15 research outputs found

    Problems of specialist translations on examples of texts from domains like biology, biotechnology and medicine

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    This article deals with the analysis of problems in translation of EU directives from English into Polish. The examples were taken from three directives regulating medicine, biology and biotechnology-related matters. The authors have discussed the translation problems and classified mistakes and errors identified in the Polish-language versions and have given their translation suggestions. A short description of characteristic features of selected problems has been given. The authors also discuss the main roots of problems occurring in translations of texts formulated in more than one LSP. This article deals with the analysis of problems in translation of EU directives from English into Polish. The examples were taken from three directives regulating medicine, biology and biotechnology-related matters. The authors have discussed the translation problems and classified mistakes and errors identified in the Polish-language versions and have given their translation suggestions. A short description of characteristic features of selected problems has been given. The authors also discuss the main roots of problems occurring in translations of texts formulated in more than one LSP

    Sodium Iodate Selectively Injuries the Posterior Pole of the Retina in a Dose-Dependent Manner: Morphological and Electrophysiological Study

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    Sequential morphological and functional features of retinal damage in mice exposed to different doses (40 vs. 20 mg/kg) of sodium iodate (NaIO3) were analyzed. Retinal morphology, apoptosis (TUNEL assay), and function (electroretinography; ERG) were examined at several time points after NaIO3 administration. The higher dose of NaIO3 caused progressive degeneration of the whole retinal area and total suppression of scotopic and photopic ERG. In contrast, the lower dose induced much less severe degeneration in peripheral part of retina along with a moderate decline of b- and a-wave amplitudes in ERG, corroborating the presence of regions within retina that retain their function. The peak of photoreceptor apoptosis was found on the 3rd day, but the lower dose induced more intense reaction within the central retina than in its peripheral region. In conclusion, these results indicate that peripheral area of the retina reveals better resistance to NaIO3 injury than its central part

    Plant-Derived Terpenoids: A Promising Tool in the Fight against Melanoma

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    Melanoma is responsible for the highest number of skin cancer-caused deaths worldwide. Despite the numerous melanoma-treating options, the fight against it remains challenging, mainly due to its great heterogeneity and plasticity, as well as the high toxicity of standard drugs. Plant-derived terpenoids are a group of plant defense molecules that have been proven effective in killing many different types of cancer cells, both in in vitro experiments and in vivo models. In this review, we focus on recent results in the search for plant terpenoids with anti-melanoma activity. We also report on the synergistic action of combining terpenoids with other plant-derived substances, MAP kinase inhibitors, or radiation. Additionally, we present examples of terpenoid-loaded nanoparticle carriers as anti-melanoma agents that have increased permeation through the cancer tissue

    The Role of Mitochondria Dysfunction in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Colorectal Cancer

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is one of the leading gut chronic inflammation disorders, especially prevalent in Western countries. Recent research suggests that mitochondria play a crucial role in IBD development and progression to the more severe disease—colorectal cancer (CRC). In this review, we focus on the role of mitochondrial mutations and dysfunctions in IBD and CRC. In addition, main mitochondria-related molecular pathways involved in IBD to CRC transition are discussed. Additionally, recent publications dedicated to mitochondria-targeted therapeutic approaches to cure IBD and prevent CRC progression are discussed

    Plant-Derived Terpenoids: A Promising Tool in the Fight against Melanoma

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    Melanoma is responsible for the highest number of skin cancer-caused deaths worldwide. Despite the numerous melanoma-treating options, the fight against it remains challenging, mainly due to its great heterogeneity and plasticity, as well as the high toxicity of standard drugs. Plant-derived terpenoids are a group of plant defense molecules that have been proven effective in killing many different types of cancer cells, both in in vitro experiments and in vivo models. In this review, we focus on recent results in the search for plant terpenoids with anti-melanoma activity. We also report on the synergistic action of combining terpenoids with other plant-derived substances, MAP kinase inhibitors, or radiation. Additionally, we present examples of terpenoid-loaded nanoparticle carriers as anti-melanoma agents that have increased permeation through the cancer tissue

