393 research outputs found

    Usual Tumor at an Unusual Site - A Leiomyoma Masquerading as a Urethral Polyp.

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    Polyps and papillomas encompass the most common benign tumors of the urethra.Leiomyoma of urethra is a rare clinical entity which can be diagnosed only with histopathological examination and only around 35 such cases have been reported worldwide

    Fluxes of heat and momentum over sea surface during the passage of ε depression in the north Bay of Bengal

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    Tims variation of surface Fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum over a sea station (20:N89E) in the norm Bay of Bengal Mas been computed bv srofiie method lor the Period IK;:-, 25th Angus; 1990 using meteorological data of MOSTBL EX-90 from OR Y Sayarkniyii. The fluxes showed synoptic and uiurnal variations nnich ars rrarked during oppression (20th-21st August) comparée to their variation prior to and after tais period. Variations of heal and water vapour fluxes were in phase. Nigh- time fluxes are ralati.eiy high ccmpared to day time. Average ir.orner.tam transfer during depressor. two io three times large. Variations in Bowen ratio wers relatively large during day time. During depression, it varied between 0-2 in day lime and about 00 A., nignt and in the undisturbed period between 0-1 jnd 0-2 during day time and 0-2 and 025 at nigh:. The study shows that the assumption of the exchange coefficients normaiiy used ir. estimating the Ruxes by the buk Lu-rodyr.umic method is not appropriate because Cy/C- C and CH/C14

    A study of turbulent characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer over monsoon trough region using Kytoon and Doppler sodar

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    As a part of the MONTBLEX-90 observational programme, Kytoon and Doppler sodar observations were taken at Kharagpur. These data are analysed to study the turbulent characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer in terms of stability, temperature structure function (CT2 ) and velocity structure function (Cv2 ). CT2 follows a Z-4/3 law on most of the days, whereas the variation of CV2 is not systematic. CV2 and CT2 values are found to vary between 10-5-10-1 m4/3s-2 and 10-5-10-2°C2 m-2/3 respectively

    Dietary intervention in Sthoulya (obesity)

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    Sthoulya (Obesity) is the most prevalent form of malnutrition. As a chronic disease, prevalent in both developed and developing countries and affecting children as well as adults, it is one of the most significant contributors to ill health.  Ayurveda which is not only a science of medicine but a way of life. It advocating prevention of disease as its primary aim and following holistic approach in dealing with diseases. Acharya Charaka has described Sthoulya under Asta Ninditha Purusha (Eight undesirable constitution) based on their ugly appearance, victims to public abuse and unmanageable health condition. In Sthoulya there is excessive increase in Mamsa (flesh) and Meda (fat) Dhatu with pendulous movement of buttock, abdomen and breast, strength is rendered disproportionate with physical growth. Sthoulya is one among Kapha Pradhana Vyadhi (predominant disease) involving Kapha and Medas as main Dosa and Dusya in the Samprapthi (pathogenesis). Sthoulya is root cause for many killer diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension and heart diseases. To manage Sthoulya there is a need for proper dietary planning. Dietary foods having the property of Guru (heavy) and Atarpana (non-nourishing) must be followed like Yava (Barley), Mudga (Green gram), Kulatta (Horse gram), Adhaki (pigeon pea). Hence here an effort is made to manage Sthoulya through Ayurvedic diet

    Dietary intervention in Prameha (Diabetes mellitus)

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    Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) is a disease known to the medical world since time immemorial. Its incidence is, however, much higher at present than ever in the past. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder reflecting abnormality of urine such person passes urine in large quantities, many times during day and night. Nidanas (causative factors) for Prameha are excessive use of curd, meat soup of domestic, aquatic, marshy animals, milk, new cereals and drinks, jaggery products, Kaphakara Aahara and sedentary lifestyle. Due to these Nidanas, Tri Doshas get aggravated specially Kledaka Kapha in liquid form affects Meda, Mamsa Dhatus and Kledatva. Excess of Kleda formed in the body which leads to Jaataragni Mandya (digestive fire) and Dhatvaagni Mandya (tissue fire). Naturally tissues lose their tone, later on Ojus, Basti also get vitiated and produces Prameha. To prevent and to control Prameha proper dietary plan is necessary. In Ayurveda gives utmost importance for diet especially in Prameha such as Kangu, Yava, Shyamaka, Godhuma, Purana Shali, Kulatta, Mudga, Chanaka, Adhaki, Vaatyamanda, Shobhanjana etc

    Carbon dioxide and water vapour characteristics on the west coast of Arabian Sea during Indian summer monsoon

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    Carbon dioxide, water vapour, air temperature and wind measurements at 10 Hz sampling rate were carried out over the coast of Arabian Sea, Goa (15°21'N, 73°51'E) in India. These observations were collected, in association with the surface layer turbulent parameters for the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX). In the summer monsoon period, concentration of CO 2 was in the range of 550-790 mg m -3 whereas the water vapour was in the range of 17.5-24.5 g m -3. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis has been performed on these observations to investigate the spectral behaviour of CO 2 and water vapour. The relation between CO 2 and water vapour on various atmospheric scales has been proposed. CO 2 and water vapour observations confirmed the existence of periodicities of large (11, 8 days), meso (5 days) and micrometeorological (20 min) scales

