189 research outputs found

    Intelligent indexing of crime scene photographs

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    The Scene of Crime Information System's automatic image-indexing prototype goes beyond extracting keywords and syntactic relations from captions. The semantic information it gathers gives investigators an intuitive, accurate way to search a database of cases for specific photographic evidence. Intelligent, automatic indexing and retrieval of crime scene photographs is one of the main functions of SOCIS, our research prototype developed within the Scene of Crime Information System project. The prototype, now in its final development and evaluation phase, applies advanced natural language processing techniques to text-based image indexing and retrieval to tackle crime investigation needs effectively and efficiently

    Women in the board of directors : the case of Greek listed companies

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    A descriptive theory of the big accounting firm

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    This is an accounting dissertation, whose subject is the type of firm that dominated accounting developments in the UK and the US for most of the 20th century. Its focus is theory creation and most of the dissertation exposition does not focus on the theory per se. Instead, most of the exposition is devoted to communicating the pathway of the reflexive interpretation of the empirical materials relied on. Thus, the last chapter is the theory chapter, as it is the culmination and conclusion of theory creation. Theory creation relied on a qualitative research methodology (bricolage) that combined a specific concept of reflexivity, developed by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2000) with a specific approach to engaging with empirical materials developed by Strauss and Corbin (1990). The empirical materials were drawn from three types of sources referencing the big accounting firms, academic research, the histories commissioned by the big firms and the intermittent disclosures of quantity 'stories' about the commercial operations of the firm. The theory created is an assembly of constructed concepts synthesising the various levels of reflexive interpretation of the empirical materials. It communicates a different vision of the firms; they are seen as a type of capitalist firm that has at least six enduring characteristics, all related to commercial action. These are capital management services production, client-focussed geographical orientation, partnership form, ethnic affiliation, prestige and knowledge base.This is an accounting dissertation, whose subject is the type of firm that dominated accounting developments in the UK and the US for most of the 20th century. Its focus is theory creation and most of the dissertation exposition does not focus on the theory per se. Instead, most of the exposition is devoted to communicating the pathway of the reflexive interpretation of the empirical materials relied on. Thus, the last chapter is the theory chapter, as it is the culmination and conclusion of theory creation. Theory creation relied on a qualitative research methodology (bricolage) that combined a specific concept of reflexivity, developed by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2000) with a specific approach to engaging with empirical materials developed by Strauss and Corbin (1990). The empirical materials were drawn from three types of sources referencing the big accounting firms, academic research, the histories commissioned by the big firms and the intermittent disclosures of quantity 'stories' about the commercial operations of the firm. The theory created is an assembly of constructed concepts synthesising the various levels of reflexive interpretation of the empirical materials. It communicates a different vision of the firms; they are seen as a type of capitalist firm that has at least six enduring characteristics, all related to commercial action. These are capital management services production, client-focussed geographical orientation, partnership form, ethnic affiliation, prestige and knowledge base

    Maritime Robotics and Autonomous Systems Operations: Exploring Pathways for Overcoming International Techno-Regulatory Data Barriers

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    The current regulatory landscape that applies to maritime service robotics, aptly termed as robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), is quite complex. When it comes to patents, there are multifarious considerations in relation to vessel survey, inspection, and maintenance processes under national and international law. Adherence is challenging, given that the traditional delivery methods are viewed as unsafe, strenuous, and laborious. Service robotics, namely micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) or drones, magnetic-wheeled crawlers (crawlers), and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), function by relying on the architecture of the Internet of Robotic Things. The aforementioned are being introduced as time-saving apparatuses, accompanied by the promise to acquire concrete and sufficient data for the identification of vessel structural weaknesses with the highest level of accuracy to facilitate decision-making processes upon which temporary and permanent measures are contingent. Nonetheless, a noticeable critical issue associated with RAS effective deployment revolves around non-personal data governance, which comprises the main analytical focus of this research effort. The impetus behind this study stems from the need to enquire whether “data” provisions within the realm of international technological regulatory (techno-regulatory) framework is sufficient, well organized, and harmonized so that there are no current or future conflicts with promulgated theoretical dimensions of data that drive all subject matter-oriented actions. As is noted from the relevant expository research, the challenges are many. Engineering RAS to perfection is not the end-all and be-all. Collateral impediments must be avoided. A safety net needs to be devised to protect non-personal data. The results here indicate that established data decision dimensions call for data security and protection, as well as a consideration of ownership and liability details. An analysis of the state-of-the-art and the comparative results assert that the abovementioned remain neglected in the current international setting. The findings reveal specific data barriers within the existing international framework. The ways forward include strategic actions to remove data barriers towards overall efficacy of maritime RAS operations. The overall findings indicate that an effective transition to RAS operations requires optimizing the international regulatory framework for opening the pathways for effective RAS operations. Conclusions were drawn based on the premise that policy reform is inevitable in order to push the RAS agenda forward before the emanation of 6G and the era of the Internet of Everything, with harmonization and further standardization being very high priority issues

