12,326 research outputs found

    On Semi-classical Degravitation and the Cosmological Constant Problems

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    In this report, we discuss a candidate mechanism through which one might address the various cosmological constant problems. We first observe that the renormalization of gravitational couplings (induced by integrating out various matter fields) manifests non-local modifications to Einstein's equations as quantum corrected equations of motion. That is, at the loop level, matter sources curvature through a gravitational coupling that is a non-local function of the covariant d'Alembertian. If the functional form of the resulting Newton's `constant' is such that it annihilates very long wavelength sources, but reduces to 1/Mpl21/M^2_{pl} (MplM_{pl} being the 4d Planck mass) for all sources with cosmologically observable wavelengths, we would have a complimentary realization of the degravitation paradigm-- a realization through which its non-linear completion and the corresponding modified Bianchi identities are readily understood. We proceed to consider various theories whose coupling to gravity may a priori induce non-trivial renormalizations of Newton's constant in the IR, and arrive at a class of non-local effective actions which yield a suitably degravitating filter function for Newton's constant upon subsequently being integrated out. We motivate this class of non-local theories through several considerations, discuss open issues, future directions, the inevitable question of scheme dependence in semi-classical gravitational calculations and comment on connections with other meditations in the literature on relaxing of the cosmological constant semi-classically.Comment: 15 pages, 2 appendices. References added

    Relaxing the Electroweak Scale: the Role of Broken dS Symmetry

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    Recently, a novel mechanism to address the hierarchy problem has been proposed \cite{Graham:2015cka}, where the hierarchy between weak scale physics and any putative `cutoff' MM is translated into a parametrically large field excursion for the so-called relaxion field, driving the Higgs mass to values much less than MM through cosmological dynamics. In its simplest incarnation, the relaxion mechanism requires nothing beyond the standard model other than an axion (the relaxion field) and an inflaton. In this note, we critically re-examine the requirements for successfully realizing the relaxion mechanism and point out that parametrically larger field excursions can be obtained for a given number of e-folds by simply requiring that the background break exact de Sitter invariance. We discuss several corollaries of this observation, including the interplay between the upper bound on the scale MM and the order parameter Ï”\epsilon associated with the breaking of dS symmetry, and entertain the possibility that the relaxion could play the role of a curvaton. We find that a successful realization of the mechanism is possible with as few as O(103)\mathcal O (10^3) e-foldings, albeit with a reduced cutoff M∌106M \sim 10^6 GeV for a dark QCD axion and outline a minimal scenario that can be made consistent with CMB observations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Version to appear in JHE

    On the Predictiveness of Single-Field Inflationary Models

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    We re-examine the predictiveness of single-field inflationary models and discuss how an unknown UV completion can complicate determining inflationary model parameters from observations, even from precision measurements. Besides the usual naturalness issues associated with having a shallow inflationary potential, we describe another issue for inflation, namely, unknown UV physics modifies the running of Standard Model (SM) parameters and thereby introduces uncertainty into the potential inflationary predictions. We illustrate this point using the minimal Higgs Inflationary scenario, which is arguably the most predictive single-field model on the market, because its predictions for AsA_s, rr and nsn_s are made using only one new free parameter beyond those measured in particle physics experiments, and run up to the inflationary regime. We find that this issue can already have observable effects. At the same time, this UV-parameter dependence in the Renormalization Group allows Higgs Inflation to occur (in principle) for a slightly larger range of Higgs masses. We comment on the origin of the various UV scales that arise at large field values for the SM Higgs, clarifying cut off scale arguments by further developing the formalism of a non-linear realization of SUL(2)×U(1)\rm SU_L(2) \times U(1) in curved space. We discuss the interesting fact that, outside of Higgs Inflation, the effect of a non-minimal coupling to gravity, even in the SM, results in a non-linear EFT for the Higgs sector. Finally, we briefly comment on post BICEP2 attempts to modify the Higgs Inflation scenario.Comment: 31 pp, 4 figures v4: Minor correction to section 3.1. Main arguments and conclusions unchange

    Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance : What comes first ?

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1)	Classical explanation :
Classical explanation of diabetic pathophysiology states that obesity induced insulin resistance develops first and is followed by compensatory hyperinsulinnemia. Further insulin resistance leads to prolonged, increased secretary demand on beta cells leading to subsequent secondary beta cell failure, giving rise to hyperglycaemia and diabetes^2^.

2)	 Neurobehavioral origin hypothesis :
The Neurobehavioral origin hypothesis suggests that insulin resistance mediates a shift from muscle dependent (soldier) to brain dependent (diplomat) strategies of making a livelihood. If nutrient limitation affects intrauterine development, brain development is the least affected among all the organs^4,5^. As a result, in IUGR babies muscle weight is poor but the brain is relatively well developed. Such a person is more likely to be a successful diplomat rather than a soldier and insulin resistance is adaptive for such an individual^3^. Since insulin is involved in brain development and cognitive functions, higher levels of insulin are needed. As insulin is having strong anti-lipolytic effect, hyperinsulinnemia is followed by subsequent excess fat accumulation. Also compensatory insulin resistance is needed to avoid hypoglycemia. This hypothesis predicts a reverse order of pathophysiology i.e. primary hyperinsulinnemia followed by compensatory insulin resistance^3^

To determine in diabetes whether hyperinsulinnemia develops first or insulin resistance develops first.

Methods :
We searched literature for studies that investigated directly or indirectly the sequence of development of hyperinsulinnemia and insulin resistance in humans and animal models from an early stage. Meta-analysis was conducted on published data.

1)	In low birth weight neonates in humans as well as in rat models, hyperinsulinnemia is found at very early stage.^6^
2)	Development of insulin resistance is preceded by hyperinsulinnemia in mice, rats as well as in humans.^7, 8^
3)	In normoglycaemic hyperinsulinemia state if insulin production is suppressed insulin sensitivity increases rapidly maintaining the normoglycaemic state.^9,10^
4)	Beta cell expansion beginning in intrauterine life is independent of glucose, Insulin and Insulin receptors.^6^

All the four lines of evidence indicate that hyperinsulinnemia precedes insulin resistance supporting the predictions of neurobehavioral origin hypothesis over the orthodox view.

References :
1)	DeFronzo RA, Ferrannini E (1991). Diabetes Care 14:173-194
2)	Kruszynska YT, Olefsky JM (1996). J Investig Med 44: 413-428.
3)	Watve MG, Yajnik CY (2007). BMC Evolutionary Biology.7: 61-74.
 4) Winick M, Rosso P, Waterlow JC (1970). Exp Neurol, 26:393-400.
 5) Winick M. (1969) J Pediatr,74:667-679.
 6) Chakravarthy MV et.al. (2008) Diabetes, 57:2698-2707.
 7) Ramin A et. al. (1998) J Clin Endo and Met, 83 :1911-1915.
 8) Hansen BC (1990) Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 259: 612-617.
 9) Stanley L (1981) Life Sciences, 28: 1829-1840.
 10) Ratzmann KP et. al. (1983) Int J Obes, 7 : 453-458

