249 research outputs found

    Dynkin operators and renormalization group actions in pQFT

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    Renormalization techniques in perturbative quantum field theory were known, from their inception, to have a strong combinatorial content emphasized, among others, by Zimmermann's celebrated forest formula. The present article reports on recent advances on the subject, featuring the role played by the Dynkin operators (actually their extension to the Hopf algebraic setting) at two crucial levels of renormalization, namely the Bogolioubov recursion and the renormalization group (RG) equations. For that purpose, an iterated integrals toy model is introduced to emphasize how the operators appear naturally in the setting of renormalization group analysis. The toy model, in spite of its simplicity, captures many key features of recent approaches to RG equations in pQFT, including the construction of a universal Galois group for quantum field theories

    Right-handed Hopf algebras and the preLie forest formula

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    Three equivalent methods allow to compute the antipode of the Hopf algebras of Feynman diagrams in perturbative quantum field theory (QFT): the Dyson-Salam formula, the Bogoliubov formula, and the Zimmermann forest formula. Whereas the first two hold generally for arbitrary connected graded Hopf algebras, the third one requires extra structure properties of the underlying Hopf algebra but has the nice property to reduce drastically the number of terms in the expression of the antipode (it is optimal in that sense).The present article is concerned with the forest formula: we show that it generalizes to arbitrary right-handed polynomial Hopf algebras. These Hopf algebras are dual to the enveloping algebras of preLie algebras -a structure common to many combinatorial Hopf algebras which is carried in particular by the Hopf algebras of Feynman diagrams

    Nonlocal, noncommutative diagrammatics and the linked cluster Theorems

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    Recent developments in quantum chemistry, perturbative quantum field theory, statistical physics or stochastic differential equations require the introduction of new families of Feynman-type diagrams. These new families arise in various ways. In some generalizations of the classical diagrams, the notion of Feynman propagator is extended to generalized propagators connecting more than two vertices of the graphs. In some others (introduced in the present article), the diagrams, associated to noncommuting product of operators inherit from the noncommutativity of the products extra graphical properties. The purpose of the present article is to introduce a general way of dealing with such diagrams. We prove in particular a "universal" linked cluster theorem and introduce, in the process, a Feynman-type "diagrammatics" that allows to handle simultaneously nonlocal (Coulomb-type) interactions, the generalized diagrams arising from the study of interacting systems (such as the ones where the ground state is not the vacuum but e.g. a vacuum perturbed by a magnetic or electric field, by impurities...) or Wightman fields (that is, expectation values of products of interacting fields). Our diagrammatics seems to be the first attempt to encode in a unified algebraic framework such a wide variety of situations. In the process, we promote two ideas. First, Feynman-type diagrammatics belong mathematically to the theory of linear forms on combinatorial Hopf algebras. Second, linked cluster-type theorems rely ultimately on M\"obius inversion on the partition lattice. The two theories should therefore be introduced and presented accordingl

    Tree expansion in time-dependent perturbation theory

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    The computational complexity of time-dependent perturbation theory is well-known to be largely combinatorial whatever the chosen expansion method and family of parameters (combinatorial sequences, Goldstone and other Feynman-type diagrams...). We show that a very efficient perturbative expansion, both for theoretical and numerical purposes, can be obtained through an original parametrization by trees and generalized iterated integrals. We emphasize above all the simplicity and naturality of the new approach that links perturbation theory with classical and recent results in enumerative and algebraic combinatorics. These tools are applied to the adiabatic approximation and the effective Hamiltonian. We prove perturbatively and non-perturbatively the convergence of Morita's generalization of the Gell-Mann and Low wavefunction. We show that summing all the terms associated to the same tree leads to an utter simplification where the sum is simpler than any of its terms. Finally, we recover the time-independent equation for the wave operator and we give an explicit non-recursive expression for the term corresponding to an arbitrary tree.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Enveloping algebras of preLie algebras, Solomon idempotents and the Magnus formula

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    We study the internal structure of enveloping algebras of preLie algebras. We show in particular that the canonical projections arising from the Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt theorem can be computed explicitely. They happen to be closely related to the Magnus formula for matrix differential equations. Indeed, we show that the Magnus formula provides a way to compute the canonical projection on the preLie algebra. Conversely, our results provide new insights on classical problems in the theory of differential equations and on recent advances in their combinatorial understanding

    A Fast Algorithm for the Construction of Integrity Bases Associated to Symmetry-Adapted Polynomial Representations. Application to Tetrahedral XY4 Molecules

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    Invariant theory provides more efficient tools, such as Molien generating functions and integrity bases, than basic group theory, that relies on projector techniques for the construction of symmetry--adapted polynomials in the symmetry coordinates of a molecular system, because it is based on a finer description of the mathematical structure of the latter. The present article extends its use to the construction of polynomial bases which span possibly, non--totally symmetric irreducible representations of a molecular symmetry group. Electric or magnetic observables can carry such irreducible representations, a common example is given by the electric dipole moment surface. The elementary generating functions and their corresponding integrity bases, where both the initial and the final representations are irreducible, are the building blocks of the algorithm presented in this article, which is faster than algorithms based on projection operators only. The generating functions for the full initial representation of interest are built recursively from the elementary generating functions. Integrity bases which can be used to generate in the most economical way symmetry--adapted polynomial bases are constructed alongside in the same fashion. The method is illustrated in detail on XY4 type of molecules. Explicit integrity bases for all five possible final irreducible representations of the tetrahedral group have been calculated and are given in the supplemental material associated with this paper
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