135 research outputs found

    Money Laundering Among Globalized World

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    This paper examines the extent use of DSpace open source software and its adoption and users perceptions among PDPU libraries as an intuitional repository. Two separate questionnaires were used to gather data. 118 users are selected from stratified random sampling technique from total population of 400; questionnaires were shared to 118 users. The findings revealed that 94 responses were obtained. It is a clear sign coming out from this study is that DSpace software is becoming adoptable option to managing digital collections and building digital repository in Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Libraries, Gandhinagar, and Gujarat. The current research is a descriptive study to evaluate DSpace digital repository open source system among PDPU Library users (Students, faculties, and staff). Through the experimental study analysis the similarities and differences between cases, identifying areas that have direct implementations for DSpace for Digital Repository to be collected from multiple sources, printed and electronic questionnaires. Web based tools for evaluation and analysis have been accepted for the study. This study it is observed that digital repositories (DR) are become formative in PDPU. Now the things have changed and DSpace has become mature and popular than another open source software for managing Institutional repository, in terms of features, DSpace is rich according to users’ perceptions, availability of community supports, and active participation of DSpace development leads make a very strong software

    Cerebral Angiography in Posterior Fossa Revascularization

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    With advances in microsurgical techniques and refinement of cerebral angiography, many new surgical approaches for the treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) have been developed. Detailed selective cerebral angiography is essential for confirming the clinical diagnosis, for demonstrating the exact anatomical and topographical vascular pathology, and for deciding on the best surgical procedure. Angiography is recommended to evaluate treated patients both in the early and late postoperative periods. It is an essential element of any future randomized study to assess the value of surgical vs medical treatment of patients with VBI. The benefits of cerebral angiography far outweigh the small risk associated with the procedure

    Development and Evaluation of Cefadroxil Drug Loaded Biopolymeric Films Based on Chitosan-Furfural Schiff Base

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    Cefadroxil drug loaded biopolymeric films of chitosan-furfural schiff base were prepared by reacting chitosan with furfural in presence of acetic acid and perchloric acid respectively for the external use. Prepared films were evaluated for their strength, swelling index, thickness, drug content, uniformity, tensile strength, percent elongation, FTIR spectral analysis and SEM. The results of in vitro diffusion studies revealed that the films exhibited enhanced drug diffusion as compared to the films prepared using untreated chitosan. The films also demonstrated good to moderate antibacterial activities against selective gram positive and gram negative bacteria

    Microbiological pattern of arterial catheters in the intensive care unit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intravascular catheter related infection (CRI) is one of the most serious nosocomial infections. Diagnostic criteria include a positive culture from the catheter tip along with blood, yet in many patients with signs of infection, current culture techniques fail to identify pathogens on catheter segments. We hypothesised that a molecular examination of the bacterial community on short term arterial catheters (ACs) would improve our understanding of the variety of organisms that are present in this niche environment and would help develop new methods for the diagnosis of CRI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The whole bacterial community presenting on all ACs was evaluated by molecular methods, i.e., a strategy of whole community DNA extraction, PCR amplification followed by cloning and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Ten ACs were removed from patients suspected of CRI and 430 clones from 5 "colonised" and 5 "uncolonised" (semi-quantitative method) AC libraries were selected for sequencing and subsequent analysis. A total of 79 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified at the level of 97% similarity belonging to six bacterial divisions. An average of 20 OTUs were present in each AC, irrespective of colonisation status. Conventional culture failed to reveal the majority of these bacteria.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There was no significant difference in the bacterial diversity between the 'uncolonised' and 'colonised' ACs. This suggests that vascular devices cultured conventionally and reported as non infective may at times potentially be a significant source of sepsis in critically ill patients. Alternative methods may be required for the accurate diagnosis of CRI in critically ill patients.</p

    Применение методов ядерной физики и ускорителей ННЦ ХФТИ для изучения состава, структуры и свойств твердых тел

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    Излагается применение методов ядерной физики и ускорителей ННЦ ХФТИ для решения научных и технологических задач в области физики металлов, сплавов, полупроводников, металлоксидных и магнитных материалов. Представляются результаты экспериментов по определению концентрации и распределения элементов, выполненных с помощью пучков ионов водорода и гелия, ускоренных в электростатическом ускорителе до энергии 0,5…4,0 МэВ. Для идентификации элементов и изотопов использовались резонансные ядерные реакции, кулоновское и резонансное ядерное рассеяние и возбуждаемое ускоренными частицами характеристическое рентгеновское излучение. Излагаются результаты и возможности применения каналированных частиц и ориентационных эффектов для изучения локализации, структуры, ориентации, образования, распада и аннигиляции простейших дефектов, определения концентрации и распределения дефектов в радиационно нарушенных кристаллах.Викладається застосування методів ядерної фізики і прискорювачів ННЦ ХФТИ для рішення наукових і технологічних задач в області фізики металів, сплавів, напівпровідників, металооксидних та магнітних матеріалів. Приведені результати експерементів з визначення концентрації та розподілу елементів, виконаних за допомогою пучків іонів водню та гелію, що прискорюються в електростатичному прискорювачю до енергії 0,5 - 4,0 МеВ. Для ідентифікації елементів і ізотопів використовувалися резонансні ядерні реакції, кулонівське і резонансне ядерне розсіювання та збуджуване прискореними частками характеристичне рентгенівське випромінюваня. Викладаються результати і можливості застосування часток що каналюють та орієнтаційных ефектів для вивчення локалізації, структури, орієнтації, утворення, розпаду й анігіляції найпростіших дефектів, визначення концентрації і розподілу дефектів у радіаційно порушених кристалах.Nuclear physics methods and use of the NSC KIPT accelerators as applied to scientific and technological problems in the field of physics of metals, alloys, semiconductors, metal oxide and magnetic materials are surveyed. The results of the experiments relevant to determination of element concentration and distribution using 0,5 - 4,0 MeV hydrogen and helium ions of electrostatic accelerator are presented. Resonance nuclear reactions, coulomb and nuclear resonance scattering as well as X-ray radiation were used for element and isotope identification. The possibilities of application of channeling particles and oriented effects for study of localization, structure, orientation, formation, disintegration and annihilation of elementary defects, determination of defect concentration and distribution in radiation disturbed crystals

