2,406 research outputs found

    Gapless Singlet modes in the Kagome strips: A study through DMRG and strong coupling analysis

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    Recently Azaria et al have studied strips of the Kagome-lattice in the weak-coupling limit, where they consist of two spin-half chains on the outside weakly coupled to an array of half-integer spins in the middle. Using a number of mappings they have arrived at the interesting result that in this system all spin excitations are gapped but there are gapless spinless modes. Here we study these Kagome strips in the limit where the interchain couplings are comparable to the coupling to the middle spins by density matrix renormalization group and by a strong coupling analysis. In the limit when the coupling to the middle-spin dominates, the 5-spins of the unit-cell reduce to a single S=3/2 spin, and the overall system has well known gapless spin excitations. We study the phase transition from this phase to the weak-coupling phase. We also carry out a strong coupling analysis away from the S=3/2 limit, where the five-spin blocks have four degenerate ground states with S=1/2, which can be thought of as two spin and two pseudospin degrees of freedom. A numerical study of this strong coupling model also suggests a finite spin-gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figure

    Fluctuation, time-correlation function and geometric Phase

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    We establish a fluctuation-correlation theorem by relating the quantum fluctuations in the generator of the parameter change to the time integral of the quantum correlation function between the projection operator and force operator of the ``fast'' system. By taking a cue from linear response theory we relate the quantum fluctuation in the generator to the generalised susceptibility. Relation between the open-path geometric phase, diagonal elements of the quantum metric tensor and the force-force correlation function is provided and the classical limit of the fluctuation-correlation theorem is also discussed.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, no figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math & Ge

    Minimum cbits for remote preperation and measurement of a qubit

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    We show that a qubit chosen from equatorial or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be remotely prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share one ebit of entanglement. Also we show that any single particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be remotely simulated with one ebit of shared entanglement and communication of one cbit.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, minor changes, references adde

    Mediation of Long Range Charge Transfer by Kondo Bound States

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    We present a theory of non-equilibrium long range charge transfer between donor and acceptor centers in a model polymer mediated by magnetic exciton (Kondo) bound states. Our model produces electron tunneling lengths easily exceeding 10A˚\AA, as observed recently in DNA and organic charge transfer systems. This long ranged tunneling is effective for weak to intermediate donor-bridge coupling, and is enhanced both by weak to intermediate strength Coulomb hole-electron attraction (through the orthogonality catastrophe) and by coupling to local vibrational modes.Comment: Revised content (broadened scope, vibrations added), submitted to Phys Rev Lett, added autho

    Exclusion Principle for Quantum Dense Coding

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    We show that the classical capacity of quantum states, as quantified by its ability to perform dense coding, respects an exclusion principle, for arbitrary pure or mixed three-party states in any dimension. This states that no two bipartite states which are reduced states of a common tripartite quantum state can have simultaneous quantum advantage in dense coding. The exclusion principle is robust against noise. Such principle also holds for arbitrary number of parties. This exclusion principle is independent of the content and distribution of entanglement in the multipartite state. We also find a strict monogamy relation for multi-port classical capacities of multi-party quantum states in arbitrary dimensions. In the scenario of two senders and a single receiver, we show that if two of them wish to send classical information to a single receiver independently, then the corresponding dense coding capacities satisfy the monogamy relation, similar to the one for quantum correlations.Comment: v2: 6 pages, RevTeX 4, title changed, previous results unchanged, new results adde

    Exploring the possibility of enhancing the figure-of-merit ( >> 2) of Na0.74_{0.74}CoO2_{2}: A combined experimental and theoretical study

