1,714 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Adhesive Ankle Strapping Upon The Motor Performance Of Selected Male College Freshmen By Use Of Selected Motor Ability Tests

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    It was the purpose of this study (1) to find the significance, if any, of adhesive ankle strapping, excluding the preventive factor that is usually involved, and (2) to determine the effect, either positive, negative, or none, of a specific type of adhesive ankle strapping upon the motor performance of male college freshmen at Appalachian State Teachers College

    A Genetic Screen For Wnt Signaling Factors That Regulate Drosophila Melanogaster Nociception

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    Nociception is the process by which sensory neurons in the periphery detect noxious stimuli and cause behavioral responses. The mechanisms behind the transduction of noxious sensory stimuli and the resulting behavior are still not fully known. In order to determine Wnt-signaling molecules’ roles in the regulation of nociceptor neuron function, we have compiled a list of candidate Wnt signaling genes based on literature and gene ontology. To ensure that RNAi knock down occurs specifically in nociceptor neurons, we will cross the RNAi transgenic fly lines with fly lines that carry the ppk-GAL4 transgene, a driver line that causes expression of UAS transgenes specifically in nociceptor neurons. We will test the larval progeny of these crosses with a well-established thermal nociception assay. We expect to find knocking down specific genes of interest will produce 1) hypersensitivity to noxious stimuli; 2) insensitivity to noxious stimuli; or 3) no change in responses to noxious stimuli. Once we have identified candidate genes that suggest the regulation of nociceptive function based on their behavioral responses, we can complete further analysis to identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms of how these genes control nociceptor function

    Cross Cultural Collaboration With Novgorod And North Carolina: A Fulbright Scholar Project (Poster)

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    During this Fulbright U.S. Scholar award project in Russia during the 2019-2020 academic year, Dr. Paul Wallace worked with colleagues at Novgorod State University (NovSU) in Veliky Novgorod on the development of a multidisciplinary Graduate Certificate Program in International Leadership

    A model-based multithreshold method for subgroup identification

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    Thresholding variable plays a crucial role in subgroup identification for personalizedmedicine. Most existing partitioning methods split the sample basedon one predictor variable. In this paper, we consider setting the splitting rulefrom a combination of multivariate predictors, such as the latent factors, principlecomponents, and weighted sum of predictors. Such a subgrouping methodmay lead to more meaningful partitioning of the population than using a singlevariable. In addition, our method is based on a change point regression modeland thus yields straight forward model-based prediction results. After choosinga particular thresholding variable form, we apply a two-stage multiple changepoint detection method to determine the subgroups and estimate the regressionparameters. We show that our approach can produce two or more subgroupsfrom the multiple change points and identify the true grouping with high probability.In addition, our estimation results enjoy oracle properties. We design asimulation study to compare performances of our proposed and existing methodsand apply them to analyze data sets from a Scleroderma trial and a breastcancer study

    Older Adults’ Preferences For Religion/Spirituality In Treatment For Anxiety And Depression

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    Objectives: To examine patient preferences for incorporating religion and/or spirituality into therapy for anxiety or depression and examine the relations between patient preferences and religious and spiritual coping styles, beliefs and behaviors.Method: Participants (66 adults, 55 years or older, from earlier studies of cognitive-behavioral therapy for late-life anxiety and/or depression in primary care) completed these measures by telephone or in-person: Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Client Attitudes Toward Spirituality in Therapy, Patient Interview, Brief Religious Coping, Religious Problem Solving Scale, Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith, and Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness and Spirituality. Spearman’s rank-order correlations and ordinal logistic regression examined religious/spiritual variables as predictors of preferences for inclusion of religion or spirituality into counseling. Results: Most participants (77–83%) preferred including religion and/or spirituality in therapy for anxiety and depression. Participants who thought it was important to include religion or spirituality in therapy reported more positive religious-based coping, greater strength of religious faith, and greater collaborative and less self-directed problem-solving styles than participants who did not think it was important.Conclusion: For individuals like most participants in this study (Christians), incorporating spirituality/religion into counseling for anxiety and depression was desirable

    The Growth And Development Of Education In Watauga County

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    The purpose of this study is to give the history of the development of education in Watauga County, North Carolina, from the beginning of education in the county to 1950. An attempt is also made to compare the development of education in Watauga County with the state as a whole, and to offer practical suggestions for improving and developing the school system

    Reaching Millennials With Nursing History

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    The North Carolina Nursing History (NCNH) website, a comprehensive, award-winning, and rich educational resource, was developed by nursing and library faculty and staff at Appalachian State University and is being used by nursing faculty and students. Most of today's students prefer to learn with online tools. The advantages of using a digital nursing history website include access to an abundance and diversity of historical content in a student-friendly format

