12 research outputs found

    Kemitraan Kolaboratif Pemerintah Daerah Sarbagita ( Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Tabanan) dengan Pihak Swasta PT Noei dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Wilayah Sarbagita

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    Garbage issue is a difficult problem, it can not be solved easily. It needs a professional management to manage this problem well. However, every area has its own issue to build a technology for this professional management. The areas have minimum fund and lacks of human resources. That is why they do partnership to solve the trash issue. This is the reason why Sarbagita Government does partnership with PT. NOEI to manage the trash. In this partnership, there are some problems: until now, PT. NOEI have not managed the trash well and asked for tipping fee. It caused by an argument between both of them. Because of those issues, the purpose of this study is to know the partnership pattern between Sarbagita Government with PT.NOEI. This study used descriptive qualitative method to get the data; researcher observed by herself the phenomenon in the field and interviewed the people that have correlation with this partnership. Some conclusions were got in this study, the first PT. NOEI's project plan was not ready yet, therefore PT.NOEI lacks of fund when it build a gasification technology. The second, there was unclear a contract letter. There wasn't punishment if the second side did not do its responsibility well and also there was not a discussion of tipping fee there. The last, even there are some problems between Sarbagita Government and PT. NOEI, BPKS could do mediation by collaborative management to make this partnership runs well until now

    Formalisme Pendidikan Karakter Di Indonesia: Telaah Pendidikan Islam

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    Character education in Indonesia still remains a very complex issue despite many efforts have been made by the government. The issue is still very evident in the behavior of the Indonesian nation which is still far from the ideal values of the character of the Indonesian nation itself. Therefore, in this paper the authors attempt to describe reality and the problem of educational character in Indonesia and in Islamic education point a view. This paper to present some of logical consequences of the concept of formalistic educational character in Indonesia that impact to Indonesian attitude which tending to have formal-religious in living on national activity

    Influence of Training Spiritual Leadership and Climate of Working on the Employees Performance in Office Education Province of Lampung

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    The leadership and the atmosphere in the working environment within the organization as a manager and leader of an organization have a very big role in creating a conducive and innovative working environment. Therefore, this study investigates leadership and working climate influencing on employee performance of Lampung Provincial Education Office. It uses a quantitative approach and descriptive survey method. Based on data analysis, the results are as follows: first, in general the results of data analysis showed that the leadership, the climate of employee and employee performance Education Office of Lampung Province is categorised as middle/enough, it means that the leadership, work climate and employee performance still need to be improved. Based on the results it can be argued that in order to improve the performance of employees can be done through visionary leadership, hard work, perseverance, steel service and discipline as well as to create a conducive working environment

    Antibacterial Activities Test of Combination of Ethanolic Extract of Betel Leaves (Piper Betle L.) and Basil Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum L.) Against Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Betel leaf extract and basil leaf extract contain phenol compounds, safonin, flavonoids, tannins, and essential oils that act as antibacterials. Skin is very susceptible to infection or other skin diseases one of which is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This research needs to be done to test the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of green betel leaf, basil leaf and combination of both extracts to S. aureus. The process of extraction of betel leaf and basil leaves was done with 96% ethanol solvent using maceration method. The combinations used in the sample solution were the concentration of ethanol extract of green betel leaf (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%) and basil leaf extract (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60 %, 75%). Furthermore, the antibacterial activity was tested for S. aureus with well diffusion method. The data obtained were tested statistically using Anova and Duncan's advanced test. The result of statistical analysis showed difference of drag zone (p <0,05) between various concentration of ethanol extract of green betel leaf, basil leaf and combination of both extracts to S. aureus. The smallest resin zone of ethanol extract of  betel leaf and ethanol extract of basil leaves is at 0% concentration (S0 and K0) and highest at 75% concentration (S5 and K5). While the smallest zone of inhibition for the combination of ethanol extract of betel leaf and ethanol extract of basil leaves at concentration S0K0, S0K1 and S0K2 is 0 mm and highest at S5K5 concentration is 31,3 mm. The higher concentration of betel leaf extract, basil leaf extract and the combination of the two extracts, the inhibition of diameter zone will be better. It can be concluded that the combination of  betel leaf extract and basil leaf extract has the ability to inhibit the growth of S. aureus better than single extract

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Pelayanan USAha Benih Padi Cigeulis

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    This research was conducted in Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province which had been held from April 29, 2015 until May 29, 2015. The purposes of this study were (1). To determine level of service quality rice seed Cigeulis in BBIPP, (2). To determine level of Satisfaction of consumers to services rice seed Cigeulis. The method used for the service is a method Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and the level of satisfaction using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). From the CSI service Cigeulis rice seed in the district Kepahiang Bengkulu province amounted to 80,35% of this index is on a scale satisfied