    Interventional Neuroradiology: Henry Ford Hospital Experience with Nonembolization Procedures

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    Innovative technical developments over the past two decades have resulted in the development of a variety of useful interventional procedures for minimally invasive treatment of a variety of head and neck lesions. We have had experience with four different types of nonembolization interventional neuroradiologic procedures at Henry Ford Hospital from 1981 through 1985. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of six external carotid artery stenoses has been performed in five patients. Five were successful, and the artery became occluded in one patient. Intracarotid BCNU infusion was performed successfully in five patients with recurrent astrocytoma. Intraarterial streptokinase infusion was performed in one patient with acute thrombosis of an ectatic basilar artery. A traumatic carotid cavernous fistula was successfully closed by detachable silicone balloon technique

    DNA-Binding Interaction Studies of Microwave Assisted Synthesized Sulfonamide Substituted 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives

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    Sulfonamide substituted 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives were prepared using a microwave synthesizer. The interaction of sulfonamide substituted 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and their transition metal complexes with Plasmid (pUC 19) DNA and Calf Thymus DNA were investigated by UV spectroscopic studies and gel electrophoresis measurements. The interaction between ligand/metal complexes and DNA was carried out by increasing the concentration of DNA from 0 to 12 μl in UV spectroscopic study, while the concentration of DNA in gel electrophoresis remained constant at 10 μl. These studies supported the fact that, the complex binds to DNA by intercalation via ligand into the base pairs of DNA. The relative binding efficacy of the complexes to DNA was much higher than the binding efficacy of ligands, especially the complex of Cu-AHQMBSH had the highest binding ability to DNA. The mobility of the bands decreased as the concentration of the complex was increased, indicating that there was increase in the interaction between the metal ion and DNA. Complexes of AHQMBSH were excellent for DNA binding as compared to HQMABS

    An accurate, nontraumatic ultrasonic method to monitor myocardial wall thickening in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

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    AbstractMeasurement of systolic wall thickening by sonomicrometry provides an accurate index of regional left ventricular function, but the trauma of crystal insertion limits its widespread clinical use. The first clinical application of a 10 MHz ultrasonic Doppler probe that can be either sutured or applied by suction to the epicardium and can measure wall thickening at any depth of the left ventricular wall is described. In 18 dogs, measurements obtained with the suction probe correlated well (r = 0.97) with those of a previously validated sutured probe.To assess clinical feasibility, the probe was applied to the epicardium of patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery. Good quality wall thickening signals were obtained with no complications. Transmural left ventricular thickening fraction before bypass surgery was 34 ± 3% (mean value ± SE) at the mid-ventricular lateral wall, 33 ± 4% at the anterior basal wall and 26 ± 4% at the mid-ventricular posterior wall. Right ventricular thickening fraction averaged 25 ± 3%. Endocardial thickening fraction tended to exceed epicardial thickening fraction, although the difference attained statistical significance (p < 0.05) only at the anterior basal wall.On average, thickening fraction during the immediate postoperative period remained unchanged compared with the preoperutive values, but a marked individual variability was observed, with 7 of 15 patients exhibiting a decrease and 8 an increase. Exteriorization of the wires attached to the sutured probe allowed continuous in situ monitoring of wall thickening in the postoperative period and subsequent removal of the probe, in six patients the crystal was left in place for 48 to 72 h after surgery and then removed without complications; good wall thickening signals were obtained for the entire period during which the probe was implanted.Thus, the Doppler probe is an accurate, atraumatic method for measuring right and left ventricular regional function. Transmural, endocardial and epicardial function can be mapped at various sites during surgery, and postoperatively one can monitor serial changes of regional function and assess the effects of cardioplegia and other therapeutic interventions. This technique should be useful for both investigative and clinical purposes

    Interventional Neuroradiology: Henry Ford Hospital Experience with Transcatheter Embolization of Vascular Lesions in the Head, Neck, and Spine

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    Innovative developments over the past 15 years have resulted in increased sophistication and effectiveness of therapeutic neuroembolization procedures. As a result, percutaneous transcatheter embolization has assumed an increasingly important role in the management of patients with vascular lesions of the head, neck, and spine. By reducing bleeding during surgery, this technique can markedly facilitate the surgical approach to difficult vascular lesions. The technique may also be applied in cases where surgery is contraindicated. Therapeutic neuroembolization has been performed in 23 patients with vascular lesions of the head, neck, or spine at Henry Ford Hospital. Devascularization of the extraaxial blood supply was achieved in all cases, and no neurologic complications were encountered. Eighteen patients with vascular tumors of the head, neck, or spine and three patients with arteriovenous malformations (AVM) were embolized preoperatively, resulting in marked facilitation of the surgical procedures. One patient with a dural AVM and one with a spinal metastasis were embolized without surger