    The visual rhetoric of narrative

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    In her essay “On Narrativity in the Visual Field: A Psychoanalytic View of Velázquez’s Las Meninas,” Efrat Biberman asks: “Does narrativity by definition contradict visuality, and if so, why is it so prevalent in the context of painting?” (Narrative 14.3 (2006): 237-253, at 237) As one of the primary objectives of my painting is eliciting narrative potential through my images, the question of whether a visual experience is compatible with narrativity—something typically associated with the more temporal tradition of literature—is particularly relevant to my work and thus forms the subject of my critical essay. My initial investigations into narratology and the theories of Roland Barthes and Gerald Prince make clear that the concepts of narrativity are applicable not solely to the written word, but also to the visual arena. As Marie-Laure Ryan writes in her essay “The Modes of Narrativity and Their Visual Metaphors,” “reconstructing the plot is as fundamental to the understanding of the narrative text as identifying the depicted object is to the mental processing of a representational artwork.” (Style 26.3, (1992): 368-387 at 370) Concepts such as the micro-narrative and the macro-narrative, as discussed in Ryan’s piece, speak to the subjectivity by which viewers decipher narratives found in a work of art and touch upon one of the foundational impulses behind the art-making process throughout human history. As a painter, the act of painting is integral to the process of discovery that occurs as I find my way to a finished composition. My recent body of work is primarily figurative, though the figures exist in an ambiguous picture plane along with abstract patterns, scrawled text and gestural marks that trace the evolution of the final image. I often work in the diptych format, echoing the panels found in comics and graphic novels and referencing both the passage of time and a binary narrative relationship. The figures that inhabit my paintings are based on personal and historical photographs and, recently, video stills taken with my phone. The relationship between photography and painting as exemplified by artists such as Luc Tuymans, Gehardt Richter, and Peter Doig has opened a direction for experimentation:. by enlarging images found in photographs and rendering them in paint on canvas, the photographed moment is re-contextualized as a work of art directly linked to the figurative tradition of painting, and quite literally given new life through the act of painting, divorced from mechanical methods. The image has been transformed through the artist’s particular handling of paint, and given meaning through the simple fact of having been selected from innumerable choices. The images that I arrive at in my paintings suggest narratives that touch on themes of memory, history, masculinity, alienation, fatherhood, and our complex relationship with the natural world

    Aggression affects distributions and hybrid zone expansion in montane Plethodon salamanders

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    Ecologists have long been interested in the mechanisms that drive the distribution of closely related species. Often overlapping congeneric species do not differ enough in their uses of space and food resources to prevent competition. Over time, insufficient resource partitioning can result in the evolution of an interference mechanisms such as aggression. Aggressive interactions are a well-documented form of competition among Plethodon salamanders, and has been shown to affect their distributions. The Nantahala Mountain range of western North Carolina is the site of contact between P. shermani and P. teyahalee along an elevational gradient. Hybridization occurs between these two species at intermediate elevations. A long-term study suggests that the hybrid zone is expanding at the expense of both parentals’ ranges.I used field enclosures and laboratory behavioral trials to investigate whether elevation-dependent competition and aggressive behavior are influential in delineating the vertical distributions of the parental species, and provide a mechanism driving hybrid zone expansion. I found that P. shermani was more aggressive than hybrids or P. teyahalee, suggesting that interference competition has maintained the distribution of P. shermani at the high elevations. Hybrids exhibited aggressiveness that was intermediate to the parentals, and hybrids may be competitively superior to P. teyahalee. I submit competitive exclusion as the primary mechanism driving the downward hybrid expansion

    Never fully right

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    In my sculptural paintings, which I refer to as Hybrids, the covering/uncovering relationship between the beautiful and the repulsive elements is a metaphor for art’s attempt to reveal Truth, which Heidegger describes in terms of the relationship between the “world” and “earth”. Referencing James Turrell’s work in regards to my volumetric light sculpture, I will demonstrate how it seeks to free the individual from the weight of maintaining a self-constructed reality, allowing one to experience temporary freedom from self and be open to the light of revelation. In further pursuit of this objective, my work enters the realm of time and sound based media. I will discuss three videos, one about the anxiety of maintaining a self-constructed reality, one about the search for truth of being, and one that aims specifically at experiencing what Heidegger calls Dasein, a primordial state of being in the world. For comparison I will examine Stan Brakhage’s experimentations with visual perception and the act of seeing
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