304 research outputs found

    Study of diffusion weighted MRI as a predictive biomarker of response during radiotherapy for high and intermediate risk squamous cell cancer of the oropharynx: The MeRInO study

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    Introduction and background: A significant proportion of patients with intermediate and high risk squamous cell cancer of the oropharynx (OPSCC) continue to relapse locally despite radical chemoradiotherapy (CRT). The toxicity of the current combination of intensified dose per fraction radiotherapy and platinum based chemotherapy limits further uniform intensification. If a predictive biomarker for outcomes from CRT can be identified during treatment then individualised and adaptive treatment strategies may be employed. Methods/design: The MeRInO study is a prospective observational imaging study of patients with intermediate and high risk, locally advanced OPSCC receiving radical RT or concurrent CRT Patients undergo diffusion weighted MRI prior to treatment (MRI_1) and during the third week of RT (MRI_2). Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements will be made on each scan for previously specified target lesions (primary and lymph nodes) and change in ADC calculated. Patients will be followed up and disease status for each target lesion noted. The primary aim of the MeRInO study is to determine the threshold change in ADC from baseline to week 3 of RT that may identify the sub-group of non-responders during treatment. Discussion: The use of DW-MRI as a predictive biomarker during RT for SCC H&N is in its infancy but studies to date have found that response to treatment may indeed be predicted by comparison of DW-MRI carried out before and during treatment. However, previous studies have included all sub-sites and biological sub-types. Establishing ADC thresholds that predict for local failure is an essential step towards using DW-MRI to improve the therapeutic ratio in treating SCC H&N. This would be done most robustly in a specific H&N sub-site and in sub-types with similar biological behaviour. The MeRInO study will help establish these thresholds in OPSCC

    Comparative genome analysis of Fusobacterium nucleatum

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    Fusobacterium nucleatum is considered to be a key oral bacterium in recruiting periodontal pathogens into subgingival dental plaque. Currently F. Nucleatum can be subdivided into five subspecies. Our previous genome analysis of F. Nucleatum W1481 (referred to hereafter asW1481), isolated from an 8-mmperiodontal pocket in a patient with chronic periodontitis, suggested the possibility of a new subspecies. To further investigate the biology and relationships of this possible subspecies with other known subspecies, we performed comparative analysis between W1481 and 35 genome sequences represented by the five known Fusobacterium subspecies.Our analyses suggest thatW1481ismost likely anew F. Nucleatum subspecies, supported by evidence fromphylogenetic analysesandmaximaluniquematchindices(MUMi). Interestingly,wefoundahorizontally transferredW1481-specificgenomicisland harboring the tripartite ATP-independent (TRAP)-like transporter genes, suggesting this bacterium might have a high-Affinity transport system for the C4-dicarboxylates malate, succinate, and fumarate.Moreover, we found virulence genes in theW1481 genome that may provide a strong defense mechanism which might enable it to colonize and survive within the host by evading immune surveillance. This comparative study provides better understanding of F. Nucleatum and the basis for future functional work on this important pathogen

    TGF-β isoforms fail to modulate inositol phosphates and cAMP in normal and tumour-derived human oral keratinocytes

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    AbstractThis study examined inositol phosphate and cAMP regulation by TGF-β1, -β2 and -β3 in normal and tumour-derived human oral keratinocytes. Previous findings indicated that the cell lines expressed TGF-β cell surface receptors and had a range of response to exogenous TGF-β1, -β2 and -β3 from being refractory to the ligand to marked inhibition. Basal levels of inositol phosphates broadly reflected the differentiation status of the cells as demonstrated by involucrin expression, but did not correlate with responsiveness to TGF-β1, as measured previously by thymidine incorporation. Treatment of cells with bradykinin or serum caused up-regulation of inositol phosphate levels; by contrast, TGF-β1, -β2 and -β3 failed to modulate inositol phosphates. In two tumour-derived cell lines, the TGF-β isoforms had no effect on cAMP levels, despite a significant increase in cAMP using a potent agonist of adenylate cyclase (forskolin). Furthermore, the cAMP analogue, dibutyryl cAMP, failed to mimic the inhibitory or refractory responses of TGF-β in these cell lines. The results demonstrate that in normal and tumour-derived human oral keratinocytes, TGF-β signal transduction is not mediated by inositol phosphates or cAMP

    Functional implications of Epstein-Barr virus lytic genes in carcinogenesis

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a diverse range of tumors of both lymphoid and epithelial origin. Similar to other herpesviruses, EBV displays a bipartite life cycle consisting of latent and lytic phases. Current dogma indicates that the latent genes are key drivers in the pathogenesis of EBV-associated cancers, while the lytic genes are primarily responsible for viral transmission. In recent years, evidence has emerged to show that the EBV lytic phase also plays an important role in EBV tumorigenesis, and the expression of EBV lytic genes is frequently detected in tumor tissues and cell lines. The advent of next generation sequencing has allowed the comprehensive profiling of EBV gene expression, and this has revealed the consistent expression of several lytic genes across various types of EBV-associated cancers. In this review, we provide an overview of the functional implications of EBV lytic gene expression to the oncogenic process and discuss possible avenues for future investigations

    Structural Determinants of the Dictyostatin Chemotype for Tubulin Binding Affinity and Antitumor Activity Against Taxane- and Epothilone-Resistant Cancer Cells

