7,014 research outputs found

    Analysis of the electromagnetic scattering from an inlet geometry with lossy walls

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    One of the primary goals is to develop an approximate but sufficiently accurate analysis for the problem of electromagnetic (EM) plane wave scattering by an open ended, perfectly-conducting, semi-infinite hollow circular waveguide (or duct) with a thin, uniform layer of lossy or absorbing material on its inner wall, and with a simple termination inside. The less difficult but useful problem of the EM scattering by a two-dimensional (2-D), semi-infinite parallel plate waveguide with an impedance boundary condition on the inner walls was chosen initially for analysis. The impedance boundary condition in this problem serves to model a thin layer of lossy dielectric/ferrite coating on the otherwise perfectly-conducting interior waveguide walls. An approximate but efficient and accurate ray solution was obtained recently. That solution is presently being extended to the case of a moderately thick dielectric/ferrite coating on the walls so as to be valid for situations where the impedance boundary condition may not remain sufficiently accurate

    Physical method of upgradation for low grade wolframite pre-concentrate from Degana, Rajasthan

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    Tungsten is a strategic metal and mostly used in defence. It is also used in cutting tools, industrial, electrical, textile and leather sectors. India's tungsten reserves are very limited and the only workable deposit is restricted to Degana in Rajasthan. Tungsten deposit occurs in association with metamorphic rocks and granite igneous rock throughout the world. At Degana, two types of deposit are being worked at, one being quartz load wherein wolframite is mineralised in quartz vein and the other is finely disseminated tungsten mineralisation in the granite body. The sample under investigation belonged to off-grade tungsten pre-concentrate - I (PC - 1) produced at Degana Plant site, assaying 14.50% WOe 20.20% SiO, and 4.13% S. The objective of this study was to find the upgradation conforming to DMRL specification i.e. final wolframite concentrate with >65.0% WO,, and S and SiO, < 1.0% each. Detailed studies indicated that grinding the feed to 200 mesh followed by sulphide flotation at 4.5 and 8.0 pH and repeated vanning of non-sulphide could produce a wanner concen¬trate assaying 64.8% WO,. 1.0% SiO, and 3.0% S with a distribution of 48.8% WO3 in it. Thorough desliming followed by sulphide flotation and then treating on vanner times could produce a concentrate analysing 68.47% WO j, 0.5% SiO3 and 0.48% S which conforms to the DMRL sped¬fications

    Evaluation of Grass Bales Stored under Cover and Plinth System of Storage

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    The feed and fodder requirement for dairy animals is primarily met by roughages, green fodder and homemade concentrate mixtures. Roughages are high in crude fibrous material which essentially consists of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and to some extent lignin. Livestock production is backbone of Indian Agriculture and source of employment in rural areas for centuries. To meet the demand of feeding these huge livestock population an adequate supply of feed throughout the year is the prerequisite for successful animal production programmes. A huge gap between demand and supply of feed and fodder exists in our country. This huge gap between requirement and availability of livestock feeds like dry fodders, green fodders could however be bridged by proper post harvest management of all kind of forage resources and search for alternate source of protein rich forage supplement. The most common livestock feed resources are crop reduces (straw, stover, haulms etc). All of these fodder resources are highly voluminous and having lower density varying from 40-70 kg/m3 due to which there transportation, storage and handling are very cumbersome and expensive and therefore cannot be utilized up to a maximum extent. Storage is a repeated phase during transit of agricultural produce and the product needs to be stored from one harvest to next thus, demanding additional carry over as safe guard, against speculation in price and market demand or against shortage and famine

    Mode of interaction of calcium oxalate crystal with human phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1: a novel inhibitor purified from human renal stone matrix

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    Nephrolithiasis is a common clinical disorder, and calcium oxalate (CaOx) is the principal crystalline component in approximately 75% of all renal stones. It is widely believed that proteins act as inhibitors of crystal growth and aggregation. Acidic amino acids present in these proteins play a significant role in the inhibition process. In this study, interaction of cal-cium oxalate with human phosphate cytidylyltrans-ferase 1(CCT), a novel calcium oxalate crystal growth inhibitor purified from human renal stone matrix has been elucidated in silico and involvement of acidic amino acids in the same. As only sequence of CCT is available, henceforth its 3-D structure was modeled via Homology modeling using Prime module of Schrodinger package. Molecular dynamic simulation of modeled protein with solvation was done by mac-romodel (Schrodinger). The quality of modeled pro-tein was validated by JCSG protein structure valida-tion (PROCHECK & ERRAT) server. To analyze the interaction of modeled protein CCT with calcium oxalate along with role played by acidic amino acids, ‘Docking simulation’ was done using MOE–Dock. Interaction between calcium oxalate and CCT was also studied by substituting acidic amino acid in the active sites of the protein with neutral and positively charged amino acids. The in silico analysis showed the bond formation between the acidic amino acids and calcium atom, which was further substantiated when substitution of these acidic amino acids with alanine, glycine, lysine, arginine and histidine com-pletely diminished the interaction with calcium ox-alate

