4,355 research outputs found

    Soil sustainability in organic agricultural production

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    Traditionally, the assessment of soil sustainability and the potential impact of cultivation are based upon the application of chemical procedures. In the absence of a biological context, these measurements offer little in understanding longterm changes in soil husbandry. Detailed microcosm investigations were applied as a predictive tool for management change. The microcosms were designed with homogenised soils treated with organic amendments. Key soil functional relationships were quantified using stable isotope techniques, biochemical measurements and traditional approaches

    Systematic review of psychological approaches to the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia

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    Objective: The authors systematically reviewed the literature on psychological approaches to treating the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.Method: Reports of studies that examined effects of any therapy derived from a psychological approach that satisfied prespecified criteria were reviewed. Data were extracted, the quality of each study was rated, and an overall rating was given to each study by using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteria.Results: A total of 1,632 studies were identified, and 162 satisfied the inclusion criteria for the review. Specific types of psychoeducation for caregivers about managing neuropsychiatric symptoms were effective treatments whose benefits lasted for months, but other caregiver interventions were not. Behavioral management techniques that are centered on individual patients' behavior or on caregiver behavior had similar benefits, as did cognitive stimulation. Music therapy and Snoezelen, and possibly sensory stimulation, were useful during the treatment session but had no longer-term effects; interventions that changed the visual environment looked promising, but more research is needed.Conclusions: Only behavior management therapies, specific types of caregiver and residential care staff education, and possibly cognitive stimulation appear to have lasting effectiveness for the management of dementia-associated neuropsychiatric symptoms. Lack of evidence regarding other therapies is not evidence of lack of efficacy. Conclusions are limited because of the paucity of high-quality research ( only nine level-1 studies were identified). More high-quality investigation is needed

    Government support for faith-based organizations: the case of a development programme for faith leaders

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    A government initiative to train faith leaders usefully extended existing provision, but will require continuing support for some years. Broader community leadership is not always expected from those holding religious positions. The challenges involved in bridging linguistic and cultural differences highlight some of the reasons why initiatives like this are needed

    A critical and Integrated View of the Yeast Interactome

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    Global studies of protein–protein interactions are crucial to both elucidating gene function and producing an integrated view of the workings of living cells. High-throughput studies of the yeast interactome have been performed using both genetic and biochemical screens. Despite their size, the overlap between these experimental datasets is very limited. This could be due to each approach sampling only a small fraction of the total interactome. Alternatively, a large proportion of the data from these screens may represent false-positive interactions. We have used the Genome Information Management System (GIMS) to integrate interactome datasets with transcriptome and protein annotation data and have found significant evidence that the proportion of false-positive results is high. Not all high-throughput datasets are similarly contaminated, and the tandem affinity purification (TAP) approach appears to yield a high proportion of reliable interactions for which corroborating evidence is available. From our integrative analyses, we have generated a set of verified interactome data for yeast

    Bringing genetics into primary care: findings from a national evaluation of pilots in England

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    Objectives: Developments in genetic knowledge and clinical applications are seen as rendering traditional modes of organizing genetics provision increasingly inappropriate. In common with a number of developed world countries the UK has sought to increase the role of primary care in delivering such services. However, efforts to reconfigure service delivery face multiple challenges associated with divergent policy objectives, organizational boundaries and professional cultures. This paper presents findings from an evaluation of an English initiative to integrate genetics into 'mainstream' clinical provision in the National Health Service. Methods: Qualitative research in 11 case-study sites focusing on attempts by pilots funded by the initiative to embed knowledge and provision within primary care illustrating barriers faced and the ways in which these were surmounted. Results: Lack of intrinsic interest in clinical genetics among primary care staff was compounded by national targets that focused their attention elsewhere and by service structures that rendered genetics a peripheral concern demanding minimal engagement. Established divisions between the commissioning of mainstream and specialist services, along with the pressures of shorter-term targets, impeded ongoing funding. Conclusions: More wide-ranging policy and organizational support is required if the aim of entrenching genetics knowledge and practice across the Health Service is to be realized

    The first histidine triad motif of phtd is critical for zinc homeostasis in Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is the world's foremost human pathogen. Acquisition of the first row transition metal ion zinc is essential for pneumococcal colonization and disease. Zinc is acquired via the ATP-binding cassette transporter AdcCB and two zinc-binding proteins, AdcA and AdcAII. We have previously shown that AdcAII is reliant upon the polyhistidine triad (Pht) proteins to aid in zinc recruitment. Pht proteins generally contain five histidine (His) triad motifs that are believed to facilitate zinc binding and therefore play a significant role in pneumococcal metal ion homeostasis. However, the importance and potential redundancy of these motifs have not been addressed. We examined the effects of mutating each of the five His triad motifs of PhtD. The combination of in vitro growth assays, active zinc uptake, and PhtD expression studies show that the His triad closest to the protein's amino terminus is the most important for zinc acquisition. Intriguingly, in vivo competitive infection studies investigating the amino- and carboxyl-terminal His triad mutants indicate that the motifs have similar importance in colonization. Collectively, our new insights into the contributions of the individual His triad motifs of PhtD, and by extension the other Pht proteins, highlight the crucial role of the first His triad site in zinc acquisition. This study also suggests that the Pht proteins likely play a role beyond zinc acquisition in pneumococcal virulence


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    An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 1: background and development

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    This paper (Part 1) describes the development of a new online system that estimates long-term carrying capacity (LTCC) for grazing properties across Queensland, Australia. High year-to-year and multi-year rainfall variability is a dominating feature of the climate of Queensland’s grazing lands, and poses major challenges for extensive livestock production. The use of LTCC is one approach used by graziers to reduce the impact of rainfall variability on land condition and financial performance. Over the past 30 years, scientists, graziers and their advisors have developed a simple approach to calculating LTCC ((average annual pasture growth × safe pasture utilisation) ÷ annual animal intake). This approach has been successful at a property scale (regional south-west Queensland) and in a wider application through Grazing Land Management (GLM) regional workshops. We have built on these experiences to develop an online system (as described in detail in Part 2; Zhang et al. 2021; this issue) that incorporates the simple LTCC approach with advances in technology and grazing science to provide LTCC information for Queensland grazing properties. Features of the LTCC system are: (1) assimilation of spatial datasets (cadastral data, grazing land types, climate data, remotely-sensed woody vegetation cover); (2) a pasture growth simulation model; (3) land type parameter sets of biophysical attributes; and (4) estimates of safe pasture utilisation. The ‘FORAGE LTCC report’ is a major product of the system, describing individual property information that allows detailed analysis and explanation of the components of the LTCC calculation by land type and land condition. The online system rapidly analyses property spatial data and calculates paddock/property LTCC information. For the 10 months between November 2020 and August 2021, over 4000 grazing property reports have been requested in Queensland, and has proven to be a sound basis for ‘discussion support’ with grazier managers and their advisors