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    Search of new thermoelectric (TE) materials with high \textit{figure-of-merit} (ZT) is always inspired the researcher in TE field. Here, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study of TE properties of Na0.74_{0.74}CoO2_{2} compound in high-temperature region. The experimental Seebeck coefficient (S) is found to vary from 64 to 118 μ\muV/K in the temperature range 300620300-620 K. The positive values of S are indicating the dominating p-type behaviour of the compound. The observed value of thermal conductivity (κ\kappa) is \sim 2.2 W/m-K at 300 K. In the temperature region 300430300-430 K, the value of κ\kappa increases up to \sim 2.6 W/m-K and then decreases slowly till 620 K with the corresponding value of \sim 2.4 W/m-K. We have also carried out the theoretical calculations and the best matching between experimental and calculated values of transport properties are observed in spin-polarized calculation within DFT+\textit{U} by chosen \textit{U} = 4 eV. The maximum calculated value of ZT is found to be \sim 0.67 at 1200 K for p-type conduction. Our computational study suggests that the possibility of n-type behaviour of the compound which can lead to a large value of ZT at higher temperature region. Electron doping of \sim 5.1×\times1020^{20} cm3^{-3} is expected to give rise the high ZT value of \sim 2.7 at 1200 K. Using these temperature-dependent ZT values, we have calculated the maximum possible values of efficiency (η\eta) of thermoelectric generator (TEG) made by p and n-type Na0.74_{0.74}CoO2_{2}. The present study suggests that one can get the efficiency of a TE cell as high as \sim 11%\% when the cold and hot end temperature are fixed at 300 K and 1200 K, respectively. Such high values of ZT and efficiency suggest that Na0.74_{0.74}CoO2_{2} can be used as a potential candidate for high-temperature TE applications

    General impossible operations in quantum information

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    We prove a general limitation in quantum information that unifies the impossibility principles such as no-cloning and no-anticloning. Further, we show that for an unknown qubit one cannot design a universal Hadamard gate for creating equal superposition of the original and its complement state. Surprisingly, we find that Hadamard transformations exist for an unknown qubit chosen either from the polar or equatorial great circles. Also, we show that for an unknown qubit one cannot design a universal unitary gate for creating unequal superpositions of the original and its complement state. We discuss why it is impossible to design a controlled-NOT gate for two unknown qubits and discuss the implications of these limitations.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Discussion about personal quantum computer remove

    Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Graphene Quantum Dots: A Computational Study

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    Due to the advantage of tunability via size, shape, doping and relatively low level of loss and high extent of spatial confinement, graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are emerging as an effective way to control light by molecular engineering. The collective excitation in GQDs shows both high energy plasmon frequency along with frequencies in the terahertz (THz) region making these systems powerful materials for photonic technologies. Here, we report a systematic study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of large varieties of GQDs (400 systems) in size and topology utilizing the strengths of both semiempirical and first-principles methods. Our detailed study shows how the spectral shift and trends in the optical nonlinearity of GQDs depends on their structure, size and shape. Among the circular, triangular, stripe, and random shaped GQDs, we find that GQDs with inequivalent sublattice atoms always possess lower HOMO-LUMO gap, broadband absorption and high nonlinear optical coefficients. Also, we find that for majority of the GQDs with interesting linear and nonlinear optical properties have zigzag edges, although reverse is not always true. We strongly believe that our findings can act as guidelines to design GQDs in optical parametric oscillators, higher harmonic generators and optical modulators.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Quantum Information Paradox: Real or Fictitious?

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    One of the outstanding puzzles of theoretical physics is whether quantum information indeed gets lost in the case of Black Hole (BH) evaporation or accretion. Let us recall that Quantum Mechanics (QM) demands an upper limit on the acceleration of a test particle. On the other hand, it is pointed out here that, if a Schwarzschild BH would exist, the acceleration of the test particle would blow up at the event horizon in violation of QM. Thus the concept of an exact BH is in contradiction of QM and quantum gravity (QG). It is also reminded that the mass of a BH actually appears as an INTEGRATION CONSTANT of Einstein equations. And it has been shown that the value of this integration constant is actually zero. Thus even classically, there cannot be finite mass BHs though zero mass BH is allowed. It has been further shown that during continued gravitational collapse, radiation emanating from the contracting object gets trapped within it by the runaway gravitational field. As a consequence, the contracting body attains a quasi-static state where outward trapped radiation pressure gets balanced by inward gravitational pull and the ideal classical BH state is never formed in a finite proper time. In other words, continued gravitational collapse results in an "Eternally Collapsing Object" which is a ball of hot plasma and which is asymptotically approaching the true BH state with M=0 after radiating away its entire mass energy. And if we include QM, this contraction must halt at a radius suggested by highest QM acceleration. In any case no EH is ever formed and in reality, there is no quantum information paradox.Comment: 8 pages in Pramana Style, 6 in Revtex styl