1,600 research outputs found

    Parents’ report of canadian elementary school children’s physical activity and screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study

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    COVID-19 public health protocols have altered children’s daily routines, limiting their physical activity opportunities. The purpose of this study was to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected children’s (ages 10–12 years) physical activity and screen time, and to explore the impact of gender, socioeconomic status (SES), and public health constraints (i.e., facility use and social interaction) on the changes in children’s health behaviors. Online surveys were disseminated to parents at two time points: before COVID-19 (May 2019 to February 2020) and during COVID-19 (November to December 2020). Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to assess changes in physical activity and screen time, and for subgroup analyses. Parents (n = 95) reported declines in children’s physical activity (Z = −2.53, p. = 0.01, d = 0.18), and increases in weekday (Z = −4.61, p \u3c 0.01, d = 0.33) and weekend screen time (Z = −3.79, p \u3c 0.01, d = 0.27). Significant changes in physical activity and screen time behaviors were identified between gender, SES, and facility use groups. All social interaction groups underwent significant changes in screen time. Overall, COVID-19 protocols have negatively influenced children’s physical activity and screen time. Due to the negative consequences of inactivity and excessive screen time, resources must be made available to support families during the pandemic

    Reducing length of stay for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement using a prescreening approach

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    BACKGROUND: As transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) becomes a preferred treatment option for patients with aortic valve stenosis, and demand for TAVR increases, it is imperative that length of stay (LOS) is reduced while maintaining safety and effectiveness. LOCAL PROBLEM: As TAVR procedures have become less invasive and more streamlined, current protocols have not been updated to reflect today\u27s postprocedure requirements. METHODS: The next-day discharge (NDD) protocol was established using available literature. A convenience sample was evaluated for NDD protocol inclusion during aortic multidisciplinary team conference using predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Length of stay for NDD protocol participants was compared with LOS from a retrospective convenience sample of patients undergoing TAVR in the time frame mirroring NDD protocol initiation of the year prior. INTERVENTIONS: Patients meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled in the NDD protocol with a goal of discharge to home on postprocedural day 1 by 2:00 p.m. The NDD protocol included preprocedure expectation setting, prescheduled same-day postprocedure imaging, and discharge priority on postprocedure day 1. RESULTS: There is a significant difference in LOS between the NDD eligible retrospective and prospective groups. The prospective group has a significantly lower LOS than the retrospective group (M = 1.6 vs 2.1, respectively; p = .0454). CONCLUSIONS: An NDD protocol can help reduce LOS after TAVR in appropriately selected patients. Further protocol revision will be required to optimize LOS outcomes

    If You Make it Free, Will They Come? Using a Physical Activity Accessibility Model to Understand the Use of a Free Children’s Recreation Pass

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    Background: Children’s sedentary lifestyles and low physical activity levels may be countered using population-level interventions. This study examines factors influencing the use of a free community-wide physical activity access pass for grade 5 students (G5AP). Methods: A natural experiment with longitudinal data collection. A sample of 881 children completed the 9-month follow-up survey self-reporting where they used the G5AP. Two analyses were conducted: Getis-Ord GI* geographic cluster analysis of the spatial distribution of users, and logistic regression examining the relationship between use and accessibility (informational, economic, and geographic) and mobility options, while accounting for intrapersonal and interpersonal factors. Results: Overall, 44.9% of children used the G5AP with clusters of high use in urban areas and low use in the suburbs. Other factors significantly related to G5AP included gender (girls), informational accessibility (active recruitment), economic accessibility (median household income), geographic accessibility (facilities within 1.6 km of home), and mobility options (access to Boys & Girls Club bus). Conclusions: This study found that a diverse population of children used the G5AP. To continue being successful, community-based physical activity interventions need to ensure that the intervention increases geographic, economic, and informational accessibility and provides mobility options that are available to the target population

    Adding Soft-Skills to the Hard Target of Adequacy: The Case for Rearticulation Based on a Multifocal Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to expand the definition of adequacy by adding soft skills as a measure of school productivity. The singular focus on academic standards inherent in education policy has prevented scholars from seeing the concept of adequacy through myriad perspectives and has contributed to a resegregation of schools. Education policy includes legal, historical, and political perspectives; research inquiries must accommodate these multiple foci. This study made use of multifocal analysis to investigate the development of the concept of adequacy in South Carolina. Conclusions suggest an expanded definition of adequacy has potential for addressing school financing policy, but also for making historical, political and legal contributions to educational and economic policies aimed at repurposing schools

