2,572 research outputs found

    A 5-kW xenon ion thruster lifetest

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    The results of the first life test of a high power ring-cusp ion thruster are presented. A 30-cm laboratory model thruster was operated steady-state at a nominal beam power of 5 kW on xenon propellant for approximately 900 hours. This test was conducted to identify life-timing erosion modifications, and to demonstrate operation using simplified power processing. The results from this test are described including the conclusions derived from extensive post-test analyses of the thruster. Modifications to the thruster and ground support equipment, which were incorporated to solve problems identified by the lifetest, are also described

    Microanalysis of extended-test xenon hollow cathodes

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    Four hollow cathode electron sources were analyzed via boroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x ray analysis, and x ray diffraction analysis. These techniques were used to develop a preliminary understanding of the chemistry of the devices that arise from contamination due to inadequate feed-system integrity and improper insert activation. Two hollow cathodes were operated in an ion thruster simulator at an emission current of 23.0 A for approximately 500 hrs. The two tests differed in propellant-feed systems, discharge power supplies, and activation procedures. Tungsten deposition and barium tungstate formation on the internal cathode surfaces occurred during the first test, which were believed to result from oxygen contamination of the propellant feed-system. Consequently, the test facility was upgraded to reduce contamination, and the test was repeated. The second hollow cathode was found to have experienced significantly less tungsten deposition. A second pair of cathodes examined were the discharge and the neutralizer hollow cathodes used in a life-test of a 30-cm ring-cusp ion thruster at a 5.5 kW power level. The cathodes' test history was documented and the post-test microanalyses are described. The most significant change resulting from the life-test was substantial tungsten deposition on the internal cathode surfaces, as well as removal of material from the insert surface. In addition, barium tungstate and molybdate were found on insert surfaces. As a result of the cathode examinations, procedures and approaches were proposed for improved discharge ignition and cathode longevity

    Process for thermal imaging scanning of a swaged heater for an anode subassembly of a hollow cathode assembly

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    A process for thermal imaging scanning of a swaged heater of an anode subassembly of a hollow cathode assembly, comprising scanning a swaged heater with a thermal imaging radiometer to measure a temperature distribution of the heater; raising the current in a power supply to increase the temperature of the swaged heater; and measuring the swaged heater temperature using the radiometer, whereupon the temperature distribution along the length of the heater shall be less than plus or minus 5 degrees C

    Process for testing a xenon gas feed system of a hollow cathode assembly

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    The design and manufacturing processes for Hollow Cathode Assemblies (HCA's) that operate over a broad range of emission currents up to 30 Amperes, at low potentials, with lifetimes in excess of 17,500 hours. The processes include contamination control procedures which cover hollow cathode component cleaning procedures, gas feed system designs and specifications, and hollow cathode activation and operating procedures to thereby produce cathode assemblies that have demonstrated stable and repeatable operating conditions, for both the discharge current and voltage. The HCA of this invention provides lifetimes of greater than 10,000 hours, and expected lifetimes of greater than 17,500 hours, whereas the present state-of-the-art is less than 500 hours at emission currents in excess of 1 Ampere. Stable operation is provided over a large range of operating emission currents, up to a 6:1 ratio, and this HCA can emit electron currents of up to 30 Amperes in magnitude to an external anode that simulates the current drawn to a space plasma, at voltages of less than 20 Volts

    Foraminiferal Evidence of Late Holocene Sea-Level Change and Amerindian Site Distribution at Montague Harbour, British Columbia

