23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Brazilian Cosmetic Legislation and its impact on the industries during the 20th century

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    Os cosméticos são usados desde os primeiros dias de vida do ser humano. Consequentemente, esse consumo resulta no crescimento da Indústria Cosmética (I.C.). Com isso, a I.C. deve focar seus investimentos também no desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores, mas, acima de tudo, seguros para os consumidores. Por outro lado, a Agência Sanitária deve emitir leis que regulam o desenvolvimento desses produtos. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a Legislação Cosmética Brasileira anterior à ANVISA e os desafios da I.C. no século XX no desenvolvimento de produtos cosméticos seguros e eficazes, bem como mostrar a importância dessa legislação na P&D. Para tal, realizou-se uma Pesquisa Exploratória Bibliográfica e Documental com base em estudos científicos e documentos legais. Dessa forma, o estudo mostrou que a criação da ANVISA foi necessária porque nenhuma resolução tinha sido publicada sobre a segurança e eficácia de cosméticos antes da ANVISA. Com isso, os desafios enfrentados pela I.C. poderiam ter um impacto negativo sobre a saúde dos consumidores. Por fim, concluiu-se que as ações anteriores à ANVISA foram insuficientes para a I.C. Assim, a criação da ANVISA foi essencial para ter uma base regulatória para a I.C..Cosmetics have been used since the very first days of human life. This early and continuing consumption has resulted in the growth of the Cosmetic Industry (C.I.). The C.I. must continue to invest in the development of innovative products which are safe for the consumers. On the other hand, the Health Agency should issue laws regulating the development of products. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the Brazilian Cosmetic Legislation before ANVISA and the challenges for the C.I. during the 20th century regarding the development of safe and effective cosmetics, and to show the importance of this legislation in the R&D. A Bibliographic and Documentary Exploratory Research was conducted based on safety and efficacy data contained in scientific studies and legal documents. The study showed that the creation of ANVISA was necessary because no resolution had been published about the safety and efficacy of cosmetics for the C.I. before ANVISA. However, the challenges faced by the C.I. may have had a negative impact on the health of consumers. Finally, it was concluded that the actions before ANVISA were insufficient to the C.I.. Thus, the creation of ANVISA was essential to have a regulatory basis fot the C.I

    Acetyl hexapeptide-3 in a cosmetic formulation acts on skin mechanical properties - clinical study

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    Acetil hexapeptídeo-3 tem sido utilizado como um ingrediente ativo em formulações tópicas antienvelhecimento para a melhoria da aparência cutânea. No entanto, poucos estudos avaliam seus efeitos na epiderme e derme, quando veiculado em formulações tópicas. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi a determinação da eficácia clínica de acetil hexapeptídeo-3 utilizando técnicas de biofísica e de análise de imagem. Para tal, formulações contendo, ou não, acetil hexapeptídeo-3 foram aplicadas no antebraço volar e na face de voluntárias. As condições cutâneas foram avaliadas após duas e quatro semanas de aplicação diária das formulações, por meio da análise no conteúdo aquoso do estrato córneo e avaliação das propriedades mecânicas da pele, utilizando os equipamentos Corneometer(r) CM 825, CutometerSEM 575 e ReviscometerRV600. Todas as formulações avaliadas aumentaram o conteúdo aquoso do estrato córneo na face, o qual permaneceu constante até o fim do estudo. Por outro lado, somente as formulações contendo acetil hexapeptídeo-3 apresentaram efeito significativo nas propriedades mecânicas, por meio da diminuição da anisotropia da pele na face. Não foram observados efeitos significativos para os parâmetros de viscoelasticidade. Em conclusão, os efeitos de acetil hexapeptídeo-3 na pele caracteriza este peptídeo como um ingrediente ativo efetivo para a melhoria das condições cutâneas, quando utilizadas em formulações cosméticas.Acetyl hexapeptide-3 has been used in anti-aging topical formulations aimed at improving skin appearance. However, few basic studies address its effects on epidermis and dermis, when vehiculated in topical formulations. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the clinical efficacy of acetyl hexapeptide-3 using biophysical techniques. For this purpose, formulations with and without acetyl hexapeptide-3 were applied to the ventral forearm and the face area of forty female volunteers. Skin conditions were evaluated after 2 and 4-week long daily applications, by analyzing the stratum corneum water content and the skin mechanical properties, using three instruments, the Corneometer(r) CM 825, CutometerSEM 575 and ReviscometerRV600. All formulations tested increased the stratum corneum water content in the face region, which remained constant until the end of the study. In contrast, only formulations containing acetyl hexapeptide-3 exhibit a significant effect on mechanical properties, by decreasing the anisotropy of the face skin. No significant effects were observed in viscoelasticity parameters. In conclusion, the effects of acetyl hexapeptide-3 on the anisotropy of face skin characterize the compound as an effective ingredient for improving conditions of the cutaneous tissue, when used in anti-aging cosmetic formulations

