11 research outputs found

    Deformabilidade eritrocitária na anemia ferropriva Erythrocyte deformability in iron deficiency

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    A deformabilidade é a característica que permite ao eritrócito normal de 7 a 8 micrômetros (&micro;m) circular por capilares de até 3 &micro;m de diâmetro. Esse fenômeno depende da geometria celular, da viscosidade interna e de propriedades visco-elásticas da membrana eritrocitária. Dentre as técnicas de estudo da deformabilidade eritrocitária (DE), como aspiração por micropipeta, filtração e reoscopia, destaca-se a ectacitometria. Esta técnica utiliza um viscosímetro de fluxo laminar no qual as modificações de forma dos eritrócitos são monitoradas continuamente por um feixe de raio laser, processadas por microcomputador, gerando o "Índice de Deformabilidade" (ID), que mede a eliptocitogênese dos eritrócitos quando submetidos a uma força denominada "shear stressl". Alterações de DE foram descritas em diversas situações, como em anemias hemolíticas hereditárias ou auto-imunes. Na anemia ferropriva, os trabalhos são controversos. O presente estudo avalia a DE em 21 pacientes portadores de anemia ferropriva, utilizando a ectacitometria. Os resultados obtidos a partir do ID demonstram DE diminuída nesses doentes, quando comparada ao grupo controle (pDeformability allows the 7 to 8 &micro;m red cell to cirDeformability allows the 7- to 8-&micro;m red blood cells to circulate through capillaries of 3 &micro;m. This phenomenon depends on cellular geometry, internal viscosity and viscoelastic properties of the membrane. Among the various techniques of erythrocyte deformability analysis, such as micropipette aspiration, filtration and reoscopy, we chose ektacytometry. This technique uses a laminar flow viscometry, where red blood cell shape changes are continuously monitored by laser, processed by a computer, generating the "Deformability Index", which shows the elliptocytogenesis of the erythrocyte under "shear stressl" force. Erythrocyte deformability has been described in a number of situations like hereditary or autoimmune hemolytic anemia. In respect to iron deficiency anemia, conclusions are controversial. The present study evaluates erythrocyte deformability in 21 patients with documented iron deficiency, using ectacytometry. Results obtained from deformability Index demonstrate diminished erythrocyte deformability in individuals with iron deficiency anemia, when compared to a control group (p< 0.0007). The present study suggests that the factor responsible for diminished erythrocyte deformability in iron deficiency is microcytosis. Recently, this anemia has been associated to thrombotic phenomenon, which has raised interest in the study of erythrocyte deformability, in order to understand these cases

    Ten-year incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi-seropositive former blood donors.

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    BackgroundVery few studies have measured disease penetrance and prognostic factors of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi-infected persons.Methods and resultsWe performed a retrospective cohort study among initially healthy blood donors with an index T cruzi-seropositive donation and age-, sex-, and period-matched seronegatives in 1996 to 2002 in the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Montes Claros. In 2008 to 2010, all subjects underwent medical history, physical examination, ECGs, and echocardiograms. ECG and echocardiogram results were classified by blinded core laboratories, and records with abnormal results were reviewed by a blinded panel of 3 cardiologists who adjudicated the outcome of Chagas cardiomyopathy. Associations with Chagas cardiomyopathy were tested with multivariate logistic regression. Mean follow-up time between index donation and outcome assessment was 10.5 years for the seropositives and 11.1 years for the seronegatives. Among 499 T cruzi seropositives, 120 (24%) had definite Chagas cardiomyopathy, and among 488 T cruzi seronegatives, 24 (5%) had cardiomyopathy, for an incidence difference of 1.85 per 100 person-years attributable to T cruzi infection. Of the 120 seropositives classified as having Chagas cardiomyopathy, only 31 (26%) presented with ejection fraction &lt;50%, and only 11 (9%) were classified as New York Heart Association class II or higher. Chagas cardiomyopathy was associated (P&lt;0.01) with male sex, a history of abnormal ECG, and the presence of an S3 heart sound.ConclusionsThere is a substantial annual incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among initially asymptomatic T cruzi-seropositive blood donors, although disease was mild at diagnosis

    Ten-Year Incidence of Chagas Cardiomyopathy Among Asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi

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    BACKGROUND: Very few studies have measured disease penetrance and prognostic factors of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi–infected persons. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a retrospective cohort study among initially healthy blood donors with an index T cruzi–seropositive donation and age-, sex-, and period-matched seronegatives in 1996 to 2002 in the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Montes Claros. In 2008 to 2010, all subjects underwent medical history, physical examination, ECGs, and echocardiograms. ECG and echocardiogram results were classified by blinded core laboratories, and records with abnormal results were reviewed by a blinded panel of 3 cardiologists who adjudicated the outcome of Chagas cardiomyopathy. Associations with Chagas cardiomyopathy were tested with multivariate logistic regression. Mean follow-up time between index donation and outcome assessment was 10.5 years for the seropositives and 11.1 years for the seronegatives. Among 499 T cruzi seropositives, 120 (24%) had definite Chagas cardiomyopathy, and among 488 T cruzi seronegatives, 24 (5%) had cardiomyopathy, for an incidence difference of 1.85 per 100 person-years attributable to T cruzi infection. Of the 120 seropositives classified as having Chagas cardiomyopathy, only 31 (26%) presented with ejection fraction <50%, and only 11 (9%) were classified as New York Heart Association class II or higher. Chagas cardiomyopathy was associated (P<0.01) with male sex, a history of abnormal ECG, and the presence of an S(3) heart sound. CONCLUSIONS: There is a substantial annual incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among initially asymptomatic T cruzi–seropositive blood donors, although disease was mild at diagnosis