17 research outputs found

    Monografía del artista Nicolás Herrera

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    Establecer los elementos técnicos, simbólicos y metafóricos, así como las categorías estéticas, presentes en la obra pictórica del artista ecuatoriano Nicolás Herrera.Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal establecer los elementos técnicos, simbólicos y metafóricos, así como las categorías estéticas, presentes en la obra pictórica del artista ecuatoriano Nicolás Herrera. El estudio de carácter descriptivo, analítico e interpretativo se realizó mediante una metodología de diseño cualitativo, empleando los métodos teóricos iconográfico y semiótico para el análisis de las obras. Las principales técnicas utilizadas fueron la entrevista en profundidad, la observación, el registro de información documental y análisis de contenido a las imágenes. Una vez realizado el estudio se pudo determinar que en el proceso de creación artística de Nicolás Herrera se caracterizan cinco etapas fundamentales: etapa de realismo mágico andino, etapa neoexpresionista, etapa expresionista, etapa abstraccionista y la etapa simbólica. Los géneros artísticos más representativos de su producción son el retrato, el paisaje y el desnudo. El lenguaje visual de su producción resulta singular y se vincula a una estética intercultural. De esta forma, se constituye Nicolás Herrera en estos cuarenta años de trayectoria en un referente de Imbabura, trascendiendo con sus obras las fronteras patrias, aportando con su sapiencia a la cultura y arte ecuatoriano.Maestrí

    Co-creation on Active Aging Challenges in Portugal

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    With a rapid increase in aging population worldwide, there is a need to ensure good health and wellbeing for the elderly. Healthcare system in Portugal supports opportunities and addresses challenges of its aging population by well-maintained associations between its government and private institutes. In order to stimulate an innovation ecosystem in the region, Innovation Think Tank (ITT), a part of Siemens Healthineers (SHS), has been actively engaging in various interdisciplinary projects by collaborating with local healthcare institutions. Following an invitation from the University of Evora and SHS Portugal, ITT at Evora was institutionalized. As a part of this association, a certification program was organized at Evora University, in association with Espirito Santo Hospital, Portugal. The goal of this program was to 1) train the participants on the ITT methodology 2) capture and validate healthcare trends and solutions concerning aging challenges in Portugal 3) deep dive and tackle the most prominent healthcare and aging challenges in Portugal with a focus on five key areas of Lifespan and Health, Lifespan and Demographics, Lifespan and Arts, Lifespan and Ethics & Citizenship, Lifespan and Economy. Over 30 multidisciplinary participants comprising of researchers, students, professors, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs, representing over 20 hospitals, universities, and consultancies worldwide participated in this two-week hybrid program where they learnt to apply the innovative thinking approach by working on real life problems and proposed solutions with a focus on the aging challenges and future of healthcare in Portugal. The consolidated results were presented at the outcome exhibition which included a feedback session and panel discussion with healthcare experts from Portugal and other locations worldwide. The overall outcomes of the program comprised for the definition of some of the research areas for the Lifespan Chair, academic training proposals and community intervention proposals. With its global network and infrastructure, ITT envisions to boost future research at the university, and hospital by collaborating in projects that impact the future of healthcare in Portugal and globally, as well as identifying grants and partners for implementation

    Cultura económica: importancia de su comprensión para los procesos de auditoría y control

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    Las finanzas, en el contexto de la política económica, son una de las variables que han cobrado gran importancia en las últimas décadas, y como bien se sabe, uno de los elementos que incide en el desarrollo o el atraso de una nación va a ser la forma como sean administrados sus recursos, ello está directamente vinculado a un propósito esencial, el de proveer un bienestar a su población. El objetivo esencial de las finanzas está dado en analizar, gestionar y distribuir acertadamente el presupuesto económico del Estado en las necesidades públicas. En este sentido resulta necesario adentrarse en el estudio de la comprensión de la cultura económica como elemento primordial para los procesos de auditoría y control. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la cultura económica para comprender su importancia para los proceso de auditoría y control

