105 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Posterior Segment Vascular Disease Phenotype of a Mouse Model, rnv3, Is Dependent on the Crb1rd8 Allele.

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    Purpose: To determine the molecular basis of lesion development in a murine model of spontaneous retinal vascularization, rnv3 (retinal vascularization 3, aka JR5558). Methods: Disease progression of rnv3 was examined in longitudinal studies by clinical evaluation, electroretinography (ERG) and light microscopy analyses. The chromosomal position for the recessive rnv3 mutation was determined by DNA pooling and genome-wide linkage analysis. The causative mutation was discovered by comparison of whole exome sequences of rnv3 mutant and wild-type (WT) controls. In order to confirm the causative mutation, transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated oligonucleotide directed repair (ODR) was utilized to correct the mutant allele. Phenotypic correction was assessed by fundus imaging and optical coherence tomography of live mice. Results: rnv3 exhibits early-onset, multifocal depigmented retinal lesions observable by fundus examination starting at 18 days of age. The retinal lesions are associated with fluorescein leakage around 25 days of age, with peak leakage at about 4 weeks of age. ERG responses deteriorate as rnv3 mutants age, concomitant with progressive photoreceptor disruption and loss that is observable by histology. Genetic analysis localized rnv3 to mouse chromosome (Chr) 1. By high throughput sequencing of a whole exome capture library of a rnv3/rnv3 mutant and subsequent sequence analysis, a single base deletion (del) in the Crb1 [crumbs family member 1] gene, which was previously reported to cause retinal degeneration 8, was identified. The TALEN-mediated ODR rescued the posterior segment vascularization phenotype; heterozygous Crb1rd8+em1Boc/Crb1rd8 and homozygous Crb1rd8+em1Boc/Crb1rd8+em1Boc mice showed a normal retinal phenotype. Additionally, six novel disruptions of Crb1 that were generated through aberrant non-homologous end joining induced by TALEN exhibited variable levels of vascularization, suggesting allelic effects. Conclusions: The rnv3 model and the models of six novel disruptions of Crb1 are all reliable, novel mouse models for the study of both early and late events associated with posterior segment vascularization and can also be used to test the effects of pharmacological targets for treating human ocular vascular disorders. Further study of these models may provide a greater understanding about how different Crb1 alleles result in aberrant angiogenesis

    Disruption in murine Eml1 perturbs retinal lamination during early development.

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    During mammalian development, establishing functional neural networks in stratified tissues of the mammalian central nervous system depends upon the proper migration and positioning of neurons, a process known as lamination. In particular, the pseudostratified neuroepithelia of the retina and cerebrocortical ventricular zones provide a platform for progenitor cell proliferation and migration. Lamination defects in these tissues lead to mispositioned neurons, disrupted neuronal connections, and abnormal function. The molecular mechanisms necessary for proper lamination in these tissues are incompletely understood. Here, we identified a nonsense mutation in the Eml1 gene in a novel murine model, tvrm360, displaying subcortical heterotopia, hydrocephalus and disorganization of retinal architecture. In the retina, Eml1 disruption caused abnormal positioning of photoreceptor cell nuclei early in development. Upon maturation, these ectopic photoreceptors possessed cilia and formed synapses but failed to produce robust outer segments, implying a late defect in photoreceptor differentiation secondary to mislocalization. In addition, abnormal positioning of Müller cell bodies and bipolar cells was evident throughout the inner neuroblastic layer. Basal displacement of mitotic nuclei in the retinal neuroepithelium was observed in tvrm360 mice at postnatal day 0. The abnormal positioning of retinal progenitor cells at birth and ectopic presence of photoreceptors and secondary neurons upon maturation suggest that EML1 functions early in eye development and is crucial for proper retinal lamination during cellular proliferation and development

