33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the state of the body on the traditional and vegetable nutrition

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    The article deals the influence of traditional and plant nutrition on the human body. The authors of a number of tasks, such as rejection of animal products for a certain period of time and assessment of the state of the organism after the experiment. The aim of this work is to assess the state of the organism on vegetable nutrition and its comparison with the state of the organism on a traditional diet. This article analyzes how the overall condition of the body and the results of analyses. On the basis of the study authors are given objective results on progress, proved the importance of the consumption of animal products for normal activity of organism.В данной статье рассмотрено влияние традиционного и растительного питания на организм человека. Авторами ставится ряд задач, таких как отказ от продуктов животного происхождения на определенный промежуток времени и оценка состояние организма после эксперимента. Целью данной работы является оценка состояния организма на растительном питании и сравнение его с состоянием организма на традиционном питании. В статьеанализируется как общее состояние организма, так и результаты анализов. На основе проведенного исследования авторами даются объективные результаты о проделанной работе, доказывается важность употребления продуктов животного происхождения для нормальной жизнедеятельности организма

    Дистанционное и радиолокационное исследование ледника Левый Ирбисту (Южно-Чуйский хребет, Республика Алтай)

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    To determine changes of glacier No. 31 (SU5A15106031), happened in the beginning of the XXI century, satellite images, obtained from the Landsat-7, 8, 9 and Sentinel-2 satellites in different years, were analyzed. As a result, data on the glacier changes were obtained for the period from 2000 to 2022. During this time, the length of the main stream of the glacier decreased by 144 m (6.8%), and the total area of the entire glacier – by 0.089 km2 (9.7%). The rate of retreat of the glacier front varied from 2 to 15 m/year, on average – 6.5 m/year, and the glacier area decreased by on average of 0.004 km2/year. In 2022, the glacier consisted of two separate ice streams, with a total area of 0.823 km2 and a maximum length of 1.955 km. Aerial photography was carried out using a DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter. A high-resolution orthophotoplan (±5 cm), a digital terrain model, a three-dimensional model of the surface of the glacier tongue and adjacent territories, with a total area of 0.25 km2, were made. Radar sounding was performed by the Python-3 georadar in two configurations: at frequencies 50 and 100 MHz. Two cross-sections of the glacier were constructed from the radar data: one was taken at a frequency of 100 MHz, and the second at both – 50 MHz and 100 MHz. The analysis of the radiogram of these profiles made possible to reveal that the larger thickness of the glacier in the study area was measured along the left side of the glacier tongue, the maximum recorded thickness was equal to 66 mНа основе данных ДЗЗ за 2000–2022 гг. выявлено изменение малого ледника № 31 (SU5A15106031), расположенного на Южно-Чуйском хребте Центрального Алтая. За это время ледник сократился на 144 м (на 6.8%) и потерял 0.089 км2 (9.7%) своей площади. Приведены результаты аэрофотосъёмки и радиолокационного зондирования нижней части языка ледника, выполненных в 2022 г

    Transparent carbon coatings of ultra fine diamond

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    115-118Low-temperature method for depositing ultra fine diamond (UFD) films by a simple wet chemical route is presented. The UFD is produced from detonation synthesis of explosive substances. These nano-sized diamond particles under specific conditions formed stable suspension with analogous properties as sols. The organic suspensions of UFD had low values of surface tension and could easily wet different substrates to form films by dipping technique. The surface of the substrates and the effects of the organic medium stimulated a structural organization. The action of different forces during wetting caused the desegregation of particles, which culminated in even distribution on the substrate. The spectral investigation in UV-VIS-IR region showed that the films had diamond-like optical properties. It was found that glasses became more transparent with these UFD coatings on them. Efficiency of cutting tools was also found to increase significantly with the use of UFD coating on them

    Protective Insulating Films and Methods for Their Preparation

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    В данной статье рассмотрены материалы и методы нанесения защитных диэлектрических покрытий, а именно полимерных и оксидных покрытий. Представлены результаты исследований оксидных покрытий ZrO2 и TiO2, полученных экстракционно-пиролитическим методомThis article describes the materials and methods of applying protective dielectric coatings, namely polymer and oxide coatings. The results of investigations of oxide coatings ZrO2, and TiO2, obtained by extraction-pyrolytic metho

    Solar Cell Based on Copper (I) Oxide, and Cadmium Tin Oxide

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.As a solar cell a heterostructure has been proposed that consists of an anode copper oxide Cu2O and a transparent conductive layer Cd—Sn—O obtained via extraction-pyrolytic method. The heterostructure is formed on a copper substrate by means of anodic oxidation with further applying a transparent conductive oxide film. An increase in the efficiency of the Cu2O/Cd–Sn–O element compared with Cu–Cu2O structure has been shown to be possible

    Solar Cell Based on Copper (I) Oxide, and Cadmium Tin Oxide

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.As a solar cell a heterostructure has been proposed that consists of an anode copper oxide Cu2O and a transparent conductive layer Cd—Sn—O obtained via extraction-pyrolytic method. The heterostructure is formed on a copper substrate by means of anodic oxidation with further applying a transparent conductive oxide film. An increase in the efficiency of the Cu2O/Cd–Sn–O element compared with Cu–Cu2O structure has been shown to be possible


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    Antifosfolipidnyi sindrom (AFS) – simptomo- kompleks, proyavlyayushchiisya trombozom sosudov razlichnoi lokalizatsii i kalibra pri obyazatel'nom nalichii v krovi antifosfolipidnykh antitel (aFL) [1]. K serologicheskim markeram AFS, soglasno mezhdunarodnym diagnosticheskim kriteriyam, otneseny: antitela k kardiolipinu (aKL) i/ili volchanochnyi antikoagulyant (VA), i/ili antitela k β2-glikoproteinu 1 (anti-β2-GP 1). V zavisimosti ot pozitivnosti po aFL rekomendovano stratifitsirovat' bol'nykh AFS po sleduyushchim kategoriyam: I – vyyavlenie bolee odnogo laboratornogo markera (v lyuboi kombinatsii); IIa – tol'ko VA; IIb – tol'ko aKL; IIc – tol'ko anti-β2-GP 1 [2

    Evaluation of the state of the body on the traditional and vegetable nutrition

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    The article deals the influence of traditional and plant nutrition on the human body. The authors of a number of tasks, such as rejection of animal products for a certain period of time and assessment of the state of the organism after the experiment. The aim of this work is to assess the state of the organism on vegetable nutrition and its comparison with the state of the organism on a traditional diet. This article analyzes how the overall condition of the body and the results of analyses. On the basis of the study authors are given objective results on progress, proved the importance of the consumption of animal products for normal activity of organism.В данной статье рассмотрено влияние традиционного и растительного питания на организм человека. Авторами ставится ряд задач, таких как отказ от продуктов животного происхождения на определенный промежуток времени и оценка состояние организма после эксперимента. Целью данной работы является оценка состояния организма на растительном питании и сравнение его с состоянием организма на традиционном питании. В статьеанализируется как общее состояние организма, так и результаты анализов. На основе проведенного исследования авторами даются объективные результаты о проделанной работе, доказывается важность употребления продуктов животного происхождения для нормальной жизнедеятельности организма