6 research outputs found

    Working Close to Home: WIRE-Net's Hire Locally Program

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    Hire Locally is an employment program that matches Cleveland's west side residents with industrial jobs employers would otherwise have searched far and wide to fill. The program is part of the nonprofit Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network, or WIRE-Net. This report documents the program's innovation in developing a sectoral strategy to meet labor market demands while also setting a broad agenda for community improvement. It also shares key program elements and recommendations to ensure that future programs are more effective

    Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2008

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    Updates international comparison graphs and charts of 2008 health data among OECD countries, including healthcare spending by source and service, length of hospital stay, supply of physicians and nurses, drug coverage, medical technology, and mortality

    Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2009

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    Provides charts and graphs of international comparisons of health data among OECD countries, including spending on health care, length of hospital stay, number of physician visits, drug prices, prevalence of smoking and of obesity, and life expectancy

    Support for Youth: A Profile of Three Communities (a Community Change for Youth Development [CCYD] report)

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    Over the past decade, increasing attention has been given to nonschool hours as a vehicle for providing some of the basic supports -- caring adult attention and guidance, career development, and opportunities to engage in positive learning and enrichment activities -- that encourage positive youth development. This report examines the assumptions that youth with higher levels of support are more successful in school, work and their communities, and that youth in moderately poor urban communities lack adequate supports. Community-wide surveys completed in 1996 in three communities -- Austin, Savannah, and St. Petersburg (Florida) -- found a discouraging decline in supports and opportunities as youth get older. From 15 to 25 percent of youth 18 years and older were not engaged in any positive structured activities, had very few adults in their lives, and were not working