    Colouring summaries BLEU

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    Abstract In this paper we attempt to apply the IBM algorithm, BLEU, to the output of four different summarizers in order to perform an intrinsic evaluation of their output. The objective of this experiment is to explore whether a metric, originally developed for the evaluation of machine translation output, could be used for assessing another type of output reliably. Changing the type of text to be evaluated by BLEU into automatically generated extracts and setting the conditions and parameters of the evaluation experiment according to the idiosyncrasies of the task, we put the feasibility of porting BLEU in different Natural Language Processing research areas under test. Furthermore, some important conclusions relevant to the resources needed for evaluating summaries have come up as a side-effect of running the whole experiment

    Cuando el trabajo con familias se convierte en una oportunidad

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    Aquest article té com a objectiu compartir una experiència d’intervenció grupal innovadora a la comarca de l’Alt Empordà en relació amb el treball preventiu i de capacitació parental amb famílies vinculades als serveis bàsics d’atenció social i/o a serveis especialitzats en atenció a la infància en risc. Es presentarà el procés de creació del programa, el perfil de famílies destinatàries, els objectius que persegueix, la seva implementació i el model d’avaluació utilitzat. També exposarem els canvis en el rol professional, tant en el fer com en l’estar davant les persones ateses i els canvis en el context d’intervenció.This article aims to share experience innovativegroup intervention in the Alt Empordà region, in relation to preventive work and parental training with families involved with basic social services and/or specialized care services for children at risk. It presents the process of the programme’s creation, the profile of the target families, the objectives, the implementation process and the evaluation model used. It also describes the changes in the professional role, both in doing and in being, and attitudes towards the families and the changes in the context of intervention.Este artículo tiene como objetivo compartir una experiencia de intervención grupal innovadora en la comarca de l’Alt Empordà en relación con el trabajo preventivo y de capacitación parental con familias vinculadas a los servicios básicos de atención social y/o a servicios especializados en atención a la infancia en riesgo. Se presentará el proceso de creación del programa, el perfil de familias destinatarias, los objetivos que persigue, su implementación y el modelo de evaluación utilizado. También expondremos los cambios en el rol profesional, tanto en el hacer como en el estar ante las personas atendidas y los cambios en el contexto de intervención

    Μελέτη ψυχοπαθολογικών χαρακτηριστικών ασθενών με νεοπλάσματα που εκτιμήθηκαν από την ομάδα της Διασυνδετικής –Συμβουλευτικής Ψυχιατρικής

