25 research outputs found

    Public Day Care and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Chile

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    Public day care centers in Chile have increased in 240% between 2005 and 2007. This paper uses this huge increase in public day care supply for infants of poor families to analyze its impact on Female Labor Force Participation. The magnitude of the expansion is used as a quasi-natural experiment, where different geographic areas and income groups were affected differently. Using mean differences I find a positive effect on Labor Force Participation of 2.6-10 percentage points which coincides with previous findings for Chile and the local policy common sense. After control- ling for observable individual and family characteristics I don’t find any significant effect for the eligible mothers. As a robustness check I also use alternative outcome measures like employment and hours of work and I am not able to find a positive statistically significant effect. Therefore, I conclude that it is not possible yet to infer that this policy has had this desired effect.Female Labor Force, Child Care, Fertility and Labor Supply.

    Public day care and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Chile

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    Public day care centers in Chile have increased in 240% between 2005 and 2007. This paper uses this huge increase in public day care supply for infants of poor families to analyze its impact on Female Labor Force Participation. The magnitude of the expansion is used as a quasi-natural experiment, where different geographic areas and income groups were affected differently. Using mean differences I find a positive effect on Labor Force Participation of 2.6-10 percentage points which coincides with previous findings for Chile and the local policy common sense. After controlling for observable individual and family characteristics I don’t find any significant effect for the eligible mothers. As a robustness check I also use alternative outcome measures like employment and hours of work and I am not able to find a positive statistically significant effect. Therefore, I conclude that it is not possible yet to infer that this policy has had this desired effect

    ¿Se premia la habilidad en el mercado laboral docente? ¿Cuánto impacta en el desempeño de los estudiantes?

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar si el mercado laboral reconoce monetariamente la habilidad de los docentes en Chile y si ésta afecta el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Para ello, se estiman ecuaciones de salario y funciones de producción educacionales incluyendo una medida de habilidad, definida como el residuo extraído entre el puntaje obtenido en la Prueba de Aptitud Académica y el puntaje predicho una vez que ha sido regresionado sobre factores socioeconómico de origen de los docentes. Esto permite analizar si existe en el mercado laboral docente un premio por mayor habilidad y estudiar si mayor habilidad, se traduce en un mayor desempeño promedio de los estudiantes. Los resultados indican que existe un premio por habilidad para los docentes que se desempeñan en el sector particular subvencionado y pagado, no así en el sector municipal. Esto se explica por la estructura de remuneraciones docentes existente en el sector municial, ya que por Estatuto Docente, se paga prinicipalmente por experiencia en el ejercicio de la docencia y no por desempeño. En cambio, la mayor flexibilidad en el sector particular, permite premiar a docentes más hábiles. Luego, para algunas especificaciones del modelo de determinantes de calidad profesional, se observa que mayor habilidad docente incrementa el desempeño promedio de los estudiantes de los sectores particular subvencionado y pagado. En consecuencia, el premio obtenido en el mercado laboral por docentes más hábiles estaría completamente justificado

    Expression of Ik6 and Ik8 Isoforms and Their Association with Relapse and Death in Mexican Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    <div><p>Expression of the 6 and 8 dominant-negative Ikaros isoforms in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been associated with a high risk of relapse and death; due to these isoforms disrupting the differentiation and proliferation of lymphoid cells. The aim of this study was to know the frequency of Ik6 and Ik8 in 113 Mexican ALL-children treated within the National Popular Medical Insurance Program to determine whether there was an association with relapse-free survival, event-free survival and overall survival, and to assess its usefulness in the initial stratification of patients. The expression of these isoforms was analyzed using specific primer sets and nested RT-PCR. The detected transcripts were classified according to the isoforms’s sizes reported. A non-expected band of 300 bp from one patient was analyzed by sequencing. Twenty-six patients expressed Ik6 and/or Ik8 and one of them expressed a variant of Ik8 denominated Ik8-deleted. Although the presence of them was not statistically associated with lower relapse free survival (<i>p</i> = 0.432), event free survival (<i>p</i> = 0.667) or overall survival (<i>p</i> = 0.531), inferior overall survival was observed in patients that expressed these isoforms and showed high or standard risk by age and white blood-cell count at diagnosis. Of the 26 patients Ik6+ and/or Ik8+, 14 did not present adverse events; from them 6 were exclusively Ik6+ and/or Ik8+, and 8 were positive for the other Ikaros isoforms (Ik1, Ik2, Ik5, Ik3A, Ik4, Ik4A, Ik7). In the patients studied, the expression of Ik6 and Ik8 did not constitute an independent prognostic factor for relapse or death related to disease; therefore, they could not be used in the initial risk stratification.</p></div

    Risk Categorization Using New American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Cholesterol Management and Its Relation to Alirocumab Treatment Following Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    Effect of Alirocumab on Lipoprotein(a) and Cardiovascular Risk After Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Effects of alirocumab on types of myocardial infarction: insights from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial

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