    Antimicrobial peptide-based materials: opportunities and challenges

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    The multifunctional properties of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) make them attractive candidates for the treatment of various diseases. AMPs are considered as alternatives to antibiotics due to the increasing number of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. However, bare AMPs have limited therapeutic potentials due to a low residence time in the blood circulatory system and susceptibility to proteases and an alkaline wound environment. These limitations are the major hurdles for AMPs to succeed as commercial drugs. In contrast, AMP-based materials, for instance, NPs, hydrogels, electrospun fibres, dressings and implants, could overcome these challenges and provide therapeutic efficacies to the conjugated AMPs superior to those of bare AMPs in different disease models. In this review, we discuss the preparation of different compositions of AMP-based materials and their therapeutic potential for the treatment of microbial infections in the brain, eyes, mouth, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. Apart from antimicrobial potential, the applications of AMP-based materials in the regeneration of skin/bone, prevention of implant-associated infections, detection/imaging of bacteria, cancer therapy and gene delivery are discussed in this review. Lastly, we discuss different challenges that hinder the commercialization of AMP-based materials. Overall, this review provides a comprehensive account of the current progress and prospects of AMP-based materials for clinical applications

    Capital social y malnutrición en población indígena menor de 5 años de cinco cantones de la provincia de Chimborazo.

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    Introducción: El capital social (CS) incluye varios componentes de la organización social, que podrían mejorar la situación de salud. Existe poca información sobre su asociación con la Desnutrición Crónica (DC). Metodología: El presente estudio transversal analítico fue realizado en los cantones de Riobamba, Alausí, Guamote, Guano y Colta en el periodo 2018-2019. Con una muestra probabilística mediante encuestas a madres/cuidadores se determinó el CS, determinantes de la salud, y mediciones antropométricas. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante regresión bivariada y multivariada, con cálculo de Odds e intervalos de confianza al 95 %, se consideró significativo un valor de p menor a 0.05, se utilizó el software SPSS versión 25.0. Resultados: Se estudiaron 1228 niños, el 50.5% (n = 620) hombres y 49.5% (n= 680) mujeres. Con DC el 52.6% (n = 326) de los hombres y el 46.7% (n = 284) de las mujeres. Los hijos cuyos padres no han escuchado hablar sobre desnutrición infantil presentaron un OR 1.46 (IC95%=1.13-1.9) para el desarrollo de DC. Esta asociación se mantuvo significativa después del ajuste por sexo, edad del niño/a, número de hijos e ingresos económicos. Conclusiones: La asociación entre el CS y la DC en la población indígena menor de 5 años de la provincia de Chimborazo se observó en la falta de información sobre nutrición infantil

    Acid pH Strategy Adaptation through <i>NRG1</i> in <i>Ustilago maydis</i>

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    The role of the Ustilago maydis putative homolog of the transcriptional repressor ScNRG1, previously described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans, was analyzed by means of its mutation. In S. cerevisiae this gene regulates a set of stress-responsive genes, and in C. neoformans it is involved in pathogenesis. It was observed that the U. maydisNRG1 gene regulates several aspects of the cell response to acid pH, such as the production of mannosyl-erythritol lipids, inhibition of the expression of the siderophore cluster genes, filamentous growth, virulence and oxidative stress. A comparison of the gene expression pattern of the wild type strain versus the nrg1 mutant strain of the fungus, through RNA Seq analyses, showed that this transcriptional factor alters the expression of 368 genes when growing at acid pH (205 up-regulated, 163 down-regulated). The most relevant genes affected by NRG1 were those previously reported as the key ones for particular cellular stress responses, such as HOG1 for osmotic stress and RIM101 for alkaline pH. Four of the seven genes included WCO1 codifying PAS domain ( These has been shown as the key structural motif involved in protein-protein interactions of the circadian clock, and it is also a common motif found in signaling proteins, where it functions as a signaling sensor) domains sensors of blue light, two of the three previously reported to encode opsins, one vacuolar and non-pH-responsive, and another one whose role in the acid pH response was already known. It appears that all these light-reactive cell components are possibly involved in membrane potential equilibrium and as virulence sensors. Among previously described specific functions of this transcriptional regulator, it was found to be involved in glucose repression, metabolic adaptation to adverse conditions, cellular transport, cell rescue, defense and interaction with an acidic pH environment

