93 research outputs found

    A Candidate for the abelian category of mixed elliptic motives

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    In this paper we suggest a definition for the category of mixed motives generated by the motive h^1(E) for E an elliptic curve without complex multiplication. We then compute the cohomology of this category. Modulo a strengthening of the Beilinson-Soule conjecture, we show that the cohomology of our category agrees with the expected motivic cohomology groups. Finally for each pure motive (Sym^{n}h^1(E))(-1) we construct families of nontrivial motives whose highest associated weight graded piece is $Sym^{n}h^1(E))(-1). This paper was essentially written in the late 1990's whilst the author was at the University of Chicago. The author apologizes for the tardiness of this posting, and hopes the reader will still find the content interesting.Comment: 2 figure

    Microbalance accurately measures extremely small masses

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    Oscillating fiber microbalance has a vibrating quartz fiber as balance arm to hold the mass to be weighed. Increasing fiber weight decreases its resonant frequency. Scaler and timer measure magnitude of the shift. This instrument withstands considerable physical abuse and has calibration stability at normal room temperatures

    Development of a microbalance suitable for space application

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    The tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM), an ultrasensitive mass measurement device which is suitable for both particulate and vapor deposition measurements is described. The device can be used in contamination measurements, surface reaction studies, particulate monitoring systems or any microweighing activity where either laboratory or field monitoring capability is desired. The active element of the TEOM consists of a tube or reed constructed of a material with high mechanical quality factor and having a special taper. The element is firmly mounted at the wide end while the other end supports a substrate surface which can be composed of virtually any material. The tapered element with the substrate at the free (narrow) end is set into oscillation in a clamped free mode. A feedback system maintains the oscillation whose natural frequency will change in relation to the mass deposited on the substrate

    Opioid Prescribing: New Vermont Regulations for Providers

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    Opioid abuse is serious problem in Vermont with an estimated yearly health cost of $38 million. In 2015, 28% of Windham county residents were prescribed opioids. In order to combat the ongoing crisis of opioid prescription abuse, the State of Vermont will implement new prescribing regulations which will take effect in July, 2017. To ensure compliance with these new regulations, health care providers need to be educated to allow for a seamless transition in patient care.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1322/thumbnail.jp

    Ice in space: An experimental and theoretical investigation

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    Basic knowledge is provided on the behavior of ice and ice particles under a wide variety of conditions including those of interplanetary space. This information and, in particular, the lifetime of ice particles as a function of solar distance is an absolute requirement for a proper interpretation of photometric profiles in comets. Because fundamental properties of ice and ice particles are developed in this report, the applicability of this information extends beyond the realm of comets into any area where volatile particles exist, be it in space or in the earth's atmosphere

    Finding Fidelity: Advancing Audiovisual Analysis Using Software

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    Seit den letzten 30 Jahren wurden sukzessive Programme zur Unterstützung qualitativer Datenanalysen entwickelt. Allerdings ist ihre Nutzung noch immer nicht sehr verbreitet. Zugleich hat sich qualitative Forschung selbst verändert: von Projekten, die kleine, textbasierte Datensets nutzten hin zu Projekten, in denen große Mengen an multimedialen Daten oder unterschiedlichste Datensorten erhoben, verwaltet und organisiert werden. Für die Softwareentwicklung gingen mit diesen Veränderungen einige Herausforderungen einher: 1. Die Bedürfnisse der Forschenden zu verstehen ist schwer, wenn aufseiten derer, die die Software nutzen, eine hinreichende Dokumentation und explizite Kritik fehlen. 2. Die Unterstützung audiovisueller Datenanalysen ist besonders anspruchsvoll angesichts der Multidimensionalität der Daten und der Unterschiedlichkeit der Ziele und Output-Anforderungen in den je konkreten Forschungsprojekten. In diesem Beitrag befassen wir uns mit der Geschichte computergestützter Software für die qualitative Datenanalyse, und zwar insbesondere im Feld audiovisueller Daten. Wir verwenden dabei den Begriff "fidelity" zur Konzeptualisierung der Übereinstimmung von Softwarefunktionalitäten und dem Bedarf der Forschenden. Verfügbare Programme werden kritisch geprüft und künftiger Entwicklungsbedarf wird identifiziert. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1101372Durante los últimos treinta años se ha desarrollado software especializado para el análisis de datos cualitativos. Su adopción, sin embargo, está lejos de ser generalizada. Adicionalmente, la misma investigación cualitativa evoluciona, desde proyectos que utilizan conjuntos pequeños de datos basados en texto a otros que involucran la colección, gestión y análisis de enormes cantidades de datos multimedia o datos de múltiples tipos. El software se ha esforzado por mantener estos cambios por varias razones: 1. reunir las necesidades de investigadores es complicado por la falta de documentación y la crítica de quienes están implementando el uso del software, y 2. los datos audiovisuales son particularmente polémicos debido a su multidimensionalidad y variedad esencial en los propósitos de investigación y las necesidades del proyecto. Este artículo discute la historia del Análisis de Datos Cualitativos Asistido por Computadora (CAQDAS) relacionada a datos audiovisuales e introduce el término "fidelidad" como un mecanismo conceptual para examinar la correspondencia entre herramientas del software y las necesidades del investigador. Se examinan las herramientas actualmente disponibles y se subrayan áreas en las que ellas hacen falta. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1101372Specialised software for the analysis of qualitative data has been in development for the last thirty years. However, its adoption is far from widespread. Additionally, qualitative research itself is evolving, from projects that utilised small, text-based data sets to those which involve the collection, management, and analysis of enormous quantities of multimedia data or data of multiple types. Software has struggled to keep up with these changes for several reasons: 1. meeting the needs of researchers is complicated by the lack of documentation and critique by those who are implementing software use and 2. audiovisual data is particularly challenging due to the multidimensionality of data and substantial variety in research project aims and output requirements. This article discusses the history of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) as it relates to audiovisual data, and introduces the term "fidelity" as a conceptual mechanism to match software tools and researcher needs. Currently available software tools are examined and areas found lacking are highlighted. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs110137