    Immediate and long-term effects of polysaccharides-based formulations on human skin

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    A new trend in cosmetic formulations is the use of biotechnological raw materials as the polysaccharides from Klebsiella pneumoniae, which are supposed to enhance cell renewal, improve skin hydration and micro-relief. Botanical extracts of Myrtus communis leaves contain different sugars, which may provide the same benefits. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate through objective and subjective analysis the immediate and long-term effects of cosmetic formulations containing polysaccharides biotechnologically-originated and / or the ones contained in Myrtus communis extracts. Three polysaccharide-based and placebo formulations were applied on the forearm skin of 40 volunteers. Skin hydration, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), viscoelasticity and skin micro-relief measurements were made before and 2 hours after a single application and after 15 and 30 day-periods of daily applications. Answers to a questionnaire about perceptions of formulation cosmetic features constituted the subjective analysis. All polysaccharide-based formulations enhanced skin hydration. Formulations with isolated or combined active substances improved skin barrier function as compared to placebo, in the short and long term studies. Formulations containing Myrtus communis extracts had the highest acceptance. Results suggest that daily use of formulations containing these substances is important for protection of the skin barrier function.Uma nova tendência em formulações cosméticas é a utilização de matérias-primas biotecnológicas como os polissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae, que pode aumentar a renovação celular e melhor a hidratação e micro-relevo da pele. Por outro lado, o extrato vegetal de Myrtus communis contém diferentes polissacarídeos, que também podem proporcionar benefícios à pele. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi a avaliação dos efeitos imediatos e em longo prazo, de formulações cosméticas contendo polissacarídeos obtidos por processo biotecnológico e/ou de extrato de M. communis por meio de análises objetivas e subjetivas. Três formulações contendo os polissacarídeos e um placebo foram aplicadas na pele dos antebraços de 40 voluntários. As medidas foram realizadas antes e após 2 horas da aplicação das formulações e após 15 e 30 dias de aplicações diárias em termos de hidratação da pele, perda transepidérmica de água (TEWL), viscoelasticidade e micro-relevo da pele. Para a análise subjetiva, os voluntários responderam um questionário a fim de obter-se informações sobre a percepção relativa à qualidade de cosméticos. Todas as formulações provocaram aumento da hidratação cutânea. As formulações que continham os polissacarídeos melhoraram a função barreira da pele, em curto e em longo prazo. A formulação contendo extrato de M. communis apresentou maior aceitação. Os resultados sugerem que o uso diário dos polissacarídeos avaliados é importante na proteção da função barreira da pele

    Tretinoin-based formulations - influence of concentration and vehicles on skin penetration