    DDO 88: A Galaxy-Sized Hole in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present an HI and optical study of the gas-rich dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 88. Although DDO 88's global optical and HI parameters are normal for its morphological type, it hosts a large (3 kpc diameter) and unusually complete ring of enhanced HI emission. The gas ring is located at approximately one-third of the total HI radius and one-half the optically-defined Holmberg radius, and contains 30% of the total HI of the galaxy. The ring surrounds a central depression in the HI distribution, so it may be a shell formed by a starburst episode. However, the UBV colors in the HI hole are not bluer than the rest of the galaxy as would be expected if an unusual star-forming event had taken place there recently, but there is an old (~1-3 Gyr), red cluster near the center of the hole that is massive enough to have produced the hole in the HI. An age estimate for the ring, however, is uncertain because it is not observed to be expanding. An expansion model produces a lower estimate of 0.5 Gyr, but the presence of faint star formation regions associated with the ring indicate a much younger age. We also estimate that the ring could have dispersed by now if it is older than 0.5 Gyr. This implies that the ring is younger than 0.5 Gyr. A younger age would indicate that the red cluster did not produce the hole and ring. If this ring and the depression in the gas which it surrounds were not formed by stellar winds and supernovae, this would indicate that some other, currently unidentified, mechanism is operating.Comment: 44 pages; 16 figures. To appear in AJ, January 2005. Available from ftp.lowell.edu, cd pub/dah/papers/d88 and http://www.fiu.edu/~simpsonc/d8

    Norovirus Epidemiology and Duration of Shedding in Michigan, 2007-2008

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    Background: In the United States, an estimated 23 million cases of norovirus (NoV) are reported each year, and although mortality is low, the morbidity and economic impact are substantial. Methods: RT-PCR and sequencing were used for identification of NoV genotypes obtained from outbreak and sporadic cases. RT Quant PCR was used to determine the viral load in fecal specimens. In order to rule out bacterial infection as the cause for acute gastroenteritis (AGE), bacterial culture for Salmonella, E.coli O157, Shigella, Campylobacter and Clostridium difficile was performed by standard laboratory procedures. The duration of NV shedding was investigated with longitudinal sampling in the sporadic cases and an evaluation of the association between viral load and days since clinical onset in the outbreak-associated cases. Results: We describe the epidemiology and strain identification for NoV circulating in Michigan during 2007-8 in concurrent sporadic and outbreak-associated cases. In 2007- 8, 138 norovirus outbreaks (3,437 cases) were reported to the MDCH. Among the 47 outbreak specimens sequenced, GI was identified in 14 (29.8%) and GII in 33 (70.2%). The predominant type was GII.4, found in 23 of the 33 (69.6%) GII specimens. The statistical analysis of outbreak-associated cases showed that neither NoV type nor number of days post-onset were associated with NoV log concentration. Among the sporadic cases, the repeated measures analysis of variance showed that NoV type (I or II) was not associated with log titer (P = 0.90), but that the number of weeks post-onset was statistically associated with declining log titer at p = 0.0005. Conclusion: We found no predominant strain difference between concurrent sporadic and outbreak-associated cases. Prevalent strains of NoV were shed in high concentration for at least two weeks past disease onset, suggesting that current public health recommendations for 2-3 days home isolation following clinical recovery may need to be lengthened

    A predominance of R5-like HIV genotypes in vaginal secretions is associated with elevated plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and the absence of anti-retroviral therapy

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    HIV expressed in genital secretions provides the inoculum from which transmitting variants are selected, both in sexual transmission and mother-to-infant transmission during partuition. Characterization of HIV levels and genotypes found in vaginal secretions and the impact of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) on this virus can provide valuable insight for the prevention of HIV transmission. Vaginal HIV was evaluated in a cohort of 43 women attending a New Orleans HIV outpatient clinic. Predominant vaginal genotypes were characterized as R5- or X4-like by heteroduplex tracking analyses of the envelope V3 region. Most women (67.4%) shed R5-like genotypes in vaginal secretions which was associated with elevated plasma HIV levels (≥ 10,000 copies HIV-RNA/mL) and absence of ART. Because R5-like genotypes are more frequently associated with transmission, these observations suggest that the majority of women shedding HIV in genital secretions present a transmission risk. The levels of vaginal virus were similar between both groups, but shedding of X4-like genotypes was associated with lower plasma viral loads and the use of ART, suggesting that ART use may impact the genotypes of virus found in the female genital compartment
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