116 research outputs found

    Effects of Large Aspect Ratios and Fluctuations on Hard X-Ray-Detection in Lower Hybrid Driven Divertor Tokamaks

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    It is shown that lower hybrid wave scattering from fluctuations plays a critical role in large aspect ratio divertor plasmas even through the edge density fluctuation levels are only at 1%. This is seen in the theoretically calculated electron power-density profiles which can be directly correlated to the standard experimental chordal hard x-ray profiles. It thus seems that fluctuation effects must be included in determining rf current-density profiles

    Development of Impedance Sheath Boundary Condition in Stix Finite Element RF Code

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    Ion cyclotron radio frequency range (ICRF) power plays an important role in heating and current drive in fusion devices. However, experiments show that in the ICRF regime there is a formation of a radio frequency (RF) sheath at the material and antenna boundaries that influences sputtering and power dissipation. Given the size of the sheath relative to the scale of the device, it can be approximated as a boundary condition (BC). Electromagnetic field solvers in the ICRF regime typically treat material boundaries as perfectly conducting, thus ignoring the effect of the RF sheath. Here we describe progress on implementing a model for the RF sheath based on a finite impedance sheath BC formulated by J. Myra and D. A. D'Ippolito, Physics of Plasmas 22 (2015) which provides a representation of the RF rectified sheath including capacitive and resistive effects. This research will discuss the results from the development of a parallelized cold-plasma wave equation solver Stix that implements this non-linear sheath impedance BC through the method of finite elements in pseudo-1D and pseudo-2D using the MFEM library. The verification and comparison of the sheath BC from Stix with results from H. Kohno and J. Myra, Computer Physics Communications 220 129-142 (2017) will also be discussed.Comment: The following article has been submitted to/accepted by AIP Conference Proceedings. After it is published, it will be found at https://pubs.aip.org/aip/ac

    Effect of Fluctuations on Lower Hybrid Power Deposition and Hard X-Ray Detection

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    The hard X-ray intensity radial profiles from lower hybrid current drive experiments are interpreted as being correlated with fluctuations in the bulk plasma. This view seems to be dictated by comparing the hard X-ray data for various n║ with the Monte Carlo solutions of the lower hybrid wave energy deposition on plasma electrons. Information on internal magnetic fluctuations may, under certain conditions, be unfolded from a n║ scan of the hard X-ray profiles

    Effect of Magnetic and Density Fluctuations on the Propagation of Lower Hybrid Waves in Tokamaks

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    Lower hybrid waves have been used extensively for plasma heating, current drive, and ramp-up as well as sawteeth stabilization, The wave kinetic equation for lower hybrid wave propagation is extended to include the effects of both magnetic and density fluctuations. This integral equation is then solved by Monte Carlo procedures for a toroidal plasma. It is shown that even for magnetic/density fluctuation levels on the order of 10-4, there are significant magnetic fluctuation effects on the wave power deposition into the plasma. This effect is quite pronounced if the magnetic fluctuation spectrum is peaked within the plasma. For Alcator-C-Mod [I. H. Hutchinson and the Alcator Group, Proceedings of the IEEE 13th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (IEEE, New York, 1990), Cat. No. 89CH 2820-9, p. 13] parameters, it seems possible to be able to infer information on internal magnetic fluctuations from hard x-ray data-especially since the effects of fluctuations on electron power density can explain the hard x-ray data from the JT-60 tokamak [H. Kishimoto and JT-60 Team, in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1989), Vol. I, p. 67]

    Spectral broadening from turbulence in multiscale lower hybrid current drive simulations

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    The scattering of lower hybrid (LH) waves due to scrape-off layer (SOL) filaments is investigated. It is revealed that scattering can account for the LH spectral gap without any ad hoc modification to the wave-spectrum. This is shown using a multiscale simulation approach which allows, for the first time, the inclusion of full-wave scattering physics in ray-tracing/Fokker-Planck calculations. In this approach, full-wave scattering probabilities are calculated for a wave interacting with a statistical ensemble of filaments. These probabilities are coupled to ray-tracing equations using radiative transfer (RT) theory. This allows the modeling of scattering along the entire ray-trajectory, which can be important in the multi-pass regime. Simulations are conducted for lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) in Alcator C-Mod, resulting in excellent agreement with experimental current and hard X-ray (HXR) profiles. A region in filament parameter space is identified in which the impact of scattering on LHCD is saturated. Such a state coincides with experimental LHCD measurements, suggesting saturation indeed occurs in C-Mod, and therefore the exact statistical properties of the filaments are not important.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures. Revised to fix reference formattin

    Wave propagation and absorption in ECR plasma thrusters

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    Proceeding of: 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC), October 8-12, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USAThe physical mechanisms involved in the generation, propagation and absorption of microwaves in electron-cyclotron-resonance plasma thrusters, and their relevance in the operation of these devices, are discussed. The features of the electromagnetic waves and electron motion near the resonance region are analyzed with a one-dimensional model. The characteristics of the two-dimensional wave-plasma problem are examined, and a trade-off of different numerical models is presented as a first step toward the development of an ECR wave-plasma interaction simulation code.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union H2020 Program under grant agreement number 730028 (Project MINOTOR). Mario Merino's research visit at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was funded by the Spanish R&D National Plan under grant number ESP2016-75887-P

    Perpendicular momentum injection by lower hybrid wave in a tokamak

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    The injection of lower hybrid waves for current drive into a tokamak affects the profile of intrinsic rotation. In this article, the momentum deposition by the lower hybrid wave on the electrons is studied. Due to the increase in the poloidal momentum of the wave as it propagates into the tokamak, the parallel momentum of the wave increases considerably. The change of the perpendicular momentum of the wave is such that the toroidal angular momentum of the wave is conserved. If the perpendicular momentum transfer via electron Landau damping is ignored, the transfer of the toroidal angular momentum to the plasma will be larger than the injected toroidal angular momentum. A proper quasilinear treatment proves that both perpendicular and parallel momentum are transferred to the electrons. The toroidal angular momentum of the electrons is then transferred to the ions via different mechanisms for the parallel and perpendicular momentum. The perpendicular momentum is transferred to ions through an outward radial electron pinch, while the parallel momentum is transferred through collisions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Validation of full-wave simulations for mode conversion of waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies with phase contrast imaging in Alcator C-Mod

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    Mode conversion of fast waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is known to result in current drive and flow drive under optimised conditions, which may be utilized to control plasma profiles and improve fusion plasma performance. To describe these processes accurately in a realistic toroidal geometry, numerical simulations are essential. Quantitative comparison of these simulations and the actual experimental measurements is important to validate their predictions and to evaluate their limitations. The phase contrast imaging (PCI) diagnostic has been used to directly detect the ICRF waves in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. The measurements have been compared with full-wave simulations through a synthetic diagnostic technique. Recently, the frequency response of the PCI detector array on Alcator C-Mod was recalibrated, which greatly improved the comparison between the measurements and the simulations. In this study, mode converted waves for D-{superscript 3]He and D-H plasmas with various ion species compositions were re-analyzed with the new calibration. For the minority heating cases, self-consistent electric fields and a minority ion distribution function were simulated by iterating a full-wave code and a Fokker-Planck code. The simulated mode converted wave intensity was in quite reasonable agreement with the measurements close to the antenna, but discrepancies remain for comparison at larger distances.United States. Department of Energy (Grant DE-FG02- 94ER54235