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    Foraminiferal and sedimentological analysis of an underwater stratigraphie section from an Amerindian habitation site at Montague Harbour, British Columbia has further documented late Holocene sea level changes. It appears that part of the documented transgression was caused by tectonic subsidence of the area (Event 1 at approx. 3500 calendar years BP and Event 2 sometime before 1100 calendar years BP) and was recognized in the stratigraphie record by rapid environmental changes. The environmental changes caused by rapid shifts in water depth were recognized through sedimentological and foraminiferal evidence. The tectonic subsidence events, coupled with gentle late Holocene transgression, caused the breaching of Montague Harbour's northwestern channel. The breaching of the channel improved water circulation and increased salinity within the harbour. The salinity changes are reflected in the shift from a low salinity Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) phenotype "clavata" dominated biofacies (1) at the base of the section to a higher salinity Buccella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) and Elphidiella hannai (Cushman and Grant, 1927) dominated biofacies (2) at the top. These sea-level changes would have eventually forced local Amerindian settlements inland. The 14C dating of wood and shell, indicates that the recovery of archaeological remains of the Charles culture (ca.6500-3200 years BP) requires investigation in deeper waters.L'analyse des foraminifères et des sédiments d'une coupe stratigraphique sous-marine d'un habitat amérindien a permis d'accroître les connaissances sur les changements du niveau marin. Il semble qu'une partie de la transgression connue ait été causée par une subsidence de nature tectonique (1er épisode vers 3500 cal. BP et 2e épisode un peu avant 1100 cal. BP) qui a entraîné des changements environnementaux rapides consignés dans la stratigraphie. Les sédiments et les foraminifères ont en effet enregistré les changements rapides de la profondeur de l'eau. Les épisodes de subsidence, accompagnés par une transgression modérée à l'Holocène supérieur, ont provoqué la formation d'une brèche dans le chenal nord-ouest du Montague Harbour, qui a facilité la circulation des eaux et fait augmenter la salinité à l'intérieur du havre. Ce changement de salinité s'est manifesté par le remplacement du biofaciès (1) de faible salinité dominé par Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) type « clavata », à la base de la coupe, par le biofaciès (2) de forte salinité dominé par Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) et Elphidiella hannai (Cushman et Grant, 1927) au sommet. Les changements du niveau marin ont forcé les Amérindiens à déménager vers l'intérieur. La datation au 14C sur bois et coquille montre que la récupération de vestiges archéologiques de la culture Charles (ca 6500-3200 BP) devra se faire en eaux plus profondes.Die Foraminiferen- und Sediment-Analyse eines stratigraphischen Unterwasserabschnitts von einer Indianer-Siedlung am Montague Harbour, British Columbia, hat weitere Belege ùber Meeresniveauwechsel im spàten Holozàn geliefert. Es scheint, daB ein Teil der dokumentierten Transgression durch tekton-ische Senkung des Gebiets verursacht wurde (Ereignis 1 urn circa 3500 Kalenderjahre v.u.Z. und Ereignis 2 irgendwann vor 1100 Kalenderjahren v.u.Z.) und in dem stratigraphischen Beleg durch rasche Umweltverànderungen kenntlich wurde. Die durch schnelle Wechsel der Wassertiefe verursachten Umweltverànderungen sind durch Sediment- und Foraminiferen-Belege aufgezeichnet worden. Die Episoden tektonischer Senkung verursachten zusammen mit einer sanften Transgression im spàten Holozàn die Bildung einer Bresche im nordwestlichen Kanal von Montague Harbour. Die Bresche im Kanal verbesserte die Wasserzirkulation und erhôhte den SaIzgehalt im Hafen. Die Verànderungen im Salzgehalt spiegeln sich im Wechsel von einer Biofazies (1) mit einem niedrigen Salzgehalt beherrscht von Cribroelphidium excavatum (Terquem, 1876) des Phânotypus "clavata" an der Basis des Schnittes, zu einer Biofazies (2) mit hôherem Salzgehalt, beherrscht von Bucella tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) und Elphidiella hannai (Cushman und Grant, 1927) an der Spitze. Diese Meeresniveau-Wechsel haben wohl die ôrtlichen indianischen Siedlungen gezwungen, landeinwàrts zu Ziehen. Die '4C-Datierung von HoIz und Muscheln zeigt, daB das Auffinden von archàologischen Spuren der Charles-Kultur (ca. 6500-3200 Jahre v.u.Z.) eine Suche in tieferen Wassern erfordert

    Ion Thruster Development at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    Recent ion propulsion technology efforts at NASA's Lewis Research Center including development of kW-class xenon ion thrusters, high power xenon and krypton ion thrusters, and power processors are reviewed. Thruster physical characteristics, performance data, life projections, and power processor component technology are summarized. The ion propulsion technology program is structured to address a broad set of mission applications from satellite stationkeeping and repositioning to primary propulsion using solar or nuclear power systems