    Mouse Model Resources for Vision Research

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    The need for mouse models, with their well-developed genetics and similarity to human physiology and anatomy, is clear and their central role in furthering our understanding of human disease is readily apparent in the literature. Mice carrying mutations that alter developmental pathways or cellular function provide model systems for analyzing defects in comparable human disorders and for testing therapeutic strategies. Mutant mice also provide reproducible, experimental systems for elucidating pathways of normal development and function. Two programs, the Eye Mutant Resource and the Translational Vision Research Models, focused on providing such models to the vision research community are described herein. Over 100 mutant lines from the Eye Mutant Resource and 60 mutant lines from the Translational Vision Research Models have been developed. The ocular diseases of the mutant lines include a wide range of phenotypes, including cataracts, retinal dysplasia and degeneration, and abnormal blood vessel formation. The mutations in disease genes have been mapped and in some cases identified by direct sequencing. Here, we report 3 novel alleles of Crxtvrm65, Rp1tvrm64, and Rpe65tvrm148 as successful examples of the TVRM program, that closely resemble previously reported knockout models

    Deficiency in Lyst function leads to accumulation of secreted proteases and reduced retinal adhesion.

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    Chediak-Higashi syndrome, caused by mutations in the Lysosome Trafficking Regulator (Lyst) gene, is a recessive hypopigmentation disorder characterized by albinism, neuropathies, neurodegeneration, and defective immune responses, with enlargement of lysosomes and lysosome-related organelles. Although recent studies have suggested that Lyst mutations impair the regulation of sizes of lysosome and lysosome-related organelle, the underlying pathogenic mechanism of Chediak-Higashi syndrome is still unclear. Here we show striking evidence that deficiency in LYST protein function leads to accumulation of photoreceptor outer segment phagosomes in retinal pigment epithelial cells, and reduces adhesion between photoreceptor outer segment and retinal pigment epithelial cells in a mouse model of Chediak-Higashi syndrome. In addition, we observe elevated levels of cathepsins, matrix metallopeptidase (MMP) 3 and oxidative stress markers in the retinal pigment epithelium of Lyst mutants. Previous reports showed that impaired degradation of photoreceptor outer segment phagosomes causes elevated oxidative stress, which could consequently lead to increases of cysteine cathepsins and MMPs in the extracellular matrix. Taken together, we conclude that the loss of LYST function causes accumulation of phagosomes in the retinal pigment epithelium and elevation of several extracellular matrix-remodeling proteases through oxidative stress, which may, in turn, reduce retinal adhesion. Our work reveals previously unreported pathogenic events in the retinal pigment epithelium caused by Lyst deficiency. The same pathogenic events may be conserved in other professional phagocytic cells, such as macrophages in the immune system, contributing to overall Chediak-Higashi syndrome pathology

    Genetic Interaction between Mfrp and Adipor1 Mutations Affect Retinal Disease Phenotypes

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    Adipor1tm1Dgen and Mfrprd6 mutant mice share similar eye disease characteristics. Previously, studies established a functional relationship of ADIPOR1 and MFRP proteins in maintaining retinal lipidome homeostasis and visual function. However, the independent and/or interactive contribution of both genes to similar disease phenotypes, including fundus spots, decreased axial length, and photoreceptor degeneration has yet to be examined. We performed a gene-interaction study where homozygous Adipor1tm1Dgen and Mfrprd6 mice were bred together and the resulting doubly heterozygous F1 offspring were intercrossed to produce 210 F2 progeny. Four-month-old mice from all nine genotypic combinations obtained in the F2 generation were assessed for white spots by fundus photo documentation, for axial length by caliper measurements, and for photoreceptor degeneration by histology. Two-way factorial ANOVA was performed to study individual as well as gene interaction effects on each phenotype. Here, we report the first observation of reduced axial length in Adipor1tmlDgen homozygotes. We show that while Adipor1 and Mfrp interact to affect spotting and degeneration, they act independently to control axial length, highlighting the complex functional association between these two genes. Further examination of the molecular basis of this interaction may help in uncovering mechanisms by which these genes perturb ocular homeostasis

    A missense mutation in Pitx2 leads to early-onset glaucoma via NRF2-YAP1 axis.

