12 research outputs found

    Hypothetical model to explain the non-monotonous relationship between fitness cost and the number of R copies, and the minimum cost centered on three copies per chromosome.

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    <p>Under this hypothesis, the overall fitness cost (red triangles) is the result of two opposite functions: the cost associated with G119S mutation (light gray circles) and the cost due to the change in gene dosage (dark gray squares). The first of these costs is negatively correlated with the number of R copies. Thus, larger numbers of R copies are associated with lower costs. By contrast, the second cost is positively correlated with the number of R copies. Note that the shapes of each function and their interaction are unknown.</p

    Number of <i>ace-1</i> copies in KisumuP, AcerkisR<sup>3</sup>, AgRR5 strains and in the Baguida [RR] population.

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    <p>Boxes indicate <i>ace-1</i> to <i>Rps7</i> gene concentration ratios (advanced relative quantification method, LightCycler 480 software 1.5.0). The significance of ratio differences between strains is indicated (***, <i>p</i> < 0.001). Underlying data can be found in DRYAD <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4f7qg" target="_blank">http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4f7qg</a>.</p

    Life history traits for the KisumuP (SS), AcerkisR<sup>3</sup> (R<sup>3</sup>R<sup>3</sup>) and AgRR5 (R<sup>5</sup>R<sup>5</sup>) strains.

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    <p>(A) <i>Larval mortality</i>: the proportion of larvae surviving at each development stage is presented, from hatching to emergence (L<sub>i</sub> is the larval stage <i>i</i>); "+" indicates the proportion of emerged adults. (B) <i>Development time</i>: the proportion of emerged adults on each day after the start of the experiment is presented for each genotype; arrows indicate the mean development time of each genotype. (C) <i>Female fecundity</i>: the mean number of larvae per female in each strain is presented with its standard error; the significance of differences in fertility is indicated (n.s., <i>p</i> > 0.05; **, <i>p</i> < 0.01). Underlying data can be found in DRYAD <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4f7qg" target="_blank">http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4f7qg</a>.</p

    Geographic distribution of <i>kdr</i>, <i>Ester</i>, <i>ace-1</i> and <i>Rdl</i> resistant alleles in Mayotte.

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    <p>For each sample, the frequencies of resistant alleles (<i>kdr</i><sup><i>R</i></sup>, <i>ace-1</i><sup><i>R</i></sup>, <i>Rdl</i><sup><i>R</i></sup>) or phenotypes ([Ester<sup>2</sup>]) are represented in black sectors in a circle. The shaded areas approximately correspond to the statistical groups observed (see text), with a scaled shade of gray ranging from 0 (white) to 1 (black) corresponding to the mean frequency of the corresponding group.</p