257 research outputs found
"Common good of marriage and the family" : canonical reflection
The initial thesis of the study is John Paul II’s proclamation in the Letter to Family
(1994), which states that an individual can exist “for himself” through the sincere gift of self—
and, at the same time, fulfill himself as “common good”: “the common good of the whole of
the society” and “the common good of marriage and the family” (nn. 10, 11). These latter words
give an impulse to undertake an attempt of transforming the profound theological thought of
the papal document into conclusions on the canon law plane. The most fundamental ones seem
to be: (1) a considerable meaning for the Church matrimonial discipline has its foundation on a
realistic vision of a human being; (2) a basis of the contemporary theological and legal doctrine
de matrimonio et familia is the structural (ethical) principle of love; (3) the acceptance of the
appropriate premises of the juridical anthropology of marriage gives life to all attempts of setting
the personalistic dimension of marriage against its legal value; (4) the indissoluble character of
marriage is the basis of the common good of the family
Marriage covenant in Catholic doctrine : the Pastoral Constitution on the Church "Gaudium et Spes" - the Apostolic Exhortation "Familiaris Consortio" - the Code of Canon Law - the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
Autor już w samym tytule określa ramy ekspozycji ważnej kwestii teologicznej
i prawnej: obecności we współczesnej katolickiej doktrynie de matrimonio pojęcia „przymierze
małżeńskie”. Analiza najważniejszych „miejsc” źródłowych (w dokumentach
Vaticanum II i w magisterium posoborowym) potwierdza wstępną hipotezę, że punktem
wyjścia do zgłębiania wymienionej doktryny winna być prawda, że Trójjedyny
instytucji małżeństwa jest prawdziwym kreatorem każdego, konkretnego
związku małżeńskiego. W płaszczyźnie prawnokanonicznej ta prawda uzyskała dojrzały
kształt w Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich (1990). Znakomicie tu uwypuklony
religijny wymiar przymierza miłości małżeńskiej pozwolił prawodawcy Kościoła katolickiego
osiągnąć dwa istotne cele profetyczno‑dydaktyczne:
po pierwsze, ukazać zakorzenioną
w Boskiej Caritas relację Chrystus — Kościół jako ikonę realizowanej w chrześcijańskim
małżeństwie komunii‑przymierza
miłości małżeńskiej (communio caritatis);
po wtóre, odsłonić trynitarne podstawy sakramentu małżeństwa. W niniejszej optyce
sakramentalny związek mężczyzny i kobiety objawia się jako znak i narzędzie uczestnictwa
w Życiu Osób Trójcy Przenajświętszej, czyli związek, który w Miłości znajduje swój
najgłębszy fundament
Edukacja w Polsce w świetle przeglądu OECD
In 1994-1995 an education review was made by OECD at the request of the Government of the Polish Republic. As in other countries, the review procedure consists of successive stages and is done in accordance with OECD principles. The starting point is the writing up by local specialists of a first-hand report characterizing the status, operating and administration conditions of the education system at all levels. The first-hand report was written up in the Centre for Science Policy and Higher Education at University of Warsaw with the participation of specialists invited from other institutions. On the basis of the first-hand report and information gathered in the course of visits by and talks with representatives of the administrative staff of the education system, the OECD experts compiled their report entitled Report on Educational Policy in Poland. Report and Questions of School Inspectors, containing an analysis of the main problems of Polish education, comments and suggestions on directions of changes. Both reports became the basis of the so-called examination, i.e., discussion between OECD experts and representatives of the Ministry of National Education and harmonizing the accepted directions of reforms in education and the higher education system. The article contains a discussion of the main suggestions of the OECD experts and the tenor of the discussion at the “examination”. OECD experts asked about the following basic questions: quality and effectiveness of education, the profession of teacher and the training of teachers, higher education, funding and administration, human resources development.W latach 1994-1995 odbył się przegląd edukacji, przeprowadzony przez OECD na wniosek rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Procedura przeglądu, podobnie jak w innych krajach, przebiega wieloetapowo, zgodnie z zasadami opracowanymi przez OECD. Punktem wyjścia jest opracowanie przez specjalistów krajowych raportu źródłowego, charakteryzującego stan oraz warunki funkcjonowania i zarządzania systemem edukacji na wszystkich szczeblach. Raport źródłowy został opracowany w Centrum Badań Polityki Naukowej i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z udziałem zaproszonych specjalistów z innych instytucji. Na podstawie raportu źródłowego oraz rozmów z przedstawicielami kadry kierowniczej szkolnictwa (MEN, kuratorzy, dyrektorzy szkół oraz rektorzy uczelni) eksperci OECD opracowali swój raport, zatytułowany Raport na temat polityki edukacyjnej w Polsce. Raport i pytania wizytatorów , zawierający analizę podstawowych problemów polskiej edukacji, a także uwagi i propozycje kierunków zmian. Oba raporty stały się podstawą tzw. egzaminu, tj. dyskusji między ekspertami OECD i przedstawicielami Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, oraz uzgodnienia przyjętych kierunków reform w oświacie i szkolnictwie wyższym. Artykuł zawiera omówienie podstawowych propozycji ekspertów OECD i przebieg dyskusji na „egzaminie” . Eksperci OECD wytypowali jako podstawowe następujące zagadnienia: jakość i skuteczność edukacji, zawód nauczyciela i kształcenie nauczycieli, szkolnictwo wyższe, finansowanie i zarządzanie oraz rozwój zasobów ludzkich
