1 research outputs found

    Time series of behavior states during baseline and controlled exposure experiments from 12 DTAG records

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    Data set used to model effects of sonar and killer whale sound playbacks on sperm whale state-switching, probability of buzzing and locomotion effort in 1-min time steps. Each row represents 1-min time steps. Columns give the identifier for each tagged whale (tagid), seconds since tag-on (sfromtot), depth at the start of the 1-min bin (depth), estimated behavior state (state; 1-surface, 2-descent, 3-layer restricted search, 4-ascent, 5-drifting, 6-active non-foraging), probability of the state (state_prob), presence/absence of terminal echolocation buzz (buzz), locomotion effort measured by overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA), and experimental phase (experiment). The remaining columns show candidate exposure covariates, as described in Table 2 of the manuscript