    Foraminiferal Evidence of Younger Dryas Age Cooling on the British Columbia Shelf

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    Cluster analysis of foraminifera from a ~12,000-9000 radiocarbon year old piston core from Goose Island Trough, Queen Charlotte Sound, indicates that a cold interval correlative with the Younger Dryas stadial occurred during a shallow water phase. The reduction in depth was caused by the passage across the area, between 11,500 and 10,000 years BP, of a glacial forebulge associated with the retreat of the Late Wisconsinian ice sheets. Published sedimentological evidence indicate that water depths decreased to ~75-90 m, placing the site above the permanent North Pacific pycnocline (100 m). Low salinity-near glacial conditions, at these depths, between -11,100 and 10,000 years BP were recognized by abundant populations of Cassidulina reniforme and lslandiella helenae. This cold interval has also been recognized in cores from elsewhere in Queen Charlotte Sound. The depressed salinity and temperature may have resulted from a modification of regional weather patterns. Decreased mean continental summer temperatures could have reduced the seasonal influence of the North Pacific High and lengthened that of the Aleutian Low. This would have resulted in a near continuous onshore surface Ekman transport and enhanced coastal runoff, effectively blocking the movement onto the shelf of deep, saline, warm water of the California Undercurrent. The resultant isolated inshore basin comprised of present-day Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound is tentatively named the "Hecate Sea". By ~10,000 years BP, weather and ocean circulation had returned to near modern patterns as indicated by the disappearance of lslandiella helenae and by the development of an Epistominella vitrea - dominated biofacies.L'analyse des groupements effectuée sur des populations de foraminifères d'une carotte à piston couvrant la période de 12 000 à 9000 ans BP, provenant du Goose Island Trough, dans le bassin de la Reine-Charlotte, démontre l'existence d'un intervalle froid contemporain du Dryas récent. Il coïncide avec une phase à bathymétrie réduite qui résulte du déplacement vers l'est, entre 11 500 et 10 000 ans BP, du bombement isostatique associé à l'Inlandsis de la Cordillière à la suite de son retrait. Des données sédimentologiques publiées montrent que la profondeur a diminué jusqu'à ~75-90 m, amenant le site étudié au-dessus de la pycnocline permanente du Pacifique Nord (100 m). L'existence de conditions hyposalines de type glaciaire, à ces profondeurs, entre 11 100 et 10 000 ans BP ont été reconnues grâce à la présence d'assemblages à Cassidulina reniforme et lslandiella helenae. Cet intervalle froid a également été reconnu ailleurs dans le bassin de la Reine-Charlotte. Les salinités et les températures réduites sont peut-être le résultat d'un changement dans les configurations météorologiques régionales. Des températures estivales plus basses sur le continent auraient réduit l'influence saisonnière de l'anticyclone du Pacifique Nord et rallongé celle de la dépression des Aloutiennes. Ceci aurait engendré un transport d'Ekman de surface quasi permanent vers la côte et provoqué une augmentation des précipitations, ayant eu pour effet de bloquer la remontée des eaux salées et tièdes du sous-courant de Californie. Nous proposons d'appeler « Mer d'Hécate » le bassin côtier ainsi créé comprenant l'actuel détroit d'Hécate et le bassin de la Reine-Charlotte. Dès avant ~10 000 ans BP, les circulations atmosphérique et océanique étaient revenues à une configuration presque moderne.Die Analyse der Foraminiferen-Anhàufungen von einem -12,000-9000 Radiokarbonjahre alten Bohrkern von Goose Island Trough im Queen Charlotte Sund zeigt, daB ein kaltes Intervall gleichzeitig mit dem jùngeren Dryas-Stadium wàhrend einer Phase seichten Wassers eintrat. Die Verringerung der Tiefe wurde durch die Passage einer glazialen Emporwôlbung zwischen 11,500 und 10,000 Jahren v.u.Z. quer durch das Gebiet bewirkt, zusammen mit dem Rùckzug der Eisdecken vom spàten Wisconsinium. Die verôfent-lichten sedimentologischen Belege zeigen, daf3 die Wassertiefen auf -75-90 m abnahmen, und so den Platz ùber die stàndige Dichte-Gradient des Nordpazifik (100 m) stellten. Fast glaziale Bedingungen mit niedrigem Salzgehalt wurden in diesen Tiefen zwischen -11,100 und 10,000 Jahren v.u.Z. auf Grund von reichlichen Populationen von Cassidulina reniforme und lslandiella helenae erkannt. Der verringerte Salzgehalt und die niedrigere Temperatur kônnten auch durch eine Ànderung der regionalen Wetterkonstellationen bewirkt worden sein. Gesunkene durchschnittliche kontinentale Sommertemperaturen kônnten den jahreszeitlichen EinfluB des nordpazifischen Hochs verringert und den des atlantischen Tiefs verlàngert haben. Das kônnte einen fast kontinuierlichen Ekman-Transport an der Oberflâche zur Kùste hin bewirkt und die Kùsten-Niederschlàge verstàrkt haben, und so ware die Bewegung von tiefem, salzhaltigem warmem Wasser der kalifornischen Unterstromung zur Terrasse hin blockiert worden. Das daraus resultierende isolierte Binnen-Becken, bestehend aus der heutigen Hecate-Meerenge und dem Queen Charlotte Sund, wird probeweise "Hecate Sea" genannt. Um -10,000 Jahre v.u.Z. sind Wetter und Ozeanstromung zu nahezu modernen Mustern zuruckgekehrt