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    Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, affecting 70 million people worldwide. Owing to the similarity in anatomy and physiology between human and mouse eyes and the ability to genetically manipulate mice, mouse models are an invaluable resource for studying mechanisms underlying disease phenotypes and for developing therapeutic strategies. Here, we report the discovery of a new mouse model of early-onset glaucoma that bears a transversion substitution c. G344T, which results in a missense mutation, p. R115L in PITX2. The mutation causes an elevation in intraocular pressure (IOP) and progressive death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC). These ocular phenotypes recapitulate features of pathologies observed in human glaucoma. Increased oxidative stress was evident in the inner retina. We demonstrate that the mutant PITX2 protein was not capable of binding to Nuclear factor-like 2 (NRF2), which regulates Pitx2 expression and nuclear localization, and to YAP1, which is necessary for co-initiation of transcription of downstream targets. PITX2-mediated transcription of several antioxidant genes were also impaired. Treatment with N-Acetyl-L-cysteine exerted a profound neuroprotective effect on glaucoma-associated neuropathies, presumably through inhibition of oxidative stress. Our study demonstrates that a disruption of PITX2 leads to glaucoma optic pathogenesis and provides a novel early-onset glaucoma model that will enable elucidation of mechanisms underlying the disease as well as to serve as a resource to test new therapeutic strategies

    A Splicing Mutation in Slc4a5 Results in Retinal Detachment and Retinal Pigment Epithelium Dysfunction

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    Fluid and solute transporters of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are core components of the outer blood-retinal barrier. Characterizing these transporters and their role in retinal homeostasis may provide insights into ocular function and disease. Here, we describe RPE defects in tvrm77 mice, which exhibit hypopigmented patches in the central retina. Mapping and nucleotide sequencing of tvrm77 mice revealed a disrupted 5\u27 splice donor sequence in Slc4a5, a sodium bicarbonate cotransporter gene. Slc4a5 expression was reduced 19.7-fold in tvrm77 RPE relative to controls, and alternative splice variants were detected. SLC4A5 was localized to the Golgi apparatus of cultured human RPE cells and in apical and basal membranes. Fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography, microscopy, and electroretinography (ERG) of tvrm77 mice revealed retinal detachment, hypopigmented patches corresponding to neovascular lesions, and retinal folds. Detachment worsened and outer nuclear layer thickness decreased with age. ERG a- and b-wave response amplitudes were initially normal but declined in older mice. The direct current ERG fast oscillation and light peak were reduced in amplitude at all ages, whereas other RPE-associated responses were unaffected. These results link a new Slc4a5 mutation to subretinal fluid accumulation and altered light-evoked RPE electrophysiological responses, suggesting that SLC4A5 functions at the outer blood-retinal barrier

    Identification of Arhgef12 and Prkci as genetic modifiers of retinal dysplasia in the Crb1rd8 mouse model.

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    Mutations in the apicobasal polarity gene CRB1 lead to diverse retinal diseases, such as Leber congenital amaurosis, cone-rod dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa (with and without Coats-like vasculopathy), foveal retinoschisis, macular dystrophy, and pigmented paravenous chorioretinal atrophy. Limited correlation between disease phenotypes and CRB1 alleles, and evidence that patients sharing the same alleles often present with different disease features, suggest that genetic modifiers contribute to clinical variation. Similarly, the retinal phenotype of mice bearing the Crb1 retinal degeneration 8 (rd8) allele varies with genetic background. Here, we initiated a sensitized chemical mutagenesis screen in B6.Cg-Crb1rd8/Pjn, a strain with a mild clinical presentation, to identify genetic modifiers that cause a more severe disease phenotype. Two models from this screen, Tvrm266 and Tvrm323, exhibited increased retinal dysplasia. Genetic mapping with high-throughput exome and candidate-gene sequencing identified causative mutations in Arhgef12 and Prkci, respectively. Epistasis analysis of both strains indicated that the increased dysplastic phenotype required homozygosity of the Crb1rd8 allele. Retinal dysplastic lesions in Tvrm266 mice were smaller and caused less photoreceptor degeneration than those in Tvrm323 mice, which developed an early, large diffuse lesion phenotype. At one month of age, Müller glia and microglia mislocalization at dysplastic lesions in both modifier strains was similar to that in B6.Cg-Crb1rd8/Pjn mice but photoreceptor cell mislocalization was more extensive. External limiting membrane disruption was comparable in Tvrm266 and B6.Cg-Crb1rd8/Pjn mice but milder in Tvrm323 mice. Immunohistological analysis of mice at postnatal day 0 indicated a normal distribution of mitotic cells in Tvrm266 and Tvrm323 mice, suggesting normal early development. Aberrant electroretinography responses were observed in both models but functional decline was significant only in Tvrm323 mice. These results identify Arhgef12 and Prkci as modifier genes that differentially shape Crb1-associated retinal disease, which may be relevant to understanding clinical variability and underlying disease mechanisms in humans

