5 research outputs found

    Indirect calorimetry application in two different insulin-resistant states - polytrauma and pregnancy

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    Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra biologických a lékařských věd Kandidát: Mgr. Anna Patková Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Miloslav Hronek, Ph.D. Název disertační práce: Aplikace nepřímé kalorimetrie u dvou různých inzulinorezistentních stavů - polytraumatu a gravidity Úvod a cíl: Nepřímá kalorimetrie je zlatým standardem pro stanovování energetického výdeje (EE). Ten je v současné době považován za nejlepší ukazatel energetických potřeb jedince - a to jak ve zdraví, tak v nemoci. Ačkoliv se polytrauma a gravidita mohou na první pohled zdát jako dva fyziologicky naprosto odlišné stavy, z metabolického hlediska jsou si do jisté míry podobné. Jak u polytraumatu, tak v pozdní fázi těhotenství dochází vlivem katabolizmu ke zvyšování energetického výdeje a objevuje se inzulinová rezistence. Nejen těmito společnými znaky se tyto dvě skupiny odlišují od zdravých jedinců a netěhotných žen. Cílem této disertační práce bylo popsat metabolizmus polytraumatizovaných pacientů a zdravých gravidních žen společně s faktory, které ho ovlivňují. Kromě energetického výdeje se tato práce věnuje respiračnímu kvocientu (RQ; v případě polytraumatu navíc ve vztahu k nepřímým prognostickým markerům), který charakterizuje míru oxidace jednotlivých nutričních substrátů. U gravidních žen byla práce...Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Candidate: Mgr. Anna Patková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Miloslav Hronek, Ph.D. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Indirect calorimetry application in two different insulin-resistant states - polytrauma and pregnancy Introduction and Objective: Indirect calorimetry is the gold standard for energy expenditure (EE) determination that is currently considered to be the best indicator of individual energy requirements - both in health and in illness. Although polytrauma and pregnancy could seem as two physiologically different states, they are quite similar in metabolic terms. Both in polytrauma and in late pregnancy, catabolism increases energy expenditure and insulin resistance occurs. Not only common characteristics mentioned above distinguish these two groups from healthy individuals and non-pregnant women. The aim of this dissertation was to describe the metabolism of polytrauma patients and healthy pregnant women together with the factors that affect it. Besides energy expenditure, this work focuses on respiratory quotient (RQ; in polytrauma also in relation to indirect prognostic markers), which characterizes nutritional substrate oxidations. In pregnant women, the dissertation is also focused on the...Katedra biologických a lékařských vědDepartment of Biological and Medical SciencesFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease Diploma thesis Anna Patková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D. Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. It is thought that tissue damage is also partly caused by an oxidative stress. Heme oxygenase-1 and bilirubin are strong antioxidants and both of them provide an anti-inflammatory effect in various tissues. The aim of this diploma thesis was to detect changes of expression of HO-I in the large intestine of normobilirubinemic and hyperbilirubinemic rats after the induction of acute or chronic experimental colitis. Methods: We used Gunn rats with hereditary defect of UDP-glucuronyltransferase, which causes hyperbilirubinemia. The control group of animals was made up of heterozygous littermates of the Gunn rats, which have normal serum bilirubin levels. All animals were treated by dextran sulfate sodium in order to induce an experimental colitis. Rats were divided into two groups. Each of them contained hyperbilirubinemic and normobilirubinemic..

    Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra biologických a lékařských věd Vliv bilirubinu na progresi nespecifických střevních zánětů Diplomová práce Anna Patková Vedoucí práce: doc. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D. Cíl práce: Nespecifické střevní záněty, mezi které řadíme především Crohnovu nemoc a ulcerózní kolitidu, jsou chronické záněty střev, na jejichž patogenezi se pravděpodobně podílí genetická predispozice a faktory vnějšího prostředí. Předpokládá se, že tkáňové poškození je do jisté míry způsobeno také oxidačním stresem. Jak hemoxygenáza-I, tak bilirubin jsou silnými antioxidanty a poskytují protizánětlivý účinek. Cílem této diplomové práce bylo popsat změny exprese HO-I v tlustém střevě normobilirubinemických a hyperbilirubinemických potkanů po indukci akutní či chronické experimentální kolitidy. Metody: Pro tuto práci byli použiti potkani kmene Gunn s vrozeným defektem UDP- glukuronyltransferázy, který je příčinou vzniku hyperbilirubinemie. Kontrolní skupinu tvořili heterozygotní sourozenci těchto potkanů, u nichž jsou hladiny sérového bilirubinu v normě. Všem zvířatům byl podáván dextran sulfát sodný za účelem vyvolání experimentální kolitidy. Potkani byli rozděleni do dvou skupin, z nichž každá obsahovala hyperbilirubinemické i normobilirubinemické jedince....Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease Diploma thesis Anna Patková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D. Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. It is thought that tissue damage is also partly caused by an oxidative stress. Heme oxygenase-1 and bilirubin are strong antioxidants and both of them provide an anti-inflammatory effect in various tissues. The aim of this diploma thesis was to detect changes of expression of HO-I in the large intestine of normobilirubinemic and hyperbilirubinemic rats after the induction of acute or chronic experimental colitis. Methods: We used Gunn rats with hereditary defect of UDP-glucuronyltransferase, which causes hyperbilirubinemia. The control group of animals was made up of heterozygous littermates of the Gunn rats, which have normal serum bilirubin levels. All animals were treated by dextran sulfate sodium in order to induce an experimental colitis. Rats were divided into two groups. Each of them contained hyperbilirubinemic and normobilirubinemic...Department of Biological and Medical SciencesKatedra biologických a lékařských vědFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Bilirubin influence on the progression of inflammatory bowel disease Diploma thesis Anna Patková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D. Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory disorders of the gut caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. It is thought that tissue damage is also partly caused by an oxidative stress. Heme oxygenase-1 and bilirubin are strong antioxidants and both of them provide an anti-inflammatory effect in various tissues. The aim of this diploma thesis was to detect changes of expression of HO-I in the large intestine of normobilirubinemic and hyperbilirubinemic rats after the induction of acute or chronic experimental colitis. Methods: We used Gunn rats with hereditary defect of UDP-glucuronyltransferase, which causes hyperbilirubinemia. The control group of animals was made up of heterozygous littermates of the Gunn rats, which have normal serum bilirubin levels. All animals were treated by dextran sulfate sodium in order to induce an experimental colitis. Rats were divided into two groups. Each of them contained hyperbilirubinemic and normobilirubinemic..

    Indirect calorimetry application in two different insulin-resistant states - polytrauma and pregnancy

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Candidate: Mgr. Anna Patková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Miloslav Hronek, Ph.D. Title of Doctoral Thesis: Indirect calorimetry application in two different insulin-resistant states - polytrauma and pregnancy Introduction and Objective: Indirect calorimetry is the gold standard for energy expenditure (EE) determination that is currently considered to be the best indicator of individual energy requirements - both in health and in illness. Although polytrauma and pregnancy could seem as two physiologically different states, they are quite similar in metabolic terms. Both in polytrauma and in late pregnancy, catabolism increases energy expenditure and insulin resistance occurs. Not only common characteristics mentioned above distinguish these two groups from healthy individuals and non-pregnant women. The aim of this dissertation was to describe the metabolism of polytrauma patients and healthy pregnant women together with the factors that affect it. Besides energy expenditure, this work focuses on respiratory quotient (RQ; in polytrauma also in relation to indirect prognostic markers), which characterizes nutritional substrate oxidations. In pregnant women, the dissertation is also focused on the..