203 research outputs found

    Preventing Drug Abuse in the Chilean Educational System: SENDA and School

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    El presente trabajo expone los resultados de una investigación respecto del quehacer preventivo en el sistema educativo del Servicio para la Prevención y Rehabilitación del Consumo de Drogas y Alcohol de Chile, SENDA. Situándonos desde una perspectiva de la teoría de sistemas sociales aplicada al análisis de sistemas organizacionales, caracterizamos su modelo de intervención analizando las lógicas que fundamentan su operar. Nuestra investigación concluye que, dadas las naturalezas programáticas tanto del SENDA como de las escuelas, la prevención del consumo de drogas se articularía a través de defraudaciones mutuas de expectativas, lo que invita a reflexionar acerca de las estrategias de intervención que plantea SENDA en el sistema educativo.This paper presents the results of a research regarding the preventive task in the educational system of the Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol of Chile, SENDA. From a per­spective of social systems theory applied to the analysis of organizational systems, we characterize its intervention model analyzing the logics that underlie its operations. Our research concludes that, given the natures of both the SENDA program as schools, prevention of drug use would be articulated through mutual expectation disappointment, which invites us to think about intervention strategies posed SENDA in the educational system

    El derecho fundamental a vivir en un medio ambiente libre de contaminación como derecho social

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    Luego de efectuar un estudio en relación a los derechos sociales, el autor plantea que el derecho a vivir en un medio ambiente libre de contaminación tiene el carácter de tal, singularizado por su carácter colectivo. Luego, conceptualizado de esa forma, lo estudia en relación al principio de igualdad y precisa los deberes que tendría el Estado a fin de garantizarlo

    Neurological Complications of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Encephalopathy

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic. Neurological complications of COVID-19 have not been reported. Encephalopathy has not been described as a presenting symptom or complication of COVID-19. We report a case of a 74-year-old patient who traveled from Europe to the United States and presented with encephalopathy and COVID-19

    Neurological Complications of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Encephalopathy, MRI Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid Findings: Case 2

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    The neurological complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are being better understood as the pandemic progresses. We report a second case of a patient who presented with COVID-19 infection and encephalopathy to our institution. In addition, we report MRI brain and cerebrospinal fluid data. COVID-19 does not seem to cross the blood-brain barrier. The exact mechanisms of encephalopathy and pathological response of COVID-19 are unknown

    Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a genetic condition that typically presents with unilateral, painless, sub-acute central vision loss followed by contralateral vision loss after a few weeks to months. It is a rare disease that typically affects young adults - men more than women - and is a relatively common cause of blindness. It is due to a mutation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The majority (more than 95%) of patients have one of three mtDNA point mutations: m.14484T→C, m.3460G→A, or m.11778G→A. These mutations lead to disruption of the mitochondrial respiratory chain activating pro-apoptotic pathways. For reasons unknown, this insult tends to affect the retinal ganglion cells more than any other cell in the body, leading to the disease state. Due to its low prevalence in the United States (1:50,000), this diagnosis is often overlooked, misdiagnosed, and mismanaged, which may exacerbate symptoms. It is essential then for physicians to recognize the presentation of and understand the diagnostic work-up for LHON. In this case report, we present the diagnostic challenges of a patient who presented with progressive vision loss, discuss the various differential diagnoses, review the literature on LHON, and propose an explanatory model for vision loss in patients with LHON

    Economic analysis of potato, corn and wheat response to nitrogen and phosphorus application in the highlands of Ecuador

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references (page 39)

    Delayed Identification of Cortical Superficial Siderosis in a Patient with Recurrent Transient Focal Neurological Symptoms: A Case Report

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    Cortical superficial siderosis (cSS), also referred to as sulcal siderosis, is a neurological condition characterized by hemosiderin subpial deposits in the cortical sulci over the convexities of cerebral hemispheres. These deposits are further found sparingly in the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellum. Patients typically present with transient focal neurological symptoms that make cSS challenging to differentiate from other acute neurological processes such as transient ischemic attacks (TIA), focal seizures, and acute convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage (cSAH). This condition is presently recognized as a characteristic feature of the age-associated disorder referred to as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). This paper describes a patient who presented with transient neurologic symptoms, first suspected to be secondary to acute subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), found to have cSS and cerebral amyloid angiopathy

    Pulmonary Edema and Stunned Myocardium in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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    Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a life-threatening event that can cause permanent disability. This life-threatening event can be further complicated by subsequent cardiac and pulmonary disability. The presence of a neurogenic cardiomyopathy and pulmonary edema increases the morbidity and mortality of patients who suffer from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this paper, we discuss a 39-year-old woman who presented to the emergency department (ED) with a chief complaint of a pounding headache with associated nausea and vomiting for the past three days. She had a past medical history significant only for migraines. During her stay in the ED, she began to exhibit signs of altered consciousness, hemoptysis, and respiratory compromise. Neuroimaging showed evidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage. The exact source of her subarachnoid hemorrhage could not be located with neuroimaging or angiography. Her clinical course was complicated by pulmonary edema and neurogenic stunned myocardium, and is still ongoing
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