17 research outputs found

    Mise en evidence de l'action neurotrophique de l'hormone adrenocorticotrope (ACTH) et etude de ses mecanismes

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Rôle de la protéine phosphatase 1 dans les mécanismes d'action de la cocaïne et implication des modifications épigénétiques dans sa régulation

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    La consommation répétée de drogues induit une plasticité cérébrale, qui pourrait sous-tendre le développement de la dépendance. La protéine phosphatase de type 1 (PP1) étant un acteur majeur de ces processus, nous nous sommes intéressés à sa régulation par la cocaïne. Nous avons montré qu un traitement chronique par la cocaïne induit la répression du gène codant la sous-unitécatalytique b de PP1 (PP1Cb), via l hyperméthylation de sa région promotrice et le recrutement de la protéine de liaison à l ADN méthylé, Mecp2. Cette répression, observée dans les principales structures du système de récompense du Rat, pourrait favoriser l état phosphorylé des récepteurs NMDA et AMPA du glutamate et du facteur de transcription CREB, potentialisant ainsi les effets de la cocaïne. PP1 étant souvent considérée comme un régulateur négatif de la mémoire, sa répression pourrait également favoriser la mémorisation du contexte et des habitudes liés à la drogue. L expression de PP1Cb a ensuite été analysée en réponse à des injections passives ou volontaires de cocaïne dans un test de conditionnement opérant, l auto-administration intraveineuse. Étonnamment, une répression similaire de PP1Cb est observée quel que soit le mode d administration de la cocaïne. Son expression est par contre différente lorsque la cocaïne est remplacée par de la nourriture : elle est induite par le conditionnement opérant, sans être affectée par une distribution passive de nourriture. Le gène PP1Cb participe donc sans doute aux neuroadaptations différentielles induites par les drogues et les récompenses naturelles, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension des effets à long terme des drogues.Repeated intake of drugs of abuse is known to induce brain plasticity, which may underlie the development of drug addiction. Protein phosphatase type-1 (PP1) is one of the key proteins involved in brain plasticity mechanisms. We therefore studied its regulation in response to repeated cocaine intake by rats. The gene encoding the b catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1Cb) was found to be repressed by chronic cocaine treatment, through a mechanism involving DNA methylation of the PP1Cb 5 -end followed by the recruitment of the methyl binding protein Mecp2. This repression was observed in the major brain structures of the reward system and probably favors the phosphorylation state of NMDA and AMPA glutamatergic receptors and of CREB transcriptionfactor, thus further increasing cocaine effects. PP1 is also known as a negative regulator of memory formation. Its repression by cocaine may therefore potentiate the memorization of cocaine-related habits and context. PP1Cb expression was next compared in response to passive vs voluntary cocaine injections in an operant intravenous cocaine self-administration paradigm. Surprisingly, a similar repression of PP1Cb was found, independently on the cocaine administration mode. A completely different pattern of expression was observed when cocaine administration was replaced by food intake, as PP1Cb expression was increased during food operant self-administration, but not in response to passive food delivery. Taken together, our data suggest that PP1Cb participates to the differential neuroadaptations induced by drugs of abuse and natural rewards. They shed somenew light on the long-term mechanisms induced by drugs of abuse.STRASBOURG-Bib.electronique 063 (674829902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Alternative splicing and promoter usage generates an intracellular stromelysin 3 isoform directly translated as an active matrix metalloproteinase

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    International audienceHuman stromelysin 3 (ST3) is a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) that has been implicated in cancer progression and in various tissue remodeling processes. Unlike most MMPs, ST3 is characterized by a distinct substrate specificity and a specific regulation and is not directly involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In the present study, we have identified an additional ST3 gene promoter that is accessible to nuclear factors such as C/EBP and retinoic acid receptors. This human specific promoter is inducible and controls the expression of a novel ST3 transcript called the beta-ST3 that is expressed in cultured cells and in placenta. This transcript encodes a 40-kDa ST3 isoform that lacks both the signal peptide common to all secreted MMPs and the prodomain that normally maintains enzyme latency. Consistent with the lack of a signal peptide, the beta-ST3 was found to be intracellular. The relative amount of the extracellular alpha-ST3 isoform was about 20-fold higher than that of the intracellular ST3 isoforms, as estimated by Western blot analysis. Furthermore, recombinant beta-ST3 produced in Escherichia coli exhibits a proteolytic activity against alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, a substrate previously shown to be inactivated by the alpha-ST3. Therefore, although it was thought that all MMPs were synthesized as inactive zymogens and functioned extracellularly, this is the first MMP isoform reported that is generated by alternative promoter usage and directly translated as an active enzyme. Although the intracellular function of the beta-ST3 remains to be investigated, these data support the idea that the functions of MMPs are not restricted to the extracellular space

