125 research outputs found

    Volumetric, acoustical and computational study on molecular interactions in binary mixtures of Ricinoleic acid with some halobenzenes

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    1194-1205Densities (ρ) and speed of sound (u) of binary liquid mixtures of Ricinoleic acid with some halobenzenes at 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K and atmospheric pressure have been reported over the entire composition range. From the experimentally measured density (ρ), excess molar volumes (V), have been calculated. Deviation of the speeds of sound (u), isentropic compressibility (ks), deviation in isentropic compressibility (ks), deviation in acoustic impedance (z) and intermolecular free length (Lf) have been calculated using experimentally measured speed of sound,(u). Various theoretical speeds of sound and average deviations have been calculated using well established equations like Nomoto (Unmt) Ideal Mixing Rule (Uimr), Junji (Ujunji) and Jacobson’s Free Length Theory, (Uflt). To derive fitting coefficients, (Ai) with standard deviation, (σ), excess properties have been fitted with the Redlich-Kister type polynomial equation. The variation of these properties with composition and temperature has been discussed in terms of molecular interaction on mixing and their interacting abilities. Observations reveal that there have been strong interactions between components. Strength of interactions between components has been described with theoretical computational calculations

    Thermophysical, acoustical, spectral and DFT study of intermolecular interactions of terpinolene with cresols

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    797-815Densities and speed of sound have been measured experimentally for binary mixtures of terpinolene with cresols (o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol) at three different temperatures 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K at atmospheric pressure. From primary physical properties, some secondary properties like molar volume (Vm), excess molar volume V, partial molar volume (,i) excess partial molar volume (,), apparent molar volume (Vm,φ,i), deviation in speed of sound (u), isentropic compressibility (s), deviation in isentropic compressibility (s), acoustical impedance (z), deviation in acoustical impedances (z), intermolecular free length (Lf), partial molar isentropic compression (,m,i), excess partial molar isentropic compression (,i) and apparent molar isentropic compression (Ks,m,φ,i) have been calculated. Infinite dilution apparent molar volume (V,φ,1), infinite dilution apparent molar isentropic compression(Ks,m,φ,1), empirical parameters Sv, Bv and Sk, Bk of the Redlich-Rosenberg-Mayer equation with the limiting apparent molar expansibility (E) have been also calculated along with some theoretical speed of sound calculating relations such as Nomoto relation (unmt), Ideal mixture relation (uimr, Junji relation (ujunji) and Free length theory relation (uflt) with their standard deviation (σ). All the calculated values of excess/deviation properties have been fitted with the fourth order Redlich-Kister polynomial equation and their standard deviation (σ) values are also calculated. FTIR spectral analysis of binary mixtures at 4:1, 1:1 and 1:4 composition ratios have been carried out at 298.15 K. Computational calculations such as optimization of pure and binary mixtures in gas phase, bond length, Mulliken charges, theoretical vibrational frequencies and NBO calculations on basis of the DFT (Density Functional Theory) have been also carried out. The results are discussed in term of presence of intermolecular interactions, types, strength and behavior with change of temperatures and cresol components in binary mixtures

    TRANS outperforms MTF for two special types of request sequences without locality of reference

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    Various list accessing algorithms have been proposed in the literature and their performances have been analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Move-To-Front (MTF) and Transpose (TRANS) are two well known primitive list accessing algorithms. MTF has been proved to be the best performing online algorithm till date in the literature for real life inputs and practical applications with locality of reference. It has been shown that when storage space is extremely limited and pointers for lists cannot be used, then array implementation of TRANS gives efficient reorganization. Use of MTF is extensive in the literature whereas, the use of TRANS is rare. As mentioned as an open problem in literature, direct bounds on the behavior and performance of various list accessing algorithms are needed to allow realistic comparisons. Since it has been shown that no single optimal permutation algorithm exists, it becomes necessary to characterize the circumstances that indicate the advantage in using a particular list accessing algorithm. Motivated by above challenging research issue, in this paper we have made an analytical study for evaluating the performance of TRANS list accessing algorithm using two special types of request sequences without locality of reference. We have compared the performance of TRANS with MTF and observed that TRANS outperforms MTF for these considered types of request sequences.Comment: 9 Pages, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computing and Security (ICCCS)-2012, India. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221201731200612

    Validation of Postnatal Care Health Data Reported Under Health Management Information System by the Primary Health Centers of Rural Vadodara, Gujarat

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    Postnatal care (PNC) is a part of maternal and child health (MCH) and important for the good health of both motherand child. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim to study the PNC data reported by primary health center/subcenter (PHC/SC) and validate them at the village level and assess quality of care given. Material and methods: A sampleof 20 PHCs, 13 rural and seven tribal, was selected using stratified random sampling. For every PHC, 2 SCs and for every SC,one village were selected. Data on PNC were collected from the PHC/SC records and validated by interviewing five beneficiariesfrom the village. Results: The district availability of PNC was 31.8%, while the overall accessibility was 52.2%. Adjustedutilization for the district was 74.7% for SBA and 14.7% for TBA. Effective coverage, adjusted for quality of care, for the districtwas 25.2%. Conclusions: The gap between the reported and validated data ranged from 15% to 51% of the reported

    Effect of postpartum counseling on adoption of family planning within six months in women delivered in SSG Hospital: an interventional study