Gaudium et Spes : an enormous step towards overcoming the dualism between natural marriage and the sacrament of matrimony
In this study the author undertakes an attempt of an integral interpretation of the
Vaticanum II magisterium on the sacrament of matrimony. At the beginning he formulates a
hypothesis which implies that next to the assumptions of an adequate anthropology and methodological
remarks, which were made, lies an idea that “gives order” to the appropriate discourse in
the area of matrimonium christifidelium. It is about the significant thesis which suggests that the
“unity,” paradigm of the contemporary ecclesiology, constitutes an inseparable hermeneutical
key to the understanding of Christian matrimony. The concentration in the old code (CIC 1917)
of regulations concerning sacramentum matrimonii, on the constitutive moment of entering into
marriage (matrimonium in fieri), carried many implications of a theological and legal nature.
The matter of this sacrament was defined as (mutual) giving of the right to the body to the other
person, whereas the form as the acceptance of this right. In turn, the legalistic depiction of
the sacramentality of matrimony and binding it with the condition of a rightfully received
baptism, regardless of the presence or absence of faith, in practice by no means meant that
baptism is to constitute a foundation of building a sacramental reality of matrimony. Such automatism—
a result of a substantial and juridical approach—by misrepresenting, in a significant
way, the personal core of the event of the sacrament, brought this sacrament closer to magic. This
is where the significance of Council Fathers’ work, aimed at overcoming the dualism between
natural marriage and the sacrament of matrimony, stems from. The person who significantly
contributed to the presentations of Christian matrimony, as closely connected with the secret
of Christ, was a prominent theologian of law Eugenio Corecco. One of the rhetorical questions—
that constitutes the structure of the fundamental part of the study—is as follows: Is it not desirable
(or even essential) to interpret the most crucial code regulations of matrimonial law according
to a proper “anthropological key,” that is, through the prism of the Mystery of Incarnation—
in relation to an internal dynamics of followers’ (nupturients’) affiliation to communio
Sensus fidei fidelium : legal and ecumenical reflection
Two documents of the International Theological Commission from 2011 and 2014 constitute a source of inspiration for undertaking important research in the areas of ecclesiology, ecumenical theology and canon law. What is located in the latter area is — as it is attempted to meticulously present in this study — a contemporarily relevant issue whether sensus fidei fidelium is the meaning of the Church law. Indeed, with the awareness that the legal structure of the Church cannot take into account the universal service
of redemption, according to the unquestionable paradigm: the Church law is the law of freedom. We can hope that the results of research “programmed” in such a way, open to the “exchange of gifts” in the ecumenical dialogue, will positively influence the intensification of the pastoral efforts of the entire People of God, guided by the Holy Spirit along the ways of faith revival — in an indefatigable evangelization and construction of
Church communio. Indeed, time will tell whether the ten-year-long research conducted by the council of theologians on the issue of sensus fidei fidelium in the life of the Church — having many points in common with the vital issue of Church synodality — fulfilled their task sufficiently enough
The right to found a family and the right to parenthood. Remarks on articles 2 and 3 of the Charter of the Rights of the Family
Family is a basic social unit, a subject of rights and duties. This enunciation, included
in no. 46 of the post‑synodal
Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris consortio — never ageing
and still the most important post‑conciliar
document of the papal de matrimonio ac
familia Magisterium — precedes a well‑known
announcement: The Holy See will undertake
the work of deepening the issues in question and will prepare the Charter of the
Rights of the Family (CRF). Analyses of this study, assuming a very broad doctrinal
range, refer not only to the “title” of articles 2 and 3 of the CRF, but also to points B, C,
D of the document’s preamble, which harmonize with their normative overtone. Therefore,
the structure of the study is as follows: 1. The origins of the family: “the free and
full [matrimonial] consent”; 2. Exclusiveness of the “the mission of transmitting life”:
the responsible parenthood; 3. Sovereignty of the family: protection/promotion of its
“inherent rights which are inalienable.