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    A tretinoína é usada no tratamento de acne e é considerada como padrão de ouro para o tratamento do fotoenvelhecimento. Em altas concentrações, é relatada como um agente para peeling químico superficial, com poucas considerações sobre a penetração na pele. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da concentração do fármaco e os veículos comumente usados na penetração cutânea da tretinoína. Testes in vitro de penetração foram realizados com células de difusão de Franz equipados com pele da orelha de porco e 10% de solução aquosa de metanol no compartimento receptor. As formulações estudadas, creme ou dispersão hidroalcoólica, contendo 0,25%, 1% e 5% de tretinoína foram colocadas no compartimento doador, durante seis horas. A concentração da tretinoína foi medida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A maior quantidade de tretinoína foi detectada no estrato córneo com diferenças significativas entre as três concentrações. A dispersão hidroalcoólica foi o melhor veículo. Quantidades significativas de tretinoína foram encontradas nas camadas profundas da epiderme. A formulação com 0,25% de tretinoína mostrou melhores resultados em termos de porcentagem penetrada na pele. Por fim, a penetração de tretinoína na pele foi influenciada pelo veículo e pela concentração desta utilizada na formulação.Tretinoin is used in the management of acne and it is part of a gold standard treatment for photoaging. It has also been reported as an agent for superficial chemical peeling in highly concentrated formulations with few considerations about skin penetration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of drug concentration and vehicles currently used on skin penetration of tretinoin. In vitro permeation tests were carried out using Franz diffusion cells fitted with porcine ear skin and 10% aqueous methanol in the receptor compartment. Formulations studied, cream or hydroalcoholic dispersion, containing 0.25%, 1% and 5% of tretinoin were placed in the donor compartment for six hours. Tretinoin concentration in skin layers was measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The largest amount of tretinoin from both vehicles was detected in stratum corneum with significant differences among the three concentrations. The hydroalcoholic dispersion was the best vehicle. Significant amounts of tretinoin were found even in deep layers of epidermis. The formulation with 0.25% tretinoin showed better results when considered the amount of tretinoin on skin in terms of percentage. Finally, skin penetration of tretinoin was influenced by vehicle and concentration of this drug used in formulation

    Tretinoin-based formulations - influence of concentration and vehicles on skin penetration

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    Tretinoin is used in the management of acne and it is part of a gold standard treatment for photoaging. It has also been reported as an agent for superficial chemical peeling in highly concentrated formulations with few considerations about skin penetration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of drug concentration and vehicles currently used on skin penetration of tretinoin. In vitro permeation tests were carried out using Franz diffusion cells fitted with porcine ear skin and 10% aqueous methanol in the receptor compartment. Formulations studied, cream or hydroalcoholic dispersion, containing 0.25%, 1% and 5% of tretinoin were placed in the donor compartment for six hours. Tretinoin concentration in skin layers was measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The largest amount of tretinoin from both vehicles was detected in stratum corneum with significant differences among the three concentrations. The hydroalcoholic dispersion was the best vehicle. Significant amounts of tretinoin were found even in deep layers of epidermis. The formulation with 0.25% tretinoin showed better results when considered the amount of tretinoin on skin in terms of percentage. Finally, skin penetration of tretinoin was influenced by vehicle and concentration of this drug used in formulation

    Evaluation of the Brazilian Cosmetic Legislation and its impact on the industries during the 20th century

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    ABSTRACT Cosmetics have been used since the very first days of human life. This early and continuing consumption has resulted in the growth of the Cosmetic Industry (C.I.). The C.I. must continue to invest in the development of innovative products which are safe for the consumers. On the other hand, the Health Agency should issue laws regulating the development of products. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the Brazilian Cosmetic Legislation before ANVISA and the challenges for the C.I. during the 20th century regarding the development of safe and effective cosmetics, and to show the importance of this legislation in the R&D. A Bibliographic and Documentary Exploratory Research was conducted based on safety and efficacy data contained in scientific studies and legal documents. The study showed that the creation of ANVISA was necessary because no resolution had been published about the safety and efficacy of cosmetics for the C.I. before ANVISA. However, the challenges faced by the C.I. may have had a negative impact on the health of consumers. Finally, it was concluded that the actions before ANVISA were insufficient to the C.I.. Thus, the creation of ANVISA was essential to have a regulatory basis fot the C.I

