13 research outputs found

    An improved cosmological parameter inference scheme motivated by deep learning

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    Dark matter cannot be observed directly, but its weak gravitational lensing slightly distorts the apparent shapes of background galaxies, making weak lensing one of the most promising probes of cosmology. Several observational studies have measured the effect, and there are currently running, and planned efforts to provide even larger, and higher resolution weak lensing maps. Due to nonlinearities on small scales, the traditional analysis with two-point statistics does not fully capture all the underlying information. Multiple inference methods were proposed to extract more details based on higher order statistics, peak statistics, Minkowski functionals and recently convolutional neural networks (CNN). Here we present an improved convolutional neural network that gives significantly better estimates of Ωm\Omega_m and σ8\sigma_8 cosmological parameters from simulated convergence maps than the state of art methods and also is free of systematic bias. We show that the network exploits information in the gradients around peaks, and with this insight, we construct a new, easy-to-understand, and robust peak counting algorithm based on the 'steepness' of peaks, instead of their heights. The proposed scheme is even more accurate than the neural network on high-resolution noiseless maps. With shape noise and lower resolution its relative advantage deteriorates, but it remains more accurate than peak counting

    An improved cosmological parameter inference scheme motivated by deep learning

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    Dark matter cannot be observed directly, but its weak gravitational lensing slightly distorts the apparent shapes of background galaxies, making weak lensing one of the most promising probes of cosmology. Several observational studies have measured the effect, and there are currently running(1,2) and planned efforts(3,4) to provide even larger and higher-resolution weak lensing maps. Owing to nonlinearities on small scales, the traditional analysis with two-point statistics does not fully capture all of the underlying informations(5). Multiple inference methods have been proposed to extract more details based on higher-order statistics(6,7), peak statisticss(8-13), Minkowski functionals(14-16) and recently convolutional neural networks(17,18). Here we present an improved convolutional neural network that gives significantly better estimates of the Omega(m) and sigma(8) cosmological parameters from simulated weak lensing convergence maps than state-of-art methods and that is also free of systematic bias. We show that the network exploits information in the gradients around peaks, and with this insight we have constructed an easy-to-understand and robust peak-counting algorithm based on the steepness of peaks, instead of their heights. The proposed scheme is even more accurate than the neural network on high-resolution noiseless maps. With shape noise and lower resolution, its relative advantage deteriorates, but it remains more accurate than peak counting

    Weak lensing cosmology with convolutional neural networks on noisy data

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    Weak gravitational lensing is one of the most promising cosmological probes of the late universe. Several large ongoing (DES, KiDS, HSC) and planned (LSST, EUCLID, WFIRST) astronomical surveys attempt to collect even deeper and larger scale data on weak lensing. Due to gravitational collapse, the distribution of dark matter is non-Gaussian on small scales. However, observations are typically evaluated through the two-point correlation function of galaxy shear, which does not capture non-Gaussian features of the lensing maps. Previous studies attempted to extract non-Gaussian information from weak lensing observations through several higher-order statistics such as the three-point correlation function, peak counts or Minkowski-functionals. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) emerged in the field of computer vision with tremendous success, and they offer a new and very promising framework to extract information from 2 or 3-dimensional astronomical data sets, confirmed by recent studies on weak lensing. We show that a CNN is able to yield significantly stricter constraints of (σ8,Ωm\sigma_8, \Omega_m) cosmological parameters than the power spectrum using convergence maps generated by full N-body simulations and ray-tracing, at angular scales and shape noise levels relevant for future observations. In a scenario mimicking LSST or Euclid, the CNN yields 2.4-2.8 times smaller credible contours than the power spectrum, and 3.5-4.2 times smaller at noise levels corresponding to a deep space survey such as WFIRST. We also show that at shape noise levels achievable in future space surveys the CNN yields 1.4-2.1 times smaller contours than peak counts, a higher-order statistic capable of extracting non-Gaussian information from weak lensing maps

    Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson's disease severity: the Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge

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    Consumer wearables and sensors are a rich source of data about patients' daily disease and symptom burden, particularly in the case of movement disorders like Parkinson's disease (PD). However, interpreting these complex data into so-called digital biomarkers requires complicated analytical approaches, and validating these biomarkers requires sufficient data and unbiased evaluation methods. Here we describe the use of crowdsourcing to specifically evaluate and benchmark features derived from accelerometer and gyroscope data in two different datasets to predict the presence of PD and severity of three PD symptoms: tremor, dyskinesia, and bradykinesia. Forty teams from around the world submitted features, and achieved drastically improved predictive performance for PD status (best AUROC = 0.87), as well as tremor- (best AUPR = 0.75), dyskinesia- (best AUPR = 0.48) and bradykinesia-severity (best AUPR = 0.95)

    Bundle versus network conductivity of carbon nanotubes separated by type

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    We report wide-range optical investigations on transparent conducting networks made from sep- arated (semiconducting, metallic) and reference (mixed) single-walled carbon nanotubes, complemented by transport measurements. Comparing the intrinsic frequency-dependent conductivity of the nanotubes with that of the networks, we conclude that higher intrinsic conductivity results in better transport properties, indicating that the properties of the nanotubes are at least as much important as the contacts. We find that HNO3 doping offers a larger improvement in transparent conductive quality than separation. Spontaneous dedoping occurs in all samples but is most effective in films made of doped metallic tubes, where the sheet conductance returns close to its original value within 24 hours

    Understanding and predicting ciprofloxacin minimum inhibitory concentration in Escherichia coli with machine learning

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    It is important that antibiotics prescriptions are based on antimicrobial susceptibility data to ensure effective treatment outcomes. The increasing availability of next-generation sequencing, bacterial whole genome sequencing (WGS) can facilitate a more reliable and faster alternative to traditional phenotyping for the detection and surveillance of AMR. This work proposes a machine learning approach that can predict the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for a given antibiotic, here ciprofloxacin, on the basis of both genome-wide mutation profiles and profiles of acquired antimicrobial resistance genes. We analysed 704 Escherichia coli genomes combined with their respective MIC measurements for ciprofloxacin originating from different countries. The four most important predictors found by the model, mutations in gyrA residues Ser83 and Asp87, a mutation in parC residue Ser80 and presence of the qnrS1 gene, have been experimentally validated before. Using only these four predictors in a linear regression model, 65% and 93% of the test samples’ MIC were correctly predicted within a two- and a four-fold dilution range, respectively. The presented work does not treat machine learning as a black box model concept, but also identifies the genomic features that determine susceptibility. The recent progress in WGS technology in combination with machine learning analysis approaches indicates that in the near future WGS of bacteria might become cheaper and faster than a MIC measurement

    Accelerating surveillance and research of antimicrobial resistance - an online repository for sharing of antimicrobial susceptibility data associated with whole-genome sequences

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an emerging threat to modern medicine. Improved diagnostics and surveillance of resistant bacteria require the development of next-generation analysis tools and collaboration between international partners. Here, we present the 'AMR Data Hub', an online infrastructure for storage and sharing of structured phenotypic AMR data linked to bacterial whole-genome sequences. Leveraging infrastructure built by the European COMPARE Consortium and structured around the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), the AMR Data Hub already provides an extensive data collection of more than 2500 isolates with linked genome and AMR data. Representing these data in standardized formats, we provide tools for the validation and submission of new data and services supporting search, browse and retrieval. The current collection was created through a collaboration by several partners from the European COMPARE Consortium, demonstrating the capacities and utility of the AMR Data Hub and its associated tools. We anticipate growth of content and offer the hub as a basis for future research into methods to explore and predict AMR