17 research outputs found

    Eficácia a curto prazo do laser de baixa intensidade em pacientes com osteoartrite do joelho: ensaio clínico aleatório, placebo-controlado e duplo-cego

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    OBJETIVO: Este estudo foi designado para avaliar a eficácia a curto prazo da laserterapia de baixa intensidade (LBI) na melhora da dor e função em pacientes portadores de osteoartrite (OA) do joelho. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste ensaio clínico aleatório, duplo-cego e controlado 47 pacientes (79 joelhos) de ambos os sexos portadores de OA do joelho, que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos; grupo laser com 25 pacientes (41 joelhos) e grupo placebo com 22 pacientes (38 joelhos). A LBI foi realizada três vezes por semana totalizando nove sessões, com uso do laser AsGa de 904nm, 60mW de potência média e 0,5cm² de área do feixe, sendo irradiados nove pontos no joelho com energia de 3,0J por ponto. O grupo placebo foi tratado com o mesmo aparelho de laser, porém com uma caneta selada. As avaliações Lequesne, escala visual numérica (EVN), Timed Up and Go (TUG), goniometria e dinamometria foram realizadas antes do início do tratamento e após as nove sessões da LBI. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada melhora significante da dor e função para todas as avaliações aplicadas no grupo laser. Quando comparado o grupo laser ao grupo placebo encontrou-se diferença significante para as avaliações EVN-Repouso e Lequesne. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com a LBI melhora a dor e função a curto prazo de pacientes portadores de OA do joelho.OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate the short-term efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for improving pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. METHODS: Forty-seven patients with knee osteoarthritis (79 knees), of both genders, participated in this randomized controlled double-blind clinical trial. They were randomly allocated to two groups: laser group with 25 patients (41 knees) and placebo group with 22 patients (38 knees). LLLT was performed three times a week, totaling nine sessions, using a AsGa 904 nm laser with mean power of 60 mW and beam area of 0.5 cm². Nine points were irradiated on the knee, with energy of 3.0 J/point. The placebo group was treated with the same laser device, but with a sealed probe. Evaluations using Lequesne, visual numerical scale (VNS), Timed Up and Go (TUG), goniometry and dynamometry were conducted before the treatment started and after the nine sessions of LLLT. RESULTS: A significant improvement in pain and function was found in all the assessments applied to the laser group. On comparing the laser group with the placebo group, significant differences were found in the VNS-resting and Lequesne evaluations. CONCLUSION: Treatment with LLLT improves pain and function over the short term in patients with knee osteoarthritis

    Influence of latent trigger points in acute low back pain: a prospective longitudinal study

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    Trigger points are muscle nodules that can lead to pain. Low back pain is an important problem of public health and studies point out all the people who suffer from spinal pain present trigger points. Objective: To analyze the pain level of the asymptomatic patients, with acute low back pain, who present latent trigger point, when compared to the pain level of the asymptomatic patients with acute low back pain who did not present latent trigger point. Method: 96 individuals of both genres, aged 18 to 60 years took part in a transversal, evaluator-blind study. Level pain, function, physical activity, kynesiophobia, algometer were analyzed and the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles’ strength of the dominant limb and non-dominant were measured, at the moment the participants were asymptomatic and after developing acute back low pain. For statistical analysis, we considered significant value ≤ 0.05 Results: It was observed significant differences between the groups in relation to pain intensity (p= 0.01), functionality (p= 0.02), algometer (p= 0.05), gluteus maximus muscle dynamometry of the non- dominant limb (p= 0.05) and in the gluteus medius muscle of the dominant limb (p= 0.01) and non-dominant (p= 0.00). Conclusion: Asymptomatic individuals with latent trigger points in the paravertebral lumber muscles present worse pain intensity and other outcomes when it evolves to acute back pain if compared to individuals who don’t present trigger points at the moment they, are considered asymptomatic.Pontos-gatilho são nódulos musculares que podem desenvolver dor. A dor lombar é um importante problema de saúde pública e estudos apontam que todas as pessoas que sofrem de dor na coluna apresentam ponto-gatilho. Objetivo: Analisar o nível dor de pacientes com dor lombar aguda que quando assintomáticos apresentava pontos-gatilho latente, comparado com os níveis de dor de pacientes com dor lombar aguda que quando assintomáticos não apresentava pontos-gatilho. Método: 96 indivíduos de ambos os sexos entre 18 - 60 anos participaram de um estudo transversal com avaliador cego. Foram analisados o nível de dor, função, atividade física, cinesiofobia, algometria e mensurada a força do músculo glúteo máximo e médio do membro dominante e não-dominante, no memento que os participantes estavam assintomáticos e após desenvolverem dor lombar aguda. Para análise estatística consideramos valores de significância igual ou menor que 0,05. Resultados: Foi observado diferenças significativas entre os grupos na intensidade da dor (p= 0,01), na funcionalidade (p= 0,02), na algometria (p= 0,00), na dinamometria do músculo glúteo máximo do membro não-dominante (p= 0,05) e da dinamometria do glúteo médio do membro dominante (p= 0,01) e não-dominante (p= 0,00). Conclusão: Indivíduos assintomáticos com pontos-gatilho latente nos músculos paravertebrais lombares apresentam pior intensidade da dor e outros desfechos quando evoluem dor lombar aguda, comparados com indivíduos que não apresentam pontos-gatilho no momento que estão assintomáticos

    Flexible intramedullary nails with traction versus plaster cast for treating femoral shaft fractures in children: comparative retrospective study

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVEFemoral fractures are common in children between 2 and 12 years of age, and 75% of the lesions affect the femoral shaft. Traction followed by a plaster cast is universally accepted as conservative treatment. However, in some situations, a surgical approach is recommended. The objective here was to compare treatments for femoral shaft fractures using intramedullary nails (titanium elastic nails, TEN) versus traction and plaster casts in children. The hypothesis was that TEN might provide better treatment, with good clinical results in comparison with plaster casts.DESIGN AND SETTINGThis retrospective comparative study was conducted in a public university hospital.METHODSSixty children with femoral fractures were evaluated; 30 of them underwent surgical treatment with TEN and 30 were treated conservatively using plaster casts. The patients' ages ranged from 5 to 13 years (mean of 9 years).RESULTSThe mean duration of hospitalization was nine days for the surgical group and 20 days for the conservative group. The incidence of overgrowth in the patients treated with TEN was 60.0% and, for those treated conservatively, 13.3%. Partial weight-bearing was allowed after 3.5 weeks in the surgical group and after 9.6 weeks in the conservative group. New hospitalization was required for 90.0% in the surgical group and 16.7% in the conservative group. Patients treated with plaster casts presented higher incidence of complications, such as loss of reduction.CONCLUSIONSThe surgical method presented better results for children