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    A combined biochemical, structural, and cell biology characterization of dictyostatin is described, which enables an improved understanding of the structural determinants responsible for the high-affinity binding of this anticancer agent to the taxane site in microtubules (MTs). The study reveals that this macrolide is highly optimized for MT binding and that only a few of the structural modifications featured in a library of synthetic analogues resulted in small gains in binding affinity. The high efficiency of the dictyostatin chemotype in overcoming various kinds of clinically relevant resistance mechanisms highlights its potential for therapeutic development for the treatment of drug-resistant tumors. A structural explanation is advanced to account for the synergy observed between dictyostatin and taxanes on the basis of their differential effects on the MT lattice. The X-ray crystal structure of a tubulin−dictyostatin complex and additional molecular modeling have allowed the rationalization of the structure−activity relationships for a set of synthetic dictyostatin analogues, including the highly active hybrid 12 with discodermolide. Altogether, the work reported here is anticipated to facilitate the improved design and synthesis of more efficacious dictyostatin analogues and hybrids with other MT-stabilizing agents.We thank Peter T. Northcote for peloruside A, W.-S. Fang for Flutax-2, K. H. Altmann for epothilone D, Dr. Paraskevi Giannakakou (Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York) for the 1A9, PTX10, PTX22, and A8 cell lines, and Prof. Richard Ludueñ a (University of Texas) for the HeLa βIII-transfected cells. We thank Matadero INCOVA (Segovia) for the calf brains for tubulin purification. This work was supported in part by grants BIO2013-42984-R (J.F.D.) and SAF2012-39760-C02-02 (F.G.) from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, grant S2010/ ́ BMD-2457 BIPEDD2 from Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid ́ (F.G. and J.F.D.), and the Swiss National Science Foundation grants 310030B_138659 and 31003A_166608 (M.O.S.). The authors acknowledge networking contribution by the COST Action CM1407 “Challenging organic syntheses inspired by naturefrom natural products chemistry to drug discovery” and the COST action CM1470. I.P. thanks the EPSRC and AstraZeneca for funding, Dr. John Leonard (AstraZeneca) for useful discussions, Dr. Stuart Mickel (Novartis) for the provision of chemicals, and the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University for mass spectra

    Cortical microstructure in young onset Alzheimer's disease using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with extensive alterations in grey matter microstructure, but our ability to quantify this in vivo is limited. Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) is a multi-shell diffusion MRI technique that estimates neuritic microstructure in the form of orientation dispersion and neurite density indices (ODI/NDI). Mean values for cortical thickness, ODI, and NDI were extracted from predefined regions of interest in the cortical grey matter of 38 patients with young onset AD and 22 healthy controls. Five cortical regions associated with early atrophy in AD (entorhinal cortex, inferior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and precuneus) and one region relatively spared from atrophy in AD (precentral gyrus) were investigated. ODI, NDI, and cortical thickness values were compared between controls and patients for each region, and their associations with MMSE score were assessed. NDI values of all regions were significantly lower in patients. Cortical thickness measurements were significantly lower in patients in regions associated with early atrophy in AD, but not in the precentral gyrus. Decreased ODI was evident in patients in the inferior and middle temporal gyri, fusiform gyrus, and precuneus. The majority of AD-related decreases in cortical ODI and NDI persisted following adjustment for cortical thickness, as well as each other. There was evidence in the patient group that cortical NDI was associated with MMSE performance. These data suggest distinct differences in cortical NDI and ODI occur in AD and these metrics provide pathologically relevant information beyond that of cortical thinning

    New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances muscle oxygenation during repeated intermittent forearm muscle contractions in advanced and elite rock climbers

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    Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant (NZBC) may improve forearm muscle oxygenation and enhance performance in high-level rock climbers. As such, using a double-blind, randomized, cross-over design study, twelve participants performed an oxidative capacity assessment, and two successive exhaustive exercise trials (submaximal forearm muscle contractions at 60 % of their maximal volitional contraction). Each visit was conducted following 7-days intake of 600 mg·day-1 NZBC extract or placebo. Oxidative capacity was estimated by calculating the oxygen half time recovery using near infrared spectroscopy. Time to exhaustion (s), impulse (kg·s), and minimum tissue saturation index (min-TSI %) were assessed during both the exercise trials. Muscle oxidative capacity was greater with NZBC (mean difference [MD] = 5.3 s, 95% confidence intervals [95% CI] = 0.4 – 10.2 s; p = 0.036; Cohen’s d = 0.94). During the exercise trials, there was an interaction for min-TSI % (time x condition, p = 0.046; ηp2 = 0.372), which indicated a greater level of oxygen extraction during trial two with NZBC extract (MD = 9 %, 95% CI = 2-15 %) compared to the placebo (MD = 2 %, 95% CI = 1 - 7 %). There was a decrease in time to exhaustion (p <0.001, ηp2 =0.693) and impulse (p = 0.001, ηp2 =0.672) in exercise trial two, with no effect of NZBC extract. In high level rock climbers 7-days NZBC extract improves forearm muscle oxygenation with no effect on isolated forearm muscle performance

    The role of biophysical cohesion on subaqueous bed form size

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    Biologically active, fine-grained sediment forms abundant sedimentary deposits on Earth's surface, and mixed mud-sand dominates many coasts, deltas, and estuaries. Our predictions of sediment transport and bed roughness in these environments presently rely on empirically based bed form predictors that are based exclusively on biologically inactive cohesionless silt, sand, and gravel. This approach underpins many paleoenvironmental reconstructions of sedimentary successions, which rely on analysis of cross-stratification and bounding surfaces produced by migrating bed forms. Here we present controlled laboratory experiments that identify and quantify the influence of physical and biological cohesion on equilibrium bed form morphology. The results show the profound influence of biological cohesion on bed form size and identify how cohesive bonding mechanisms in different sediment mixtures govern the relationships. The findings highlight that existing bed form predictors require reformulation for combined biophysical cohesive effects in order to improve morphodynamic model predictions and to enhance the interpretations of these environments in the geological record