    Translation Problems in Polish Language Versions of EU Directives Regulating Medicine and Biology Related Issues

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    The paper analyzes errors occurring in English-Polish translations of EU directives in the fields of medicine, biology and biotechnology. It presents examples of translation problems, by quoting text samples from the original English versions and providing incorrect translations, followed by alternative translations suggested by the authors, who have also provided a brief description of particular error types. Terminological and phraseological errors often result from the insufficient knowledge of a particular field. Other problems or errors discussed in the paper stem from the translation strategies applied, as well as syntactic and grammatical differences between Polish and English. They also occur due to poor expertise in a particular field and unfamiliarity with the principles of specialist translation.W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę błędów występujących w tłumaczeniu dyrektyw unijnych z zakresu medycyny, biologii i biotechnologii z języka angielskiego na polski. Zaprezentowano przykłady problemów tłumaczeniowych zaczerpniętych z wersji angielskiej wraz z ich błędnym tłumaczeniem, jak również wersję tłumaczenia proponowaną przez autorki. Następnie przedstawiono również krótką charakterystykę poszczególnych rodzajów błędów. Błędy terminologiczne i frazeologiczne są często wynikiem nieznajomości dziedziny, jakiej dotyczył tłumaczony tekst. Inne zaprezentowane w artykule błędy lub problemy wynikają ze sposobu tłumaczenia, różnic składniowych oraz gramatycznych języka angielskiego i polskiego, jak również są uwarunkowane nieznajomością tłumaczonej dziedziny i zasad przekładu tekstów sformułowanych w języku specjalistycznym

    Favipiravir in Therapy of Viral Infections

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    Favipiravir (FPV) is a novel antiviral drug acting as a competitive inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), preventing viral transcription and replication. FPV was approved in Japan in 2014 for therapy of influenza unresponsive to standard antiviral therapies. FPV was also used in the therapy of Ebola virus disease (EVD) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetic parameters, toxicity, and adverse effects of FPV, as well as clinical studies evaluating the use of FPV in the therapy of influenza virus (IV) infection, EVD, and SARS-CoV-2 infection, along with its effectiveness in treating other human RNA infections

    Translation or non-Translation? Borrowings from English in the Polish Language of Biotechnology

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    The paper deals with the impact of English on the Polish language of biotechnology on the basis of the analyzed linguistic material from academic course books, scientific articles, Internet publications, encyclopedias and dictionaries. About 220 terms from the field of biotechnology have been analyzed. The selected examples encompass calques, hybrids and exotics (direct borrowings) which squeeze the existing Polish terms out of usage. The authors put forward a thesis that the globalization of science results in the fact that English (which is a language of international communication, conference language and the language of scientific publications of worldwide importance) influences national languages of special purposes and contributes to the creation of Polish-English professional pidgin. The problem of meaning transfer in the process of English term borrowing has been discussed as well. In the majority of cases there is no expansion, restriction or any other change of meaning observed.utorki badają wpływ języka angielskiego na polski język biotechnologii na podstawie analizy materiału językowego zawartego w podręcznikach akademickich, artykułach naukowych, publikacjach internetowych, encyklopediach i słownikach. W wyniku analizy przygotowano listę ok. 220 terminów z zakresu biotechnologii. Wybrane przykłady obejmują kalki, hybrydy oraz egzotyki, które w wielu przypadkach wypierają wcześniej istniejące rodzime polskie terminy. Autorki wysuwają hipotezę, iż globalizacja nauki sprawia, że język angielski, który stał się językiem komunikacji międzynarodowej, językiem konferencyjnym, a także językiem publikacji naukowych o znaczeniu światowym, wywiera znaczący wpływ na języki specjalistyczne i przyczynia się do powstawania polsko-angielskiego pidginu zawodowego. Omówiono także problem przeniesienia znaczenia terminu angielskiego przy procesie zapożyczania przez język polski. W większości przypadków nie odnotowano sytuacji zawężenia, poszerzenia ani innego rodzaju zmiany znaczenia