    Myosin 6 Is Required for Iris Development and Normal Function of the Outer Retina

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    PURPOSE. To determine the molecular basis and the pathologic consequences of a chemically induced mutation in the translational vision research models 89 (tvrm89) mouse model with ERG defects. METHODS. Mice from a G3 N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis program were screened for behavioral abnormalities and defects in retinal function by ERGs. The chromosomal position for the recessive tvrm89 mutation was determined in a genome-wide linkage analysis. The critical region was refined, and candidate genes were screened by direct sequencing. The tvrm89 phenotype was characterized by circling behavior, in vivo ocular imaging, detailed ERG-based studies of the retina and RPE, and histological analysis of these structures. RESULTS. The tvrm89 mutation was localized to a region on chromosome 9 containing Myo6. Sequencing identified a TC point mutation in the codon for amino acid 480 in Myo6 that converts a leucine to a proline. This mutation does not confer a loss of protein expression levels; however, mice homozygous for the Myo6 tvrm89 mutation display an abnormal iris shape and attenuation of both strobe-flash ERGs and direct-current ERGs by 4 age weeks, neither of which is associated with photoreceptor loss. CONCLUSIONS. The tvrm89 phenotype mimics that reported for Myosin6-null mice, suggesting that the mutation confers a loss of myosin 6 protein function. The observation that homozygous Myo6 tvrm89 mice display reduced ERG a-wave and b-wave components, as well as components of the ERG attributed to RPE function, indicates that myosin 6 is necessary for the generation of proper responses of the outer retina to light

    A Murine Rp1 Missense Mutation Causes Protein Mislocalization and Slowly Progressive Photoreceptor Degeneration

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    Mutations in the RP1 gene can cause retinitis pigmentosa. We identified a spontaneous L66P mutation caused by two adjacent point mutations in the Rp1 gene in a colony of C57BL/6J mice. Mice homozygous for the L66P mutation exhibited slow, progressive photoreceptor degeneration throughout their lifespan. Optical coherence tomography imaging found abnormal photoreceptor reflectivity at 1 month of age. Histology found shortening and disorganization of the photoreceptor inner and outer segments and progressive thinning of the outer nuclear layer. Electroretinogram a- and b-wave amplitudes were decreased with age. Western blot analysis found that the quantity and size of the mutated retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1) protein were normal. However, immunohistochemistry found that the mutant Rp1 protein partially mislocalized to the transition zone of the shortened axonemes. This mutation disrupted colocalization with cytoplasmic microtubules in vitro. In conclusion, the L66P mutation in the first doublecortin domain of the Rp1 gene impairs Rp1 protein localization and function, leading to abnormalities in photoreceptor outer segment structure and progressive photoreceptor degeneration. This is the first missense mutation in Rp1 shown to cause retinal degeneration. It provides a unique, slowly progressive photoreceptor degeneration model that mirrors the slow degeneration kinetics in most patients with retinitis pigmentosa