576 research outputs found

    Pre-Maximum Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ia SN 2004dt

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    We report observations of SN 2004dt obtained with the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory on August 13.30, 2004 when the supernova was more than a week before optical maximum. SN 2004dt showed strong lines of \ion{O}{1}, \ion{Mg}{2}, \ion{Si}{2}, and \ion{Ca}{2} with typical velocities of absorption minimum around 17,000 \kms. The line profiles show material moving at velocities as high as 25,000 \kms in these lines. The observations also reveal absorption lines from \ion{S}{2} and \ion{Si}{3} with a velocity of only 11,000 \kms. The highest velocity in the \ion{S}{2} features can be traced no higher than 15,000 \kms, much lower than those of O, Mg, Si, and Ca. SN 2004dt has a polarization spectrum unlike any previously observed. The variation of the polarization across some \ion{Si}{2} lines approaches 2%, making SN 2004dt the most highly polarized SN Ia ever observed. In contrast, the strong line of O I at 777.4 nm shows little or no polarization signature. The degree of polarization points to a richly-structured partially burned silicon layer with substantial departure from spherical symmetry. A geometry that would account for the observations is one in which the distribution of oxygen is essentially spherically symmetric, but with bubbles of intermediate-mass elements with significant opacity within the oxygen substrate.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    VLT Spectropolarimetry of the optical transient in NGC300. Evidence for asymmetry in the circumstellar dust

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    AIMS: The main goal of this work is to study possible signs of asymmetry in the bright optical transient in NGC300, with the aim of getting independent information on the explosion mechanism, the progenitor star and its circumstellar environment. METHODS: Using VLT-FORS1 we have obtained low-resolution optical linear spectropolarimetry of NGC300 OT2008-1 on two epochs, 48 and 55 days after the discovery, covering the spectral range 3600--9330A. RESULTS: The data show a continuum polarization at a very significant level. At least two separate components are identified. The first is characterized by a strong wavelength dependency and a constant position angle (68.6+/-0.3 degrees), which is parallel to the local spiral arm of the host galaxy. The second shows a completely different position angle (151.3+/-0.4) and displays a mild but statistically significant evolution between the two epochs. While the former is identified as arising in the interstellar dust associated with NGC300, the latter is most likely due to continuum polarization by dust scattering in the circumstellar environment. No line depolarization is detected in correspondence of the most intense emission lines, disfavoring electron scattering as the source of intrinsic polarization. This implies a very small deviation from symmetry in the continuum-forming region. Given the observed level of intrinsic polarization, the transient must be surrounded by a significant amount of dust (>4x10^-5 Msun), asymmetrically distributed within a few thousand AU. This most likely implies that one or more asymmetric outflow episodes took place during the past history of the progenitor.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 16 figure

    Supernova 1996L: evidence of a strong wind episode before the explosion

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    Observations of the type II SN 1996L reveal the presence of a slowly expanding (V~700$ km/s) shell at ~ 10^(16) cm from the exploding star. Narrow emission features are visible in the early spectra superposed on the normal SN spectrum. Within about two months these features develop narrow symmetric P-Cygni profiles. About 100 days after the explosion the light curve suddenly flattens, the spectral lines broaden and the Halpha flux becomes larger than what is expected from a purely radioactive model. These events are interpreted as signatures of the onset of the interaction between the fast moving ejecta and a slowly moving outer shell of matter ejected before the SN explosion. At about 300 days the narrow lines disappear and the flux drops until the SN fades away, suggesting that the interaction phase is over and that the shell has been swept away. Simple calculations show that the superwind episode started 9 yr before the SN explosion and lasted 6 yr, with an average dM/dt=10^(-3) M_solar/yr. Even at very late epochs (up to day 335) the typical forbidden lines of [OI], CaII], [FeII] remain undetected or very weak. Spectra after day 270 show relatively strong emission lines of HeI. These lines are narrower than other emission lines coming from the SN ejecta, but broader than those from the CSM. These high excitation lines are probably the result of non-thermal excitation and ionization caused by the deposition of the gamma-rays emitted in the decay of radioactive material mixed in the He layer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Latex, To appear in M.N.R.A.

    Supernova 2002ic: the collapse of a stripped-envelope, massive star in a dense medium ?

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    We revisit the case of SN2002ic that recently revived the debate about the progenitors of SNeIa after the claim of the unprecedented presence of hydrogen lines over a diluted SNIa spectrum. As an alternative to the previous interpretation, we suggest that SN2002ic actually was a type Ic SN, the core collapse of a massive star which lost its hydrogen and helium envelope. In this scenario the observed interaction with a dense circumstellar material (CSM) is the predictable consequence of the intense mass-loss of the progenitor and/or of the presence of a gas rich environment. With this view we establish a link between energetic SNeIc and highly interacting SNeIIn and add some credits to the proposed association of some SNeIIn to GRBs.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ

    Supernova type Ia luminosities, their dependence on second parameters, and the value of H_0

