644 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyalahgunaan dana bagi fakir miskin dahn bagaimana sanksi pidana bagi pelaku penyalahgunaan dana bagi fakir miskin. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Penyalahgunaan dana bagi fakir miskin terjadi apabila orang atau korporasi menyalahgunakan yang bersumber dari sumber pendanaan seperti Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara, Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah, dana yang disisihkan dari perusahaan perseroan, dana hibah baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, dan sumber dana lain yang sah dan tidak mengikat. Penyalahgunaan dana bagi fakir miskin akan terjadi apabila pengawasan tidak berjalan dengan baik oleh pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, lembaga non pmerintah dan masyarakat. 2. Sanksi pidana kepada pelaku penyalahgunaan dana fakir miskin dapat dikenakan terhadap perorangan dan korporasi. Bagi perorangan diberlakukan ancaman pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah), sedangkan korporasi diberlakukan pidana denda paling banyak Rp.750.000.000,00 (tujuh ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) serta sanksi pidana terhadap tindak pidana korupsi yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya apabila menimbulkan kerugian bagi negara.Kata kunci: Tindak Pidana, Penyalahgunaan Dana, Fakir Miskin

    Larval fish dynamics in the shallow nearshore of Eastern Algoa Bay with particular emphasis on the effects of currents and swimming abilities on dispersal

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    The larval fish assemblage in the shallow, nearshore region of a proposed marine protected area (MPA) in eastern Algoa Bay, temperate South Africa was investigated. Current velocities and direction and the swimming abilities of late-stage larvae were further assessed to determine potential larval movement to and from the MPA. In total, 6045 larval fishes were collected along two depth contours (~5m and ~15m) in the shallow nearshore of eastern Algoa Bay using stepped-oblique bongo net tows, twice per season for two years (March 2005 – January 2007). These larvae represented 32 families and 78 species. The Gobiidae, Cynoglossidae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae and Sparidae were the dominant fish families. Catches varied significantly between seasons peaking in spring with a mean of 64 larvae/100m3. Preflexion stage larvae dominated catches (75%). All developmental stages of Diplodus capensis, Engraulis capensis, Heteromycteris capensis, Sardinops sagax and Pomadasys species were found in the study area. It appears that these species use the shallow nearshore as a nursery area. Analysis of 12 months (May 2006 – May 2007) data from a bottom-moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler within the study area showed that offshore south eastward (39%) and onshore north westward currents (33%) dominated. The south westward current (15%) and north eastward current (12%) occurred less frequently. Current velocity decreased with depth in the nearshore, with a mean velocity of ~29 cms⁻¹ recorded at a depth of 4 m and a mean velocity of ~11 cms⁻¹ recorded at a depth of 14 m. Understanding the dispersal and movement of marine fish larvae in coastal habitats requires knowledge of active swimming abilities. The critical speed and endurance swimming of late stage larvae of two common inshore species occurring in the study area, Diplodus capensis and Sarpa salpa (Family Sparidae), were measured in a laboratory swimming chamber. The mean U-crit value for D. capensis (18.6 cms⁻¹) was similar to that of S. salpa (18.0 cms⁻¹), whereas mean endurance (km swum) was greater in S. salpa (8.4 km) than D. capensis (5.9 km). These swimming abilities exceed the average current velocities observed in the shallow nearshore providing larvae with the ability to greatly alter their passive dispersal trajectories and ultimately influence their distribution in the nearshore

    La compleja historia natural de las fases tempranas del pez marino y ocasional estuárico Solea turbynei (Soleidae) en una región templada de Sudáfrica

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    The early life history stages and ecology of Solea turbynei, a marine estuarine-opportunist species, is described from nursery areas in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Early life history stages were collected over multiple years from known nursery habitats using plankton, fyke and larval seine nets. The larvae are described using morphometric measurements, meristic counts and pigmentation based on 29 individuals. Solea turbynei is differentiated from other Soleidae by the small size at flexion (3-4 mm), low myomere count and presence of two characteristic blotches of pigment on the dorsal fin. This species has a unique early life history strategy in that the larvae progressively span nearshore, surf zone and estuarine habitats with ontogeny. Abundance of preflexion stages peaks in summer in nearshore waters, indicative of peak spawning period but preflexion larvae are present throughout the year, indicating protracted spawning by adults. At flexion stage, larvae utilize surf zones where metamorphosis and settlement takes place. Early juveniles migrate into the sandy lower reaches of estuaries, after which fish take up residency to adulthood. Warm water is important for larval growth and survival in the nearshore, while turbidity shows a positive relationship with recruitment into estuarine nurseries.En este estudio describimos la ecología y fases de desarrollo temprano de Solea turbynei, una especie marina y ocasionalmente estuárica, en áreas de cría en Algoa Bay, Sudáfrica. Se recogieron larvas durante años en áreas conocidas de cría usando redes de plancton, trampas mareales y redes de cerco. Las larvas se describen a partir de medidas morfométricas, número de miómeros y pigmentación de 29 individuos. Solea turbynei se diferencia de otros Soleidae por su pequeño tamaño en la fase deflexión (3-4 mm), su bajo número de miómeros y la presencia de dos manchas características en la aleta dorsal. Esta especie presenta una estrategia vital única en la cual las larvas alcanzan progresivamente la zona costera, la zona de rompiente y los hábitats estuarinos a lo largo de su desarrollo. La abundancia de las fases de pre-flexión en aguas costeras alcanza su pico en verano, indicando un periodo de máxima reproducción, pero estas larvas en pre-flexión se encuentran durante todo el año, lo cual es indicativo de un alargado periodo de reproducción. En la fase de flexión las larvas realizan la metamorfosis y el asentamiento en las zonas de rompiente. Los primeros estados juveniles migran hacia las zonas bajas de fondos arenosos de los estuarios, para después convertirse en adultos. Una temperatura cálida del agua es importante para el crecimiento y la supervivencia de las larvas en la zona costera, mientras que la turbidez muestra una relación positiva con el reclutamiento en las zonas de cría de los estuarios