    Nano-vectors for efficient liver specific gene transfer

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    Recent progress in nanotechnology has triggered the site specific drug/gene delivery research and gained wide acknowledgment in contemporary DNA therapeutics. Amongst various organs, liver plays a crucial role in various body functions and in addition, the site is a primary location of metastatic tumor growth. In past few years, a plethora of nano-vectors have been developed and investigated to target liver associated cells through receptor mediated endocytosis. This emerging paradigm in cellular drug/gene delivery provides promising approach to eradicate genetic as well as acquired diseases affecting the liver. The present review provides a comprehensive overview of potential of various delivery systems, viz., lipoplexes, liposomes, polyplexes, nanoparticles and so forth to selectively relocate foreign therapeutic DNA into liver specific cell type via the receptor mediated endocytosis. Various receptors like asialoglycoprotein receptors (ASGP-R) provide unique opportunity to target liver parenchymal cells. The results obtained so far reveal tremendous promise and offer enormous options to develop novel DNA-based pharmaceuticals for liver disorders in near future

    Stylo in India: Much More Than a Plant for the Revegetation of Wasteland

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    Since the 1950s introductions of Stylosanthes scabra, S. hamata and S. guianensis from Australia, South America, the USA and Africa have continued in India. Although no cultivar has been released, selections of S. scabra, S guianensis and S. hamata are used in a range of environmental and commercial production systems. A large seed industry spanning \u3e400 ha and run by \u3e600 smallholder farmers producing 800t seeds/ year supports this usage (Rao et al., 2004). Stylo is mainly used in India for revegetation of wastelands where it reduces soil erosion and offers fodder for livestock (Pathak et al., 2004). Relatively small use is made as supplementary feed for dairy and breeding farms, as pastures in sheep and goat farms, in urban forestry and as a cover crop in horticulture and agroforestry. There are probably some 20,000 ha under silvipasture and horticulture. In mixed crop-livestock farming system stylo has been a saviour for smallholder farmers in some arid areas. The recent success of S. seabrana as a multipurpose legume and the suitability of stylo leaf meal as a replacement for expensive constituents in commercial poultry feed formulations may further accelerate uptake

    Positioning and Surveying Requirements for Exploration and Exploitation of Ocean Wealth

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    Deep sea mining, such as is now being planned to be carried out in the Indian Ocean, requires an accurate positioning system for navigation and for the control of the equipment. Short range systems using electromagnetic principles cover only a limited area while the longer range systems which can be used for offshore, deep ocean work although covering large areas, have limited accuracy. This paper reviews the requirements for position fixing systems for deep ocean mining and the ways to reach the best solution at the most reasonable cost

    Floatation Studies on Processing of a Low Grade Uranium Ore

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    This paper deals with the results of flotation studies carried towards pre-concentration of a low-grade uranium ore sample from Domiasiat, Meghalaya. A comb-ination of potassium amyl xanthate, cupferron and light diesel oil was used as collector for flotation of uran- ium bearing minerals in the sample. The effects of vari-ous process parameters were studied. Under the optimum conditions the flotation concentrate weighed about 35 % with over 90 % recovery. Flotation with classified / deslimed feed also resulted in similar metallurgical results. Use of diethyl hexyl phosphoric acid, alamine 336 & tri-butyl phosphate in combination with potassium amyl xanthate and light diesel oil, as the alternate reagent scheme, also gave reasonably high uranium recovery

    Semi-Mechanized Harvesting Solutions for Cultivated Fodder Crops

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    In case of harvesting and threshing, the level of mechanization in India is 60-70 per cent for wheat and rice and less than five per cent for other crops (Mehta et al., 2014) that include fodder also. Herrmann et al.(2011) established that overall area capacities of machine decreased the by 4-24 per cent on taking finer chopping length of 4-6 mm compared to common chopping length of 8-10 mm in the ensiling chain of maize - establishing that finer work in ensiling commands less capacities and higher input costs. Since there is a strong correlation between effective field capacity and both crop yield and field area (Amiama et al., 2008), it is advisable to go for appropriate machine for fodder harvesting depending on the requirement of crop and field. Semi-automatic machines provide comparatively low cost workable solution in such conditions. In semi-mechanized harvesting of fodder, cutting of crop is done by machine and subsequent operations of collection, gathering, feeding to chaffing machines and feeding to animals are done manually. Such machines are discussed here