11 research outputs found

    Characterizing the Bladderʼs Response to Onabotulinum Toxin Type A Using a Rat Model

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    To characterize the response of the rat bladder neuromuscular system to intramural injection of onabotulinum toxin type A (BoNT/A) over 9 weeks using in vivo cystometry (CMG) and in vitro contractility (IVC)

    Inhibition of Bladder Activity by 5-Hydroxytryptamine 1

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    Sprouting of substance P-expressing primary afferent central terminals and spinal micturition reflex NK1 receptor dependence after spinal cord injury

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    The primary afferent neurotransmitter triggering the spinal micturition reflex after complete spinal cord injury (SCI) in the rat is unknown. Substance P detected immunohistochemically in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus was significantly higher in 12 SCI rats than in 12 spinally intact rats (P = 0.008), suggesting substance P as a plausible candidate for the primary afferent neurotransmitter. The effects of the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist L-733060 on the spinal micturition reflex were then determined by performing conscious cystometry in an additional 14 intact rats and 14 SCI rats with L-733060 (0.1–100 μg) administered intrathecally at L6-S1. L-733060 was without effect in intact rats, but blocked the spinal micturition reflex in 10 of 14 SCI rats and increased the intermicturition interval in 2 of 4 others at doses ranging from 10 to 100 μg. Both phasic and nonphasic voiding contractions, differentiated according to the presence of phasic external urethral sphincter (EUS) activity, were present in most SCI rats. Both types of contractions were blocked by high doses of L-733060. Interestingly, there was a relative decline in phasic voiding contractions at high doses as well as a decline in contraction amplitude in nonphasic voiding contractions. In other respects, cystometric variables were largely unaffected in either spinally intact or SCI rats. L-733060 did not affect tonic EUS activity at any dose except when the spinal micturition reflex was blocked and tonic activity was consequently lost. These experiments show that tachykinin action at spinal NK1 receptors plays a major role in the spinal micturition reflex in SCI rats

    Type 1 angiotensin receptors on macrophages ameliorate IL-1 receptor–mediated kidney fibrosis

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    In a wide array of kidney diseases, type 1 angiotensin (AT1) receptors are present on the immune cells that infiltrate the renal interstitium. Here, we examined the actions of AT1 receptors on macrophages in progressive renal fibrosis and found that macrophage-specific AT1 receptor deficiency exacerbates kidney fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). Macrophages isolated from obstructed kidneys of mice lacking AT1 receptors solely on macrophages had heightened expression of proinflammatory M1 cytokines, including IL-1. Evaluation of isolated AT1 receptor–deficient macrophages confirmed the propensity of these cells to produce exaggerated levels of M1 cytokines, which led to more severe renal epithelial cell damage via IL-1 receptor activation in coculture compared with WT macrophages. A murine kidney crosstransplantation concomitant with UUO model revealed that augmentation of renal fibrosis instigated by AT1 receptor–deficient macrophages is mediated by IL-1 receptor stimulation in the kidney. This study indicates that a key role of AT1 receptors on macrophages is to protect the kidney from fibrosis by limiting activation of IL-1 receptors in the kidney