    Space Station Cathode Design, Performance, and Operating Specifications

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    A plasma contactor system was baselined for the International Space Station (ISS) to eliminate/mitigate damaging interactions with the space environment. The system represents a dual-use technology which is a direct outgrowth of the NASA electric propulsion program and, in particular, the technology development efforts on ion thruster systems. The plasma contactor includes a hollow cathode assembly (HCA), a power electronics unit, and a xenon gas feed system. Under a pre-flight development program, these subsystems were taken to the level of maturity appropriate for transfer to U.S. industry for final development. NASA's Lewis Research Center was subsequently requested by ISS to manufacture and deliver the engineering model, qualification model, and flight HCA units. To date, multiple units have been built. One cathode has demonstrated approximately 28,000 hours lifetime, two development unit HCAs have demonstrated over 10,000 hours lifetime, and one development unit HCA has demonstrated more than 32,000 ignitions. All 8 flight HCAs have been manufactured, acceptance tested, and are ready for delivery to the flight contractor. This paper discusses the requirements, mechanical design, performance, operating specifications, and schedule for the plasma contactor flight HCAs

    Influence of GABA and GABA-producing Lactobacillus brevis DPC 6108 on the development of diabetes in a streptozotocin rat model

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    peer-reviewedThe aim of this study was to investigate if dietary administration of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-producing Lactobacillus brevis DPC 6108 and pure GABA exert protective effects against the development of diabetes in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Sprague Dawley rats. In a first experiment, healthy rats were divided in 3 groups (n=10/group) receiving placebo, 2.6 mg/kg body weight (bw) pure GABA or L. brevis DPC 6108 (~109microorganisms). In a second experiment, rats (n=15/group) were randomised to five groups and four of these received an injection of STZ to induce type 1 diabetes. Diabetic and non-diabetic controls received placebo [4% (w/v) yeast extract in dH2O], while the other three diabetic groups received one of the following dietary supplements: 2.6 mg/kg bw GABA (low GABA), 200 mg/kg bw GABA (high GABA) or ~109 L. brevis DPC 6108. L. brevis DPC 6108 supplementation was associated with increased serum insulin levels (P0.05), compared with non-diabetic controls while all other diabetic groups displayed reduced diversity (P<0.05). L. brevis DPC 6108 attenuated hyperglycaemia induced by diabetes but additional studies are needed to understand the mechanisms involved in this reduction.The authors and their work were supported by the APC Microbiome Institute. The APC Microbiome Institute is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). This publication has emanated from research supported by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2273