The right of the child to be raised in a family around the current issues
The article is initiated by a contemplation on the contemporary humanization mission
of the family. “The family is the basic unit of society. It is the cradle of life and
love, the place in which the individual ‘is born’ and ‘grows’” (Christifideles laici exhortation,
no. 40). However, not all forms of family life serve the human humanization and
participate in the development of the society. A family, in order to create the integral
human well-being — and that is, in fact, what the humanization is about — should act
in a manner respecting this set of goods and values which characterize it as a “community
of life and love.” Among the missions of the family the most vital one is the mission
of upbringing (according to a paradigm: “the family, first educator”). It is an area
in which it is explicitly visible why the proclamation of the “family sovereignty,” in the
church documents — especially in the Charter of the Rights of the Family (1983) — is
invariably accompanied by the affirmation of the subsidiarity principle. The standards
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), touched upon in the last chapter,
constitute a crucial reference point for the domestic legislator: the right to be raised in
a family and to maintain contact with both parents. However, it is important to remember
that a characteristic feature of the international law standards (binding for countries
that ratified them) — similarly as legal acts of lesser legal force, like: recommendations or
resolutions, is their conciseness, condensation, but also a peculiar terseness “justified” by
the means of a reference to the minimum of common idea concerning a contemporary
family relationship, equality of women and men, family autonomy, rights of individual,
especially weaker party, that is, a child. This impartial, permanent situation is connected
with such advantages as, for example leaving a subject matter freedom margin for
a given country legislator: maintaining or passing detailed normative solutions coherent
with the state law. However, today it is also not difficult to notice disadvantages: especially
the underspecification — in the name of the outlook pluralism principles — the
axiological plane of the accepted standards (and precisely, avoiding what we called the
logos and ethos of the institutions of matrimony and family). In practice it can signify
forcing a legal thought alien in a given culture, or even bear all stamps of a bad lobbing.
It is demonstrated — in the last part of the article — by the means of examples, which
depict real problems with the implementation of the relevant conventional regulations in
the national (Polish) law
The law of the Church - the law of freedom
What is the point in posing a question about religious freedom in the bosom of the
very Church? (Péter Erdö) — this rhetorical question, which constitutes the structure of
this study, directs the thought toward one of the most important documents of Vatican
II. In the famous declaration Dignitatis Humanae the Council Fathers clearly implied
that the key principle libertas religiosa is, in its essence, an affirmation of God’s gift of
human freedom and dignity. “Church law is, first and foremost, lex libertatis” — Benedict
XVI proclaims nowadays, giving this speech a par excellence personalistic context.
The Church’s legal order cannot be, by the means of any measure, brought down to
a set of isolated, autonomous regulations, which promulgated: officially valid and effective,
should be perceived — invariably — as binding. Such reasoning, contaminated with
a legal positivism, would introduce, in an obvious way, a disparity between law and life,
and as a consequence it would radically deny the possibility of an anthropological foundation
of the law. Whereas ius is the internal structural dimension of Church’s communion, the religious freedom and the integral live message depositum fidei, closely related
with it, constitute fundamental principles of the Church’s legal order. What proves clear
here is the fact that both categories, Ecclesia iuris and libertas religiosa, remain in a synergic
relationship. The remarks offered in this study, although embedded in ecclesiological
doctrine of the Catholic Church, have their ecumenical dimension. Indeed it is true
that every genuinely Christian activity is at the same time ecumenical: aims at unity
given and pre-defined by Christ. Completely authorized, after the Second Vatican Council,
affirming of the ecclesiastic character of Churches and Christian communities means
that the law of this communities constitutes legitimum ius ecclesiale, and what follows
from it — every baptized individual is a rightful subject of Christian activity, which he
should develop in his own religious homeland, as a part of own autonomous legal order,
which remains the unchangeable Church’s order of freedom
Serviceorientierung im betrieblichen Berichtswesen
Die Herausforderung, Entscheidungsträger mit «den richtigen Informationen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der richtigen Form» zu versorgen, legt nahe, die effiziente und effektive Verarbeitung der Berichtsinformationen aus den Perspektiven der Prozess- und Serviceorientierung zu betrachten. Damit sich Berichtsinformationen mit Hilfe von Berichtsservices zu einem Serviceorientierten Berichtsprozess zusammenfügen lassen, müssen die entsprechenden Dienste konzeptionell gestaltet und der resultierende Berichtsprozess in ein Architekturmodell eingebettet werden. Der Autor zeigt in dieser Arbeit, wie sich die innovativen Konzepte einer SOA und XBRL zu einem Architekturkonzept und Vorgehensmodell für die konzeptionelle Gestaltung Serviceorientierter Berichtsprozesse integrieren lassen
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