    Measurements of carbon dioxide and heat fluxes during monsoon-2011 season over rural site of India by eddy covariance technique

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    An increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities is responsible for global warming and hence in recent years, CO2 measurement network has expanded globally. In the monsoon season (July-September) of year 2011, we carried out measurements of CO2 and water vapour (H2O) concentrations along with wind and air temperature over a tropical site in southeast India having rural topography. To collect these observations, the instrumentations used were the sonic anemometer for wind and temperature, and the open path H2O/CO2 infrared gas analyzer for CO2 and H2O concentrations. Using these observations, we explored the diurnal variability of CO2 flux along with sensible and latent heat. The CO2 flux was positive during night-time and negative during daytime and in phase with convective instability. The CO2 flux relationships with the meteorological parameters such as wind speed, temperature and heat fluxes have been analysed. The seasonal (monsoon) half hour mean of CO2 flux which was -3.55 μmol m-2 s-1 indicated the experimental site as a CO2 sink region (net seasonal uptake). An increase in CO2 concentrations during weekends was not observed due to unavailability of heavy vehicular traffic

    Influence of wind speed on surface layer stability and turbulent fluxes over southern Indian peninsula station

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    Surface to atmosphere exchange has received much attention in numerical weather prediction models. This exchange is defined by turbulent parameters such as frictional velocity, drag coefficient and heat fluxes, which have to be derived experimentally from high-frequency observations. High-frequency measurements of wind speed, air temperature and water vapour mixing ratio (eddy covariance measurements), were made during the Integrated Ground Observation Campaign (IGOC) of Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX) at Mahabubnagar, India (16∘44′N, 77∘59′E) in the south-west monsoon season. Using these observations, an attempt was made to investigate the behaviour of the turbulent parameters, mentioned above, with respect to wind speed. We found that the surface layer stability derived from the Monin–Obukhov length scale, is well depicted by the magnitude of wind speed, i.e., the atmospheric boundary layer was under unstable regime for wind speeds >4 m s−1; under stable regime for wind speeds <2 m s−1 and under neutral regime for wind speeds in the range of 2–3 m s−1. All the three stability regimes were mixed for wind speeds 3–4 m s−1. The drag coefficient shows scatter variation with wind speed in stable as well as unstable conditions

    Quantitative analysis of gallstones in Libyan patients

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    Gallstone disease is one of the major surgical problems in the Libyan population; it is probably related to diet, especially excessive consumption of meat. The study was conducted to determine the composition of gallstones and their possible etiology in a Libyan population. The chemical composition of gallstones from 41 patients (six males and 35 females) was analyzed. The stones were classified into cholesterol, pigment, and mixed stones (MS). Cholesterol stones (CS) showed a significantly higher cholesterol content than pigment stones (PS) (p=0.0085) though not significantly higher than MS. Their phospholipid content and inorganic phosphates were higher than in the other types of stones and oxalate content was significantly elevated in comparison with MS (p=0.0471). In MS, the cholesterol, bile acids, and bilirubin were intermediate between cholesterol and PS, whereas triglycerides were significantly more than PS (p=0.0004). Bilirubin (0.0001) and bile acids (p=0.0009) were significantly higher than CS (p=0.0001). However, they contained the lowest amounts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and oxalate. In PS, bilirubin (p=0.0001) was significantly higher than both groups. Bile acid content was significantly higher than CS (p=0.0001) but not significantly more than MS. They showed the highest values of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chlorides compared to the other types of stones. High levels of cholesterol in stones and dyslipidemia associated with mixed as well as cholesterol gallstones suggest an etiological association and efforts to reduce dietary fat among the Libyan population may lead to decreased cholesterol and mixed gallstones.Keywords: gallstones; chemical composition; Libya; cholestero

    Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a 22-channel direct reading atomic emission spectrometer using inductively coupled plasma as a source of excitation

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    The indigenous design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a polychromator, using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as a source of excitation, are described. A concave holographic grating is used as the dispersing element and a Paschen-Runge mount is chosen to focus the spectra over a wide range along the Rowland circle. Twenty-two exit slits, mounted along the circle, precisely correspond to the wavelengths used for determination of up to twenty elements present in the plasma. Radiations emerging from the exit slits are detected by photomultiplier tubes placed behind them. The photomultiplier signal is recorded by an electronic system consisting of an integrator and a PC-based data acquisition system. The performance of the spectrometer has been evaluated with an ICP excitation source. Synthetic standards in deionized water containing a mixture of twenty impurities have been analysed. Typical determination limits observed for elements range from sub-ppm to ppm levels. All the elements present as impurities can be detected simultaneously. It is also observed that each element has a different emitting region in the ICP flame for which the maximum signal to the background is obtained. The determination limits obtained corresponding to these zones are the lowest. A study of the sensitive emitting zones for several elements has been carried out and the results are demonstrated by photographs of the ICP flame. The study will help in achieving the minimum value of determination limit for an impurity element
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