674 research outputs found

    Genotype × Environment Interaction and Phenotypic Stability analysis of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) in Mid-Hills of North-West Himalayas

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    Stability performance of 30 linseed genotypes including commercial cultivars and elite lines (indigenous and exotic) was compared by using regression on environmental means for grain yield and its components under 5 different environments during rabi 2013-2014. Significant differences were observed among the genotypes for all the traits studied over all 5 individual environments. Genotype × environment interactions were highly significant for all the characters studied. E + (G × E) was significant for all the characters except the number of seeds per capsule. Mean sum of squares for environment (linear) showed significance for all the characters. Significant differences for G × E (linear) were observed for 5 traits viz., primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant, aerial biomass yield per plant, seed yield per plant and 1000-seed weight. Based on mean performance, regression coefficient (bi) and deviation from regression (S2di) the genotype Him Alsi-2, KL-241 and Nagarkot was highly stable for seed yield (g) and number of capsules per plant was found most adaptive to overall environments. These promising genotypes may be utilized as donors in linseed improvement program for target ecosystems

    Genetic variation and characterization of different linseed genotypes (Linum usitatissimum L.) for agro-morphological traits

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    Forty five linseed genotypes (local collection) were subjected to study the genetic variability at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK Himachal Pradesh KrishiVishvavidyalaya, Palampur, during rabi 2015-2016. Analysis of variance revealed that the differences among all the genotypes were significant for all the traits. Mean performance of genotype KLSA-15 for seed yield recorded highest contribution of 3.69 grams. The PCV values were greater than the GCV values for all the traits studied indicating that the apparent variation is not only due to genotypes but, also due to the influence of environment. The highest PCV (64.17) and GCV (64.09) were found for biological yield per plant. Higher estimates of PCV and GCV were obtained for primary branches per plant, secondary branches per plant, capsules per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index (45.94 and 44.60) and seed yield per plant (52.39 and 50.94). All the characters studied in the present investigation expressed high heritability estimates ranging from 62.95 to 99.77 percent for technical height and biological yield per plant respectively. It was revealed that most of the traits under study showed low genetic advance, high heritability (94.23) and high genetic advance (31.06) was recorded for harvest index indicating predominance of additive gene action for this character. Simple selection based on phenotypic performance of this character would be more effective. The cluster analysis showed that the genotypes were placed into four clusters, showing inter-cluster divergence, which is important for future hybridization programme

    Urinary Ascites following Mini Lap Tubectomy: A Rare Occurence

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    Iatrogenic bladder injury is a known complication of laparoscopic and gynecological surgeries with an incidence of 1.5 per 1000 cases. Urinary ascites is a result of undiagnosed iatrogenic bladder injury during pelvic surgeries. We report a rare case of urinary ascites following mini lap tubectomy on the eighth postoperative day. After the diagnosis was made, conservative management was done for the patient, to which she successfully responded

    Fisher Information in Weighted Distributions

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    Standard inference procedures assume a random sample from a population with density fμ(x) for estimating the parameter μ. However, there are many applications in which the available data are a biased sample instead. Fisher modeled biased sampling using a weight function w(x) ¸ 0, and constructed a weighted distribution with a density fμw(x) that is proportional to w(x)fμ(x). In this paper, we assume that fμ(x) belongs to an exponential family, and study the Fisher information about μ in observations obtained from some commonly arising weighted distributions: (i) the kth order statistic of a random sample of size m, (ii) observations from the stationary distribution of the residual lifetime of a renewal process, and (iii) truncated distributions. We give general conditions under which the weighted distribution has greater Fisher information than the original distribution, and specialize to the normal, gamma, and Weibull distributions. These conditions involve the distributions\u27 hazard rate and the reversed hazard rate functions

    The radio source in Abell 980: A Detached-Double-Double Radio Galaxy?

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    It is argued that the new morphological and spectral information gleaned from the recently published LoFAR Two meter Sky Survey data release 2 (LoTSS-2 at 144 MHz) observations of the cluster Abell 980 (A980), in combination with its existing GMRT and VLA observations at higher frequencies, provide the much-needed evidence to strengthen the proposal that the cluster's radio emission comes mainly from two double radio sources, both produced by the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in two major episodes of jet activity. The two radio lobes left from the previous activity have become diffuse and developed an ultra-steep radio spectrum while rising buoyantly through the confining hot intra-cluster medium (ICM) and, concomitantly, the host galaxy has drifted to the cluster centre and entered a new active phase manifested by a coinciding younger double radio source. The new observational results and arguments presented here bolster the case that the old and young double radio sources in A980 conjointly represent a `double-double' radio galaxy whose two lobe-pairs have lost colinearity due to the (lateral) drift of their parent galaxy, making this system by far the most plausible case of a `Detached-Double-Double Radio Galaxy' (dDDRG).Comment: Accepted for publication by Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA); 10 pages, 6 figure

    Radio-relic and the diffuse emission trail discovered in a low mass galaxy cluster Abell 1697

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    We report the discovery of a putative radio relic, 830 kpc in length and found toward the outskirts of galaxy cluster Abell 1697 (z=0.181z=0.181), using the LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) at 144 MHz. With an X-ray-inferred mass of M500Xray=2.90.7+0.8×1014 MM_{500}^{X-ray}=2.9^{+0.8}_{-0.7}\times10^{14}~\rm{M_{\odot}}, this places Abell 1697 among the least massive relic hosts. The relic is also detected at 325 MHz in the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) and at 1.4 GHz in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) with an average spectral index of α(144,325,1400 MHz)=0.98±0.01\alpha(144,325,1400~\rm{MHz})=-0.98\pm0.01 and magnetic field of Beq0.6 μB_{eq}\sim0.6~\muG. This relic, located in the northeast periphery of the cluster, is 300 kpc wide, exhibits a gradual spectral steepening across the width (α144MHz1.4GHz(inj)=0.70±0.11\alpha_{144 \rm{MHz}}^{1.4\rm{GHz}}(inj)=-0.70\pm0.11 to α144MHz1.4GHz(edge)=1.19±0.15\alpha_{144 \rm{MHz}}^{1.4\rm{GHz}}(edge)=-1.19\pm0.15), as well as indications of a co-spatial X-ray (ROSAT) shock and the radio relic emission. The radio power of the relic is P1.4GHz=8.5±1.1×1023 W  Hz1P_{1.4GHz}=8.5\pm1.1\times10^{23}~\rm{W\;Hz^{-1}}, which is found to be in good agreement with the expected empirical correlation between the radio power and Largest Linear Size (LLS) of relics. The relic is trailed by extended (790×550790\times550 kpc) diffuse radio emission towards the cluster center, that is likely an ultra-steep spectrum (α144MHz1.4GHz<1.84\alpha_{144 \rm{MHz}}^{1.4\rm{GHz}}<-1.84) radio source. This structure is also found to be older by at least 190 Myrs, has a very low surface brightness of 0.3 μ0.3~\muJy arcsec2^{-2} and magnetic field Beq0.8 μB_{eq}\sim0.8~\muG, similar to that of a radio phoenix. Finally, we discuss the possible mechanisms responsible for the relic and the trailing diffuse radio emission, invoking re-acceleration due to wake turbulence, as well as the revival of fossil electrons from an old AGN activity by the cluster merger shocks.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&