5 research outputs found

    FIGURE 2 in Additions to Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) II: a new species from the northern Philippines

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    FIGURE 2. Illustration of head of Brachymeles ilocandia sp. nov. (PNM 9819, holotype) in dorsal, lateral, and ventral views. Taxonomically diagnostic head scales are labeled as follows: C, chin shield; F, frontal; FN, frontonasal; FP, frontoparietal; IL, infralabial; IP, interparietal; L, loreal; M, mental; N, nasal; Nu, nuchal; P, parietal; PF, prefrontal; PM, postmental; PO, preocular; PSO, presubocular; R, rostral; SC, supraciliary; SL, supralabial; SN, supranasal; and SO, supraocular. Roman numerals indicate scales in the supraocular series, with Arabic numbers indicating scales in the supraciliary series. Illustrations by MLP and CDS.Published as part of Siler, Cameron D., Davis, Drew R., Freitas, Elyse S., Huron, Nicholas A., Geheber, Aaron D., Watters, Jessa L., Penrod, Michelle L., Pape葯, Monica, Amrein, Andrew, Anwar, Alyssa, Cooper, Dontae, Hein, Tucker, Manning, Annalisa, Patel, Neeral, Pinaroc, Lauren, Diesmos, Arvin C., Diesmos, Mae L., Oliveros, Carl H. & Brown, Rafe M., 2016, Additions to Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) II: a new species from the northern Philippines, pp. 15-29 in Zootaxa 4132 (1) on page 20, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.1.2, http://zenodo.org/record/26674