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    Background: Increased family planning helps to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality. Unmet need is spacing of birth for younger women and is the limitation of births for older women; both of which can be fulfilled by rigorous counseling. so the present study was conducted to measure the proportion of targeted women adopting family planning methods after postpartum counseling and to find out the type and timing of adoption.Methods: A Non-randomized control trial was conducted. The study was carried out at the postpartum delivery ward of the obstetrics and gynecology department of SSG Hospital. 103 participants in the intervention group and 103 participants in the control group were interviewed.Counseling and leaflet were given to the intervention group. The washout period was kept for one week. In the next week in the control group usual counseling was given by the counselor (standard of care). Second interview of the same participants was done telephonically or home visits after the 6 months to see the adoption of family planning method.Results: Within six months of delivery, acceptance of contraceptive methods was more in intervention group (72.85%) than in control group (48.52%). Condom was the most common type of contraceptive intervention used in both interventional group (51.45%) and control group (36.76%) followed by Copper T use which was 14.21% in interventional group and 8.82% in control group. Majority of the women adopted contraceptives within two months of intervention.Conclusions: Counseling may help in adoption of family planning methods among postpartum women

    Prevalence of Health Problems, Professional and Financial Satisfaction among Doctors Working Across Vadodara City: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Background: The present study was conducted to know the distribution of various health problems among doctors and to assess professional and financial satisfaction levels among doctors. Methods: A Google Form questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 122 doctors in Vadodara selected purposively after taking consent. Google form was circulated by email and WhatsApp groups. The form consisted of questions related to demographic details, health problems, financial and job satisfaction. All the responses were recorded and analyzed in MS Excel 2019. Results: Among the 122 doctors, 89 (72.95%) were male and 33 (27.04%) were female and 101 (82.78%) doctors were taking treatment for some ailment. Around 86.9% of doctors regularly opt for a health check-up. Among the health problems reported by doctors, the most common were musculoskeletal ailments (72.13%) followed by hypertension (28.9%), diabetes (17.2), cardiac (12.3%), endocrinal (10.65%), eye (9.01), mental (6.55) problems. Approximately 37.70% of doctors answered that health problems temporarily affect their work; 5.73% of doctors felt the need to modify their work pattern. About 91.80% of doctors were satisfied by their profession, while 108 (88.52%) doctors were financially satisfied with their work. Conclusion: More than half of the professionals complained of musculoskeletal problems. The majority of health care professionals were professionally and financially satisfied

    Thermophysical, Acoustical, Spectral and DFT Study of Intermolecular Interactions of Terpinolene with Cresols. 

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    Abstract Densities and speed of sound were measured experimentally for binary mixtures of terpinolene with cresols (o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol) at three different temperatures 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15K at atmospheric pressure. From primary physical properties, some secondary properties like molar volume , excess molar volume , partial molar volume , excess partial molar volume , apparent molar volume , deviation in speed of sound , isentropic compressibility , deviation in isentropic compressibility , acoustical impedance , deviation in acoustical impedances , intermolecular free length , partial molar isentropic compression , excess partial molar isentropic compression  and apparent molar isentropic compression  were calculated. Infinite dilution apparent molar volume , infinite dilution apparent molar isentropic compression , empirical parameters ,  and ,  of the Redlich-Rosenberg-Mayer equation with the limiting apparent molar expansibility  were also calculated. Some theoretical speed of sound calculating relations such as Nomoto relation , Ideal mixture relation , Junji relation  and Free length theory relation  were also calculated with their standard deviation . All the calculated values of excess/deviation properties were fitted with the fourth order Redlich-Kister polynomial equation and their standard deviation  values were also calculated. FT-IR spectral analysis of binary mixtures at 4:1, 1:1 and 1:4 composition ratios were carried out at 298.15K. Computational calculations such as optimization of pure and binary mixtures in gas phase, bond length, Mulliken charges, theoretical vibrational frequencies and NBO calculations on basis of the DFT (Density Function Theory) were also carried out. The results were discussed in term of presence of intermolecular interactions, types, strength and behavior with change of temperatures and cresol components in binary mixtures

    Empowering Education by Developing and Evaluating Generative AI-Powered Tutoring System for Enhanced Student Learning

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    Personalized learning has always been a dream for schools, educators, and students but until recently, educators didn’t have the time or resources to implement it on a large scale. With the advancements in AI, Generative AI can automate many of a teacher’s core tasks, such as creating lesson resources. providing lesson structures and key talking points, designing infographics, creating slideshows, and converting text into videos and images. This study details the development and evaluation of an AI-powered tutoring system designed to enhance student learning experiences. Motivated by the transformative potential of AI in education, the research aims to utilize large language models, including OpenAI, to create a personalized and adaptive learning environment. The research is a two-phase approach, involving a comprehensive literature review, problem definition, and AI integration in the Research Phase, followed by design, prototyping, and testing in the Design and Development Phase. The course creation workflow emphasizes the collaborative efforts of human tutors and AI algorithms using the GPT-3.5-Turbo model. The study identified the potential improvement in education where the course has been created by AI including the image generated by DALLE-3 and contributing to the evolving landscape of AI-assisted education using the text-to-voice, an automatic speech recognition system by Whisper, offering an innovative and transformative learning experience for students and tutors. The course content has question-answering chatbots where the students can ask any questions related to the topic while learning