    Modular Symbols with Values in Beilinson-Kato Distributions

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    For each integer n1n\geq 1, we construct a GLn(Q)\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb Q)-invariant modular symbol ξn\bm\xi_n with coefficients in a space of distributions that takes values in the Milnor KnK_n-group of the modular function field. The Siegel distribution μ\bm\mu on Q2\mathbb Q^2, with values in the modular function field, serves as the building block for ξn\bm\xi_n; we define ξn\bm\xi_n essentially by taking the nn-Steinberg product of μ\bm\mu. The most non-trivial part of this construction is the cocycle property of ξn\bm\xi_n; we prove it by using an induction on nn based on the first two cases ξ1\bm\xi_1 and ξ2\bm\xi_2; the first case is trivial, and the second case essentially follows from the fact that Beilinson-Kato elements in the Milnor K2K_2-group modulo torsion satisfy the Manin relations.Comment: 20 page

    Patient Perspectives on Medication Assisted Therapy in Vermont

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    Introduction. Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) for opioid addiction has dramatically increased in Vermont, supported by a novel statewide system that integrates specialty treatment centers ( Hubs ) with primary care office-based opioid therapy ( Spokes ). In 2010, Vermont had the highest per capita buprenorphine use in the US. Previous studies of patient perspectives of MAT have identified social barriers, rigid program rules, and concerns about withdrawal and relapse as common causes of treatment failure. Our goal was to elicit patient perspectives on barriers and enablers of successful MAT to further inform system refinement. Methods. An interview guide was developed based on previous literature as well as discussions with program leadership, staff and clinicians, and community stakeholders. Responses were organized using thematic content analysis with consensus across seven interviewers and two analysts. The interviews were conducted with 44 patients enrolled in MAT at two Hub sites in Burlington, VT in October 2016. Results. The median age of subjects was 34 years, 34% were employed at least part-time, and 72% were female. Half reported a mental health condition and 20% reported chronic pain. Barriers included transportation (25%), lack of stable housing, and stigma (41%). Enablers included feeling supported (82% felt well-supported; 52% felt supported by healthcare professionals). Subjects expressed high confidence in the treatment system and high self-efficacy for sobriety. Conclusions. Patients in MAT have complex medical, mental health, social, personal, and work lives. A comprehensive system that addresses this wide range of domains is critical to achieving optimal outcomes.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1245/thumbnail.jp

    Energy-Momentum of a regular MMaS-class black hole

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    We compute the energy and momentum of a regular black hole of type defined by Mars, Martin-Prats, and Senovilla using the Einstein and Papapetrou definitions for energy-momentum density. Some other definitions of energy-momentum density are shown to give mutually contradictory and less reasonable results. Results support the Cooperstock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, LaTex2e; made minor corrections (in content and in references) at the behest of two anonymous referees. Paper to appear in IJMP

    Rational mixed Tate motivic graphs

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    In this paper, we study the combinatorics of a subcomplex of the Bloch-Kriz cycle complex [4] used to construct the category of mixed Tate motives. The algebraic cycles we consider properly contain the subalgebra of cycles that correspond to multiple logarithms (as defined in [12]). We associate an algebra of graphs to our subalgebra of algebraic cycles. We give a purely graphical criterion for admissibilty. We show that sums of bivalent graphs correspond to coboundary elements of the algebraic cycle complex. Finally, we compute the Hodge realization for an infinite family of algebraic cycles represented by sums of graphs that are not describable in the combinatorial language of [12].Comment: 53 page