6 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution analysis of the ecological factors in the Avereşti Wine Growing Centre – Huşi vineyard

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    The spatial distribution of the ecological factors explain the presence in viticultural areas of “terroirs”, which are microzones with particular ecological features, favourable for wine growing, that influence the quality of grapes, as well as the authenticity of wines. The locations of these terroirs in the vineyards are usually known, but their ecological evaluation and territory delimiting are difficult to achieve. In this work, we proposed the use of the Geographic Information System (GIS), a tool of the informational technologies that allow carrying out complex analyses of the geographic areas. Using GIS, we calculated the spatial distribution of some climatic (temperature, solar radiation, insolation and rainfall) and topographic factors (altitude, slope and slope direction) for the Avereşti Wine Growing Centre and elaborated the thematic maps corresponding to the abovementioned factors. Their analysis pointed out the presence in the Averesti wine growing area of many "terroirs" with particular ecological features, some of them being favourable for the production of quality white wines, while others, for table and sparkling wines


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    Evaluating the ecological suitability of the vineyards, by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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    In this scientific paper are presented the preliminary results of the research having as goal to establish a methodology for the determination of the oenoclimatic potential and its spatial distribution in the viticultural areas. Data were obtained by means of GIS technology and disclosed a new, original model for analysing the viticultural ecoclimate. The evaluation presented in this scientific paper was the result of processing and interpreting data concerning spatial distribution, individual influence and total influence of four ecological factors that determine the quality of grapes: slope, aspect, solar radiation and real insolation. Investigations were carried out in three stages: I. Determination of the spatial distribution of ecological factors in the wine growing region; II. Determination of the ecological factors suitability and their distribution in the wine growing region; III. Determination of the oenoclimatic potential of the wine growing region and the graphical representation of its spatial distribution. The distribution of ecological factors is represented by digital maps. The ecological factor suitability for grape growing was assessed according to a new evaluation system, and its distribution was represented graphically on the region map. The oenoclimatic potential was expressed by the sum and the average of evaluation points given to the ecological factors. We found that the sum of evaluation points has generated a detailed representation of the oenoclimatic potential, while the average of evaluation points gave a much clearer synthetic representation, allowing the identification and delimitation of highly favourable terroirs. The evaluation of the Avereşti wine-growing centre – Huşi vineyard (Vaslui County) has shown that 94.37% of its area was favourable for producing high quality white wines, 4.40% for producing quality white and red wines, while 1.19% was less favourable for wine growing. The maps showing the distribution of the oenoclimatic potential highlighted the location of valiant terroirs in the Avereşti wine growing centre

    GIS applications in viticulture: the spatial distribution analysis of slope inclination and slope exposure in Huşi vine growing centre – Huşi vineyard

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    The paper presents the results of a study regarding the spatial distribution of slope exposure and slope inclination in Husi vine growing centre, Husi vineyard. These factors determine the ecological suitability of an area for vine growing and influence, to a large extent, both directions of wine production and grape quality. The knowledge in their share and variation in vine growing areas, allows to establish the proper grapevine varieties, to place each variety in the optimum location (microzoning), to choose the optimal training system and the appropriate maintenance techniques for the vineyard area. The technology that allows such analysis and the elaboration of maps with spatial distribution of the ecological factors is GIS (Geographic Information Systems), an instrument of information technologies introduced in the last years in viticulture too. The research presents a case study in which GIS is used to determine the geomorphological features of Husi vine growing center, the local variation of the slopes and the spatial distribution of ecological suitability in the vineyard, depending on these factors. The results show that, in relation to suitability of slope inclination and slope exposure, Husi center includes four areas with different suitability for vine growing. Of the total vineyard area, 42.2% (903.2 ha) has south and predominantly south exposure, the most favorable for vines, and 37.98% (814.58 ha) northern exposure, bad or limiting for vines. The slope analysis shows that 29.19% (624.2 ha) is suitable for high production varieties, and 70.81% (1515.6 ha) for quality wines varieties. According to the suitability of slope inclination and slope exposure, the most favorable for vine cultivation is SD4 area, that includes Recea and Galbena lands, while the worst for the vines is SD1 unit that includes Rusca, Schit and Ochi lands