438 research outputs found

    The appearence of the resolved singular hypersurface {x_0}{x_1}-{{x_2}^n} =0 in the classical phase space of the Lie group SU(n)

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    A classical phase space with a suitable symplectic structure is constructed together with functions which have Poisson brackets algebraically identical to the Lie algebra structure of the Lie group SU(n). In this phase space we show that the orbit of the generators corresponding to the simple roots of the Lie algebra give rise to fibres that are complex lines containing spheres. There are n-1 spheres on a fibre and they intersect in exactly the same way as the Cartan matrix of the Lie algebra. This classical phase space bundle,being compact,has a description as a variety.Our construction shows that the variety containing the intersecting spheres is exactly the one obtained by resolving the singularities of the variety {x_0}{x_1}-{{x_2}^n}=0 in {C^3}. A direct connection between this singular variety and the classical phase space corresponding to the Lie group SU(n) is thus established.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    The Potential Impact of COVID-19 on the Asian Rural Economy: A Study Based on Asian Countries

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    In the aftermath of the recent outbreak of COVID-19, which has adversely affected rural economies across Asia, challenges of unprecedented proportions have now arisen as a result. Currently, it is pertinent to look in depth and critically at the impact of the pandemic on rural economies now. However, most previous studies ignore the above-mentioned research gap. This is especially critical to marginalized populations living on limited resources, small landowners, and migrant workers who earn low wages in an economy where fewer resources are available. There is also imperative to identify solutions that would enable member states to quickly reconstruct the rural economy sector in a sustainable way. Hence, to explore the effect of COVID-19 on the rural economies of the Asia region, we adopt a qualitative research approach. Based on this technique, our findings suggest that one of the solutions to increasing the resilience of the rural economy is the automation of the rural economy in a sustainable manner. Particularly, our findings indicate that the adoption of a sustainable and inclusive approach to automating the rural economy can enhance efficiency and speed at each stage of the supply chain. Moreover, our findings suggest that it is possible to take many measures to maximize the contribution of sustainable rural economy automation efforts. These can contribute to the recovery and resilience of the rural economy sector. Based on the above findings we provide theoretical and practical implications

    Approaching multichannel Kondo physics using correlated bosons: Quantum phases and how to realize them

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    We discuss how multichannel Kondo physics can arise in the setting of a localized level coupled to several bosonic Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid leads. We propose one physical realization involving ultracold bosonic atoms coupled to an atomic quantum dot, and a second, based on superconducting nanowires coupled to a Cooper-pair box. The corresponding zero-temperature phase diagram is determined via an interplay between Kondo-type phenomena arising from the dot and the consequences of direct inter-lead hopping, which can suppress the Kondo effect. We demonstrate that the multichannel Kondo state is stable over a wide range of parameters. We establish the existence of two nontrivial phase transitions, involving a competition between Kondo screening at the dot and strong correlations either within or between the leads (which respectively promote local number- and phase-pinning). These transitions coalesce at a self-dual multicritical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Intestine‐Specific Expression of Human Chimeric Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Attenuates Western Diet‐Induced Barrier Dysfunction and Glucose Intolerance

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    Intestinal epithelial cell derived alkaline phosphatase (IAP) dephosphorylates/detoxifies bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the gut lumen. We have earlier demonstrated that consumption of high‐fat high‐cholesterol containing western type‐diet (WD) significantly reduces IAP activity, increases intestinal permeability leading to increased plasma levels of LPS and glucose intolerance. Furthermore, oral supplementation with curcumin that increased IAP activity improved intestinal barrier function as well as glucose tolerance. To directly test the hypothesis that targeted increase in IAP would protect against WD‐induced metabolic consequences, we developed intestine‐specific IAP transgenic mice where expression of human chimeric IAP is under the control of intestine‐specific villin promoter. This chimeric human IAP contains domains from human IAP and human placental alkaline phosphatase, has a higher turnover number, narrower substrate specificity, and selectivity for bacterial LPS. Chimeric IAP was specifically and uniformly overexpressed in these IAP transgenic (IAPTg) mice along the entire length of the intestine. While IAP activity reduced from proximal P1 segment to distal P9 segment in wild‐type (WT) mice, this activity was maintained in the IAPTg mice. Dietary challenge with WD impaired glucose tolerance in WT mice and this intolerance was attenuated in IAPTg mice. Significant decrease in fecal zonulin, a marker for intestinal barrier dysfunction, in WD fed IAPTg mice and a corresponding decrease in translocation of orally administered nonabsorbable 4 kDa FITC dextran to plasma suggests that IAP overexpression improves intestinal barrier function. Thus, targeted increase in IAP activity represents a novel strategy to improve WD‐induced intestinal barrier dysfunction and glucose intolerance