    Epigenetic regulation of circadian clocks and its involvement in drug addiction

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    Based on studies describing an increased prevalence of addictive behaviours in several rare sleep disorders and shift workers, a relationship between circadian rhythms and addiction has been hinted for more than a decade. Although circadian rhythm alterations and molecular mechanisms associated with neuropsychiatric conditions are an area of active investigation, success is limited so far, and further investigations are required. Thus, even though compelling evidence connects the circadian clock to addictive behaviour and vice-versa, yet the functional mechanism behind this interaction remains largely unknown. At the molecular level, multiple mechanisms have been proposed to link the circadian timing system to addiction. The molecular mechanism of the circadian clock consists of a transcriptional/translational feedback system, with several regulatory loops, that are also intricately regulated at the epigenetic level. Interestingly, the epigenetic landscape shows profound changes in the addictive brain, with significant alterations in histone modification, DNA methylation, and small regulatory RNAs. The combination of these two observations raises the possibility that epigenetic regulation is a common plot linking the circadian clocks with addiction, though very little evidence has been reported to date. This review provides an elaborate overview of the circadian system and its involvement in addiction, and we hypothesise a possible connection at the epigenetic level that could further link them. Therefore, we think this review may further improve our understanding of the etiology or/and pathology of psychiatric disorders related to drug addiction

    Inhibition of histone deacetylases in rats self-administering cocaine regulates lissencephaly gene-1 and reelin gene expression, as revealed by microarray technique

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    Injection of the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TsA) to rats has been shown to decrease their motivation to self-administer cocaine. In the present study, we investigated alterations in gene expression patterns in the anterior cingulate cortex and nucleus accumbens of rats self-administering cocaine and treated with TsA. Using oligonucleotide microarrays, we identified 722 probe sets in the cortex and 136 probe sets in the nucleus accumbens that were differentially expressed between vehicle and TsA-treated rats that self-administered cocaine. Microarray data were validated by real-time PCR for seven genes. Using immunohistochemistry, we further investigated the expression of Lis1 and reelin genes, because (i) they were similarly regulated by TsA at the mRNA level; (ii) they belong to the same signal transduction pathway; (iii) mutations within both genes cause lissencephaly. Cocaine self-injection was sufficient to activate the two genes at both the mRNA and protein levels. TsA treatment was found to up-regulate both Lis1 and reelin protein expression in the cortex and to down-regulate it in the nucleus accumbens of rats self-administering cocaine. The data suggest that the two proteins contribute to establish neurobiological mechanisms underlying brain plasticity whereby TsA lowers the motivation for cocaine

    Regulation of Brain DNA Methylation Factors and of the Orexinergic System by Cocaine and Food Self-Administration

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    Inhibitors of DNA methylation and orexin type-1 receptor antagonists modulate the neurobiological effects driving drugs of abuse and natural reinforcers by activating common brain structures of the mesolimbic reward system. In this study, we applied a self-administration paradigm to assess the involvement of factors regulating DNA methylation processes and satiety or appetite signals. These factors include Dnmts and Tets, miR-212/132, orexins, and orx-R1 genes. The study focused on dopamine projection areas such as the prefrontal cortex (PFCx) and caudate putamen (CPu) and in the hypothalamus (HP) that is interconnected with the reward system. Striking changes were observed in response to both reinforcers, but differed depending on contingent and non-contingent delivery. Expression also differed in the PFCx and the CPu. Cocaine and food induced opposite effects on Dnmt3a expression in both brain structures, whereas they repressed both miRs to a different extent, without affecting their primary transcript in the CPu. Unexpectedly, orexin mRNAs were found in the CPu, suggesting a transport from their transcription site in the HP. The orexin receptor1 gene was found to be induced by cocaine in the PFCx, consistent with a regulation by DNA methylation. Global levels of 5-methylcytosines in the PFCx were not significantly altered by cocaine, suggesting that it is rather their distribution that contributes to long-lasting behaviors. Together, our data demonstrate that DNA methylation regulating factors are differentially altered by cocaine and food. At the molecular level, they support the idea that neural circuits activated by both reinforcers do not completely overlap

    Histone deacetylase inhibitors upregulate MMP11 gene expression through Sp1/Smad complexes in human colon adenocarcinoma cells

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    AbstractMMP-11 (stromelysin-3) is a matrix metalloproteinase associated with tumor progression and poor prognosis. Its expression was initially described exclusively in stromal cells surrounding tumors, but more recently it has also been detected in macrophages and hepatocarcinoma cells. Here we show MMP-11 expression in human epithelial colon adenocarcinoma cell lines (Caco-2, HT-29 and BCS-TC2). Treatment of BCS-TC2 cells with butyrate and trichostatin A (TSA) (histone deacetylase inhibitors) increases MMP11 promoter activity and protein expression. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and supershift assays, we demonstrate for the first time that Sp1 is able to bind to the GC-boxes within the MMP11 proximal promoter region; this binding has been confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Sp1 is involved in MMP11 basal expression and it is essential for the upregulation of transcription by histone deacetylase inhibitors as deduced from mutant constructs lacking the Sp1 sites and by inhibition of its binding to the promoter with mithramycin. This regulation requires the formation of Sp1/Smad2 heterocomplexes, which is stimulated by an increase in the acetylation status of Smad after butyrate or TSA treatments. We have also found that ERK1/2-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), but not p38-MAPK or JNK, is involved in the upregulation of MMP11 by HDAC inhibitors