44 research outputs found

    Loss of PopZ At activity in Agrobacterium tumefaciens by Deletion or Depletion Leads to Multiple Growth Poles, Minicells, and Growth Defects.

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens grows by addition of peptidoglycan (PG) at one pole of the bacterium. During the cell cycle, the cell needs to maintain two different developmental programs, one at the growth pole and another at the inert old pole. Proteins involved in this process are not yet well characterized. To further characterize the role of pole-organizing protein A. tumefaciens PopZ (PopZ At ), we created deletions of the five PopZ At domains and assayed their localization. In addition, we created a popZAt deletion strain (ΔpopZAt ) that exhibited growth and cell division defects with ectopic growth poles and minicells, but the strain is unstable. To overcome the genetic instability, we created an inducible PopZ At strain by replacing the native ribosome binding site with a riboswitch. Cultivated in a medium without the inducer theophylline, the cells look like ΔpopZAt cells, with a branching and minicell phenotype. Adding theophylline restores the wild-type (WT) cell shape. Localization experiments in the depleted strain showed that the domain enriched in proline, aspartate, and glutamate likely functions in growth pole targeting. Helical domains H3 and H4 together also mediate polar localization, but only in the presence of the WT protein, suggesting that the H3 and H4 domains multimerize with WT PopZ At , to stabilize growth pole accumulation of PopZ AtIMPORTANCEAgrobacterium tumefaciens is a rod-shaped bacterium that grows by addition of PG at only one pole. The factors involved in maintaining cell asymmetry during the cell cycle with an inert old pole and a growing new pole are not well understood. Here we investigate the role of PopZ At , a homologue of Caulobacter crescentus PopZ (PopZ Cc ), a protein essential in many aspects of pole identity in C. crescentus We report that the loss of PopZ At leads to the appearance of branching cells, minicells, and overall growth defects. As many plant and animal pathogens also employ polar growth, understanding this process in A. tumefaciens may lead to the development of new strategies to prevent the proliferation of these pathogens. In addition, studies of A. tumefaciens will provide new insights into the evolution of the genetic networks that regulate bacterial polar growth and cell division

    virA and virG control the plant-induced activation of the T-DNA transfer process of A. tumefaciens

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    The Ti plasmid vir loci of Agrobacterium tumefaciens are transcriptionally activated in response to signal molecules produced by plant cells to initiate the T-DNA transfer process. We show that the pTiA6 vir loci are organized as a single regulon whose induction by plants is controlled by virA and virG. Mutations in virA result in attenuated induction. This locus is constitutively transcribed and noninducible. Mutations in virG eliminate vir induction. This locus is constitutively transcribed, plant-inducible, and self-regulated in a complex fashion, and it produces two distinct and differentially regulated transcripts. virA is proposed to encode a transport protein for the plant signal molecule, and virG a positive regulatory protein that together with the plant molecule activates vir expression

    ORGAN BOUNDARY1 defines a gene expressed at the junction between the shoot apical meristem and lateral organs

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    We identify a gene, ORGAN BOUNDARY1 (OBO1), by its unique pattern of enhancer- driven GFP expression at the boundaries between the apical meristems and lateral organs in Arabidopsis embryos, seedlings, and mature plants. OBO1 also is expressed at the root apical meristem and in distinct cell files surrounding this area. OBO1 is one of a 10-member plant-specific gene family encoding a single small domain (133 amino acids) with unknown function. One member of this gene family, OBO2, is identical to a previously studied gene, LIGHT-SENSITIVE HYPOCOTYL1. Overexpression of OBO1 causes an abnormal number and size of petals and petal–stamen fusions. The patterns of OBO1 gene expression are distinct but overlap with other genes involved in boundary formation in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem, including CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON, LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES, BLADE-ON-PETIOLE, ASYMMETRIC LEAVES, and LATERAL ORGAN FUSION. Nuclear localization of OBO1 suggests that it might act with one or more of the transcription factors encoded by the foregoing genes. Ablation of the specific cells expressing OBO1 leads to loss of the shoot apical meristem and lateral organs. Thus, the cells expressing OBO1 are important for meristem maintenance and organogenesis in Arabidopsis

    A plant cell factor induces Agrobacterium tumefaciens vir gene expression

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    The virulence genes of Agrobacterium are required for this organism to genetically transform plant cells. We show that vir gene expression is specifically induced by a small (<1000 Da) diffusible plant cell metabolite present in limiting quantities in the exudates of a variety of plant cell cultures. Active plant cell metabolism is required for the synthesis of the vir-inducing factor, and the presence of bacteria does not stimulate this production. vir-inducing factor is (i) heat and cold stable; (ii) pH stable, although vir induction with the factor is sensitive above pH 6.0; and (iii) partially hydrophobic. Induction of vir gene expression was assayed by monitoring β-galactosidase activity in Agrobacterium strains that carry gene fusions between each of the vir loci and the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. vir-inducing factor (partially purified on a C-18 column) induces both the expression in Agrobacterium of six distinct loci and the production of T-DNA circular molecules, which are thought to be involved in the transformation process. vir-inducing factor potentially represents the signal that Agrobacterium recognizes in nature as a plant cell susceptible to transformation