    Acetyl hexapeptide-3 in a cosmetic formulation acts on skin mechanical properties - clinical study

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    abstract Acetyl hexapeptide-3 has been used in anti-aging topical formulations aimed at improving skin appearance. However, few basic studies address its effects on epidermis and dermis, when vehiculated in topical formulations. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the clinical efficacy of acetyl hexapeptide-3 using biophysical techniques. For this purpose, formulations with and without acetyl hexapeptide-3 were applied to the ventral forearm and the face area of forty female volunteers. Skin conditions were evaluated after 2 and 4-week long daily applications, by analyzing the stratum corneum water content and the skin mechanical properties, using three instruments, the Corneometer(r) CM 825, CutometerSEM 575 and ReviscometerRV600. All formulations tested increased the stratum corneum water content in the face region, which remained constant until the end of the study. In contrast, only formulations containing acetyl hexapeptide-3 exhibit a significant effect on mechanical properties, by decreasing the anisotropy of the face skin. No significant effects were observed in viscoelasticity parameters. In conclusion, the effects of acetyl hexapeptide-3 on the anisotropy of face skin characterize the compound as an effective ingredient for improving conditions of the cutaneous tissue, when used in anti-aging cosmetic formulations

    Oral Supplementation with Hydrolyzed Fish Cartilage Improves the Morphological and Structural Characteristics of the Skin: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study

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    Collagen and its peptides are natural ingredients used in food supplements and nutricosmetics with the claim of providing benefits for skin health and beauty. In this context, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of oral supplementation with hydrolyzed fish cartilage for the improvement of chronological and photoaging-induced skin changes. A total of 46 healthy females aged 45 to 59 years were enrolled and divided into two groups: G1—placebo and G2—oral treatment with hydrolyzed fish cartilage. Measurements of skin wrinkles, dermis echogenicity and thickness, and morphological and structural characteristics of the skin were performed in the nasolabial region of the face before and after a 90-day period of treatment using high-resolution imaging, ultrasound, and reflectance confocal microscopy image analyses. A significant reduction in wrinkles and an increase of dermis echogenicity were observed after a 90-day period of treatment with hydrolyzed fish cartilage compared to the placebo and baseline values. In addition, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) image analysis showed improved collagen morphology and reduced elastosis after treatment with hydrolyzed fish cartilage. The present study showed the clinical benefits for the skin obtained with oral supplementation with a low dose of collagen peptides from hydrolyzed fish cartilage

    Aplicação de métodos de biofísica no estudo da eficácia de produtos dermocosméticos

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    The authors consider the application of biophysical techniques in the study of cosmetics effectiveness. The quality of a cosmetic product includes the safety of its use, the formulation stability , the visual and other sensorial aspects, and its effectiveness. The biophysical techniques have been widely used in the evaluation of the effect of formulations of topical use, mainly due to the fact of facilitating the evaluation of products in its real use conditions, that is to say, directly in the human skin. The confirmation of the effects of cosmetic products and its action mechanism, by means of experimental protocols properly elaborated using the skin biophysics is of fundamental importance. It should be thoroughly explored and quite developed seeking the improvement of the life quality of users of such products.O trabalho aborda a aplicação dos métodos de biofísica no estudo de eficácia de produtos dermocosméticos. A qualidade de um produto cosmético engloba a segurança de seu uso, a estabilidade da formulação, o aspecto, o sensorial e a sua eficácia. As técnicas de biofísica têm sido amplamente empregadas na avaliação do efeito de formulações dermocosméticas, principalmente devido ao fato de possibilitarem a avaliação de produtos em suas reais condições de uso, ou seja, na pele humana. A comprovação dos efeitos de produtos cosméticos e a elucidação de seu mecanismo de ação por meio de protocolos experimentais devidamente elaborados, que utilizem as técnicas de biofísica da pele, dentre outras, tornam-se de fundamental importância e, assim, a serem amplamente exploradas e ainda bastante desenvolvidas, visando à melhoria da qualidade de vida dos usuários de tais produtos