    Towards Industry 4.0: increasing efficiency and effectiveness through technology integration in agriculture

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    Agricultural industries, as well as other industries, are experiencing profound changes as a result of Industry 4.0. A key enabler technology that is becoming increasingly incorporated into agricultural equipment is a combination of cyber-physical systems, machine learning, the Internet of things, robots, artificial intelligence, the cloud, and cognitive computing, which are all key enabler technologies that allow the agricultural sector to achieve this transformation. The study involved interviews and surveys of 250 professionals from a cross-section of the agriculture industry and emerging technologies. According to the results, advances in machinery have led to a considerable increase in the scale, speed, and productivity of farm equipment, which has resulted in more efficient farming. A significant improvement has also been made in the quality of seeds, resources, irrigation, and fertilizer used by farmers over the years, allowing them to increase their yields. As a conclusion, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is at the heart of Industry 4.0. AI has an important role to play in agriculture

    Catalase Deficiency Worsens Toxic Effects Of Bisphenol A (BPA) On Ovarian Steroidogenesis

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    Among the various proposed etiological factors responsible for female infertility, environmental pollutants accounts for the majority of infertility cases around the world. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of such pollutants to have strong association with variety of disorders of the female reproductive system. Several studies have linked BPA to redox homeostasis through imbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and depletion in various tissues and cell types including ovary. This crucial redox balance is maintained by antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Among these, catalase is one of such antioxidant enzymes which has highest turnover number of all such enzymes and thereby protecting the tissue from injury and damage to maintain homeostasis. But the specific effect of catalase in the BPA mediated effect on ovarian steroidogenesis is still pending. In this backdrop, the specific aim of this study was to investigate the possible outcome in the ovarian steroidogenesis in rats exposed to BPA in presence or absence of 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole (ATZ) (catalase inhibitor). Female Wistar rats aged 8 weeks were administered BPA (25 mg/kg BW/day for 9 days, intraperitonially) with or without the pretreatment of the catalase- specific inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (ATZ; 1 g/kg BW/day for 5 days, intraperitoneally). Serum level of LH, FSH, estrogen and testosterone were measured using ELISA kits. Results revealed that BPA alters the ovarian steroidogenesis as evidenced by altered level of gonadotropins and sex steroids. Catalase deficiency further worsens these BPA induced effect on ovary. In conclusion, catalase deficiency mounted additional adverse condition on BPA toxic effects on the activity of theca-interstitial cells and ovarian steroidogenesis and targeting of catalase may be of therapeutic importance in the adverse effect of BPA on ovary

    Leishmania Donovani Cell Surface Sialoglycans Regulate Susceptibility for Siglec Mediated Macrophage Invasion and Parasite Survival

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    Glycoconjugates play a pivotal role in the survival of Leishmania parasites in destructive surroundings. An important constituent present on many glycoconjugates is sialic acid. By virtue of their peripheral position on oligosaccharide chains of glycoconjugates, sialic acids are well suited as molecular determinants of specific biological processes, including the interaction of pathogenic microorganisms with sialylated cellular receptors. Differences in a2,3- and a2,6-sialoglycan patterns detected in clonal virulent Leishmania donovani promastigotes, correlated with the level of a2,3- and a2,6-sialyltransferase activity present in these parasites. The role of macrophage sialic acid-receptors in uptake and survival of L.donovani was studied in the murine macrophage cell line raw 264.7. Macrophage invasion was dependent on the binding to Siglec-1, while suppression of MAPK signaling was mediated through Siglec-5. Sialic acid removal by neuraminidase treatment reduced parasite infectivity. The presence of trypsin resistant sialic acid residues in the neuraminidase treated parasites grown in a serum free medium in presence of sialoglycoconjugates indicated that the parasites could salvage sialic acid from exogenous sialoglycans and reutilize it for de novo glycoprotein sialylation in L.donovani parasites. Thus, our results demonstrate the involvement of sialoglycans in the invasion as well as the survival process of L.donovani parasites

    The Shape Part Slot Machine: Contact-based Reasoning for Generating 3D Shapes from Parts

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    We present the Shape Part Slot Machine, a new method for assembling novel 3D shapes from existing parts by performing contact-based reasoning. Our method represents each shape as a graph of ``slots,'' where each slot is a region of contact between two shape parts. Based on this representation, we design a graph-neural-network-based model for generating new slot graphs and retrieving compatible parts, as well as a gradient-descent-based optimization scheme for assembling the retrieved parts into a complete shape that respects the generated slot graph. This approach does not require any semantic part labels; interestingly, it also does not require complete part geometries -- reasoning about the slots proves sufficient to generate novel, high-quality 3D shapes. We demonstrate that our method generates shapes that outperform existing modeling-by-assembly approaches regarding quality, diversity, and structural complexity.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 202