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    A sample of 35 SNe Ia with good to excellent photometry in B and V, minimum internal absorption, and 1200 < v < \approx 30000 km/s is compiled from the literature. As far as their spectra are known they are all Branch-normal. For 29 of the SNe Ia also peak magnitudes in I are known. The SNe Ia have uniform colors at maximum, i.e. =-0.012 mag (sigma=0.051) and =-0.276 mag (sigma=0.078). In the Hubble diagram they define a Hubble line with a scatter of σM\sigma_M=0.21-0.16 mag, decreasing with wavelength. The scatter is further reduced if the SNe Ia are corrected for differences in decline rate Delta_m_15 or color (B-V). A combined correction reduces the scatter to sigma<=0.13 mag. After the correction no significant dependence remains on Hubble type or galactocentric distance. The Hubble line suggests some curvature which can be differently interpreted. A consistent solution is obtained for a cosmological model with Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7, which is indicated also by much more distant SNe Ia. Absolute magnitudes are available for eight equally blue (Branch-normal) SNe Ia in spirals, whose Cepheid distances are known. If their well defined mean values of M_B, M_V, and M_I are used to fit the Hubble line to the above sample of SNe Ia one obtains H_0=58.3 km/s/Mpc, or, after adjusting all SNe Ia to the average values of Delta_m_15 and (B-V), H_0=60.9 km/s/Mpc. Various systematic errors are discussed whose elimination tends to decrease H_0. The finally adopted value at the 90-percent level, including random and systematic errors, is H_0=58.5 +/- 6.3 km/s/Mpc. Several higher values of H_0 from SNe Ia, as suggested in the literature, are found to depend on large corrections for variations of the light curve parameter and/or on an unwarranted reduction of the Cepheid distances of the calibrating SNe Ia.Comment: 42 pages, including 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    Detection of a light echo from SN1998bu

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    About 500d after explosion the light curve of the Type Ia SN1998bu suddenly flattened and at the same time the spectrum changed from the typical nebular emission to a blue continuum with broad absorption and emission features reminiscent of the SN spectrum at early phases. We show that in analogy to SN1991Tbu (Schmidt et al. 1994), this can be explained by the emergence of a light echo from a foreground dust cloud. Based on a simple model we argue that the amount of dust required can consistently explain the extinction which has been estimated by completely independent methods. Because of the similar echo luminosity but much higher optical depth of the dust in SN1998bu compared with SN1991T, we expect that the echo ring size of SN1998bu grows faster than in SN1991T. HST observations have indeed confirmed this prediction.Comment: 5 pages (including 3 figures) - Accepted for pubblication in ApJ Letter

    Positron Escape from Type Ia Supernovae

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    We generate bolometric light curves for a variety of type Ia supernova models at late times, simulating gamma-ray and positron transport for various assumptions about the magnetic field and ionization of the ejecta. These calculated light curve shapes are compared with light curves of specific supernovae for which there have been adequate late observations. %The selection of models is generally not based upon the %ability to fit the late observations, but rather because the %model has been demonstrated by other authors to approximate the spectra %and early light curves of that specific SN. From these comparisons we draw two conclusions: whether a suggested model is an acceptable approximation of a particular event, and, given that it is, the magnetic field characteristics and degree of ionization that are most consistent with the observed light curve shape. For the ten SNe included in this study, five strongly suggest 56^{56}Co positron escape as would be permitted by a weak or radially-combed magnetic field. Of the remaining five SNe, none clearly show the upturned light curve expected for positron trapping in a strong, tangled magnetic field. Chandrasekhar mass models can explain normally, sub-, and super- luminous supernova light curves; sub-Chandrasekhar mass models have difficulties with sub- (and potentially normally) luminous SNe. An estimate of the galactic positron production rate from type Ia SNe is compared with gamma-ray observations of Galactic 511 keV annihilation radiation. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of correctly treating the positron transport for calculations of spectra, or any properties, of type Ia SNe at late epochs (≄\geq 200 d).Comment: 82 pages including 25 figure

    Deep infrared observations of the puzzling central X-ray source in RCW103

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    1E 161348-5055 (1E 1613) is a point-like, soft X-ray source originally identified as a radio-quiet, isolated neutron star, shining at the center of the 2000 yr old supernova remnant RCW103. 1E 1613 features a puzzling 6.67 hour periodicity as well as a dramatic variability over a time scale of few years. Such a temporal behavior, coupled to the young age and to the lack of an obvious optical counterpart, makes 1E 1613 a unique source among all compact objects associated to SNRs. It could either be the first low-mass X-ray binary system discovered inside a SNR, or a peculiar isolated magnetar with an extremely slow spin period. Analysis of archival IR observations, performed in 2001 with the VLT/ISAAC instrument, and in 2002 with the NICMOS camera onboard HST unveils a very crowded field. A few sources are positionally consistent with the refined X-ray error region that we derived from the analysis of 13 Chandra observations. To shed light on the nature of 1E 1613, we have performed deep IR observations of the field with the NACO instrument at the ESO/VLT, searching for variability. We find no compelling reasons to associate any of the candidates to 1E 1613. On one side, within the frame of the binary system model for the X-ray source, it is very unlikely that one of the candidates be a low-mass companion star to 1E 1613. On the other side, if the X-ray source is an isolated magnetar surrounded by a fallback disc, we cannot exclude that the IR counterpart be hidden among the candidates. If none of the potential counterparts is linked to the X-ray source, 1E 1613 would remain undetected in the IR down to Ks>22.1. Such an upper limit is consistent only with an extremely low-mass star (an M6-M8 dwarf) at the position of 1E 1613, and makes rather problematic the interpretation of 1E 1613 as an accreting binary system.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