    Acid pH Strategy Adaptation through NRG1 in Ustilago maydis

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    The role of the Ustilago maydis putative homolog of the transcriptional repressor ScNRG1, previously described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans, was analyzed by means of its mutation. In S. cerevisiae this gene regulates a set of stress-responsive genes, and in C. neoformans it is involved in pathogenesis. It was observed that the U. maydisNRG1 gene regulates several aspects of the cell response to acid pH, such as the production of mannosyl-erythritol lipids, inhibition of the expression of the siderophore cluster genes, filamentous growth, virulence and oxidative stress. A comparison of the gene expression pattern of the wild type strain versus the nrg1 mutant strain of the fungus, through RNA Seq analyses, showed that this transcriptional factor alters the expression of 368 genes when growing at acid pH (205 up-regulated, 163 down-regulated). The most relevant genes affected by NRG1 were those previously reported as the key ones for particular cellular stress responses, such as HOG1 for osmotic stress and RIM101 for alkaline pH. Four of the seven genes included WCO1 codifying PAS domain ( These has been shown as the key structural motif involved in protein-protein interactions of the circadian clock, and it is also a common motif found in signaling proteins, where it functions as a signaling sensor) domains sensors of blue light, two of the three previously reported to encode opsins, one vacuolar and non-pH-responsive, and another one whose role in the acid pH response was already known. It appears that all these light-reactive cell components are possibly involved in membrane potential equilibrium and as virulence sensors. Among previously described specific functions of this transcriptional regulator, it was found to be involved in glucose repression, metabolic adaptation to adverse conditions, cellular transport, cell rescue, defense and interaction with an acidic pH environment

    Experiencia multicéntrica con prótesis valvular aórtica transcatéter de segunda generación reposicionable y recuperable

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    Introduction and objectives: The Lotus Valve device (Boston Scientific) is a second-generation fully-retrievable and repositionable transcatheter aortic valve. We report the initial multicenter experience with the Lotus valve in the management of patients with severe aortic stenosis. Methods: Observational study that described the short and long-term results of implanting the Lotus valve in 8 Spanish and Portuguese centers from March 2014 through April 2016. Results: The study included 102 patients (mean age 80.4 ± 6.1 years; STS score 5.2% ± 3.3%) with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (mean aortic valve area 0.66 ± 0.17 cm2, aortic gradients 74.3 / 45.6 mmHg). The valve was successfully implanted in 100 patients (98%), with significant improvement in both the peak and mean aortic valve gradients and with only one patient showing moderate paravalvular regurgitation. Upon hospital discharge, mortality rate was 3.9% while the stroke rate was 2.9%. No cases of valve embolization, ectopic valve deployment or additional valve implantation (valve-in-valve) were seen. Thirty-three patients (32.3%) received a permanent pacemaker. Conclusions: The Lotus Valve System is effective and safe for the management of patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. In particular, considering the low rate of periprosthetic regurgitation and lack of complications like embolization or ectopic valve deployment; however at the expense of a high pacemaker implantation rate.Introducción y objetivos: El dispositivo Lotus (Boston Scientific, Estados Unidos) es una prótesis valvular aórtica transcatéter de segunda generación, completamente recuperable y reposicionable. Se presenta la experiencia inicial con la prótesis Lotus en un registro multicéntrico. Métodos: Estudio observacional que reporta los resultados a corto y largo plazo del implante transfemoral de prótesis Lotus entre marzo de 2014 y abril de 2016 en 8 centros de España y Portugal. Resultados: Se incluyeron 102 pacientes (edad media 80,4 ± 6,1 años, índice STS medio 5,2% ± 3,3%) con estenosis aórtica grave sintomática (área valvular media 0,66 ± 0,17 cm2, gradientes 74,3/45,6 mmHg). Se implantó con éxito el dispositivo en 100 pacientes (98%), con mejoría significativa de los gradientes máximo y medio valvular, y un solo caso de regurgitación periprotésica moderada. No hubo ninguna embolización ni necesidad de implante de una nueva prótesis intravalvular. Hasta el alta hospitalaria, la mortalidad fue del 3,9% y la tasa de ictus fue del 2,9%. En 33 pacientes (32,3%) fue necesario el implante de marcapasos definitivo. Conclusiones: La válvula Lotus es eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave sintomática. Destacan la escasa tasa de insuficiencia periprotésica y la ausencia de complicaciones derivadas del mal posicionamiento o la embolización de la prótesis, a costa de un alta incidencia de implante de marcapasos