Western Australia Beating blackleg in 1999, Martin Barbetti, Ravjit Khangura, Paul Carmody, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia The Mustard Industry in Australia – Opportunities for a new oilseed, Phil Parker, NSW Agriculture Management of blackleg with fungicides, Ravjit Khangura and Martin Barbetti, Agriculture Western Australia Effect of aphid feeding damage on canola yields in 1998, Francoise Berlandier and Linnet Cartwright, Agriculture Western Australia Post-anthesis duration and rainfall affect oil content of canola, Ping Si, University of West Australia, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia, Nick Galwey and David Turner, University of West Australia Canola responded to high rates of fertiliser in 1998, Wayne Pluske, CSBP Impact of agronomic practices on canola quality, Graham Walton, Agriculture Western Australia Survey reveals widespread infection with two virus diseases in Western Australian canola crops, Roger Jones and Brenda Coutts, Agriculture Western Australia Calculating canola yields and oil contents as a function of soil and fertiliser nitrogen supply, Bill Bowden and Isabel Arevalo-Vigne, Agriculture Western Australia Canola benchmarks 1997/98 – Central Eastern District, Jeff Russell, Agriculture Western Australi

    Interferon lambda 4 impacts the genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a highly variable pathogen that frequently establishes chronic infection. This genetic variability is affected by the adaptive immune response but the contribution of other host factors is unclear. Here, we examined the role played by interferon lambda-4 (IFN-λ4) on HCV diversity; IFN-λ4 plays a crucial role in spontaneous clearance or establishment of chronicity following acute infection. We performed viral genome-wide association studies using human and viral data from 485 patients of white ancestry infected with HCV genotype 3a. We demonstrate that combinations of host genetic variants, which determine IFN-λ4 protein production and activity, influence amino acid variation across the viral polyprotein - not restricted to specific viral proteins or HLA restricted epitopes - and modulate viral load. We also observed an association with viral di-nucleotide proportions. These results support a direct role for IFN-λ4 in exerting selective pressure across the viral genome, possibly by a novel mechanism

    Crop Updates 2000 - Oilseeds

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    This session covers seventeen papers from different authors: Introduction, Paul Carmody, Centre for Cropping Systems CANOLA AGRONOMY 2. Genotype, location and year influence the quality of canola grown across southern Australia, PingSi1, Rodney Mailer2, Nick Galwey1 and David Turner1, 1Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia, 2Agricultural Research Institute, New South Wales Agriculture 3. Development of Pioneer® Canola varieties for Australian market,Kevin Morthorpe, StephenAddenbrooke, Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia Pty Ltd 4. Canola, Erucic Acid, Markets and Agronomic Implications, Peter Nelson, The Grain Pool of Western Australia 5. The control of Capeweed in Clearfield Production System for Canola, Mike Jackson and ScottPaton, Cyanamid Agriculture Pty Ltd 6. Responsiveness of Canola to Soil Potassium Levels: How Low Do We Have To Go? Ross Brennan, Noeleen Edwards, Mike Bolland and Bill Bowden,Agriculture Western Australia 7. Adaption of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) in the Mediterranean Environment of South Western Australia, C.P. Gunasekera1, L.D. Martin1, G.H. Walton2 and K.H.M. Siddique2 1Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology, Northam, 2Agriculture Western Australia 8. Physiological Aspects of Drought Tolerance in Brassica napus and B.juncea, Sharon R. Niknam and David W. Turner, Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia 9. Cross resistance of chlorsulfuron-resistant wild radish to imidazolinones, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder Dhammu and David Bowran, Agriculture Western Australia 10. Canola Variety and PBR Update 2000, From The Canola Association of Western Australia 11. Development of a canola ideotype for the low rainfall areas of the western Australian wheat belt, Syed H. Zaheer, Nick W. Galwey and David W. Turner, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia DISEASE MANAGEMENT 12. Evaluation of fungicides for the management of blackleg in canola, Ravjit Khangura and Martin J. Barbetti, Agriculture Western Australia 13. Impact-IFÒ: Intergral in the control of Blackleg, Peter Carlton, Trials Coordinator, Elders Limited 14. Forecasting aphid and virus risk in canola, Debbie Thackray, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, Agriculture Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 15. Beet western yellow virus in canola: 1999 survey results, wild radish weed reservoir and suppression by insecticide, Roger Jones and Brenda Coutts, Agriculture Western Australia 16. Are canola crops resilient to damage by aphids and diamond back moths? Françoise Berlandier, Agriculture Western Australia ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 17. Outlook for prices and implications for rotations, Ross Kingwell1,2, Michael O’Connell1 and Simone Blennerhasset11Agriculture Western Australia 2University of Western Australi