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    Εισαγωγή: Η νόσος του καρκίνου αποτελεί στην εποχή μας μια από τις πιο σημαντικές ασθένειες παγκοσμίως καθώς πολλοί άνθρωποι ταλαιπωρούνται από αυτήν και έρχονται αντιμέτωποι με δύσκολα συναισθήματα καθώς νιώθουν να απειλείται η ζωή τους. Πληθώρα ερευνών υπογραμμίζει τον σημαντικό ρόλο διαφόρων παραγόντων που σχετίζονται με το περιβάλλον και τον σύγχρονο τρόπο ζωής, όπως το κάπνισμα, το αλκοόλ, η διατροφή, οι γενετικοί παράγοντες, η γήρανση και το προσδόκιμο της ζωής, οι ιοί και μικροοργανισμοί, οι ακτινοβολίες και οι επαγγελματικές συνθήκες στην εμφάνιση και διατήρηση της νόσου του καρκίνου. Επιπλέον, η επίδραση του καρκίνου στην ψυχική υγεία των ατόμων και συγκεκριμένα στις ψυχικές διαταραχές που μπορεί να αντιμετωπίζουν οι ασθενείς με καρκίνο όπως είναι η κατάθλιψη, το στρες, η σχιζοφρένεια, η χρήση ουσιών και το οργανικό ψυχοσύνδρομο καθώς και οι τρόποι διαχείρισής τους αποτελούν συχνό αντικείμενο μελέτης των ερευνητών. Σκοπός: Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη ασθενών που πάσχουν από καρκίνο και εξετάσθηκαν από την ομάδα της Διασυνδετικής ψυχιατρικής το διάστημα 2016-2017 ώστε να εκτιμηθεί η ψυχολογική τους κατάσταση και να λάβουν την κατάλληλη ολιστική ιατρική φροντίδα τόσο σωματικά όσο και ψυχικά μέσω της πολύτιμης συνεργασίας της ομάδας της Διασυνδετικής με τις υπόλοιπες ιατρικές ειδικότητες. Μέθοδος: Τα ιστορικά 178 ασθενών με καρκίνο, 82 ανδρών και 96 γυναικών ηλικίας 17-96 ετών (Μ.Ο = 65,82, Τ.Α = 14,49) που νοσηλεύτηκαν στο «ΑΤΤΙΚΟ» νοσοκομείο συλλέχθηκαν από την ομάδα της Διασυνδετικής ψυχιατρικής και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τις ανάγκες της παρούσας έρευνας. Τα ιστορικά των ασθενών καταχωρήθηκαν στη βάση δεδομένων Redcap στο γραφείο της Διασυνδετικής όπου στην συνέχεια πραγματοποιήθηκε η περιγραφική τους ανάλυση, εξετάζοντας μεταβλητές όπως τα δημογραφικά στοιχεία, τα αιτήματα παραπομπής, το ψυχιατρικό ιστορικό, την ψυχιατρική διάγνωση, την φαρμακευτική αγωγή και τα ψυχοπιέστικα γεγονότα. Αποτελέσματα: Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας έρευνας ως κύριο αίτημα παραπομπής αναφέρθηκε η εκδήλωση ψυχιατρικών προβλημάτων με ποσοστό ασθενών (55,6%, n=99) και ως δευτερεύον η λήψη ψυχιατρικού ιστορικού (31,8%, n=14). Όσον αφορά το ψυχιατρικό ιστορικό 75 ασθενείς (46,3%) δεν ανέφεραν κάποια μορφή ψυχοπαθολογίας στο ιστορικό τους, ενώ 19 ασθενείς (11,7%) δήλωσαν ότι έπασχαν από υποτροπιάζουσα καταθλιπτική διαταραχή. Σημαντικός αριθμός ασθενών βρέθηκε να έχει βιώσει ως ψυχοπιεστικό γεγονός την ύπαρξη ενός σοβαρού τραυματισμού ή την διάγνωση μιας σοβαρής ασθένειας με ποσοστό 71,6% (n=53). Επιπλέον σημαντική υπήρξε η αναφορά στη συμπτωματολογία που εκδήλωσαν οι ασθενείς κατά την εξέταση τους από τους ψυχιάτρους με 56 ασθενείς (31,5%) να έχουν παρουσιάσει αγχώδη και αποσυνδετικά συμπτώματα και 79 ασθενείς (44,4%) καταθλιπτικά συμπτώματα. Αναφορικά με τη ψυχιατρική διάγνωση βρέθηκε ότι 24 ασθενείς (17,5%) έπασχαν από οξύ οργανικό ψυχοσύνδρομο, 16 ασθενείς (11,7%) διαγνώστηκαν με κάποια αγχώδη διαταραχή και 13 ασθενείς (9,5%) με υποτροπιάζουσα καταθλιπτική διαταραχή. Συμπεράσματα: Περαιτέρω έρευνα χρειάζεται προκειμένου να διερευνηθεί η σχέση ανάμεσα στην νόσο του καρκίνου και την ψυχική υγεία των ασθενών καθώς επίσης και ο ρόλος και η συνεισφορά της Διασυνδετικής ψυχιατρικής σε αυτό το έργο.Introduction: Cancer in nowadays is considered to be one of the most important diseases worldwide since many people suffer from it and struggle with difficult feelings as it constitutes a serious threat for their lives. Numerous studies highlight the important role of various factors related to the environment and modern lifestyle, such as smoking, alcohol, diet, genetic factors, aging and life expectancy, virus and microorganisms, radiation and occupational conditions in the manifestation, maintenance and prevalence of cancer disease. In addition, the effect of cancer on people's mental health and in particular on the mental disorders that cancer patients may experience such as depression, stress, schizophrenia, substance use and organic psychosyndrome and the coping strategies that patients usually adopt constitute the focus of interest for many researchers. Purpose: The purpose of the present research work was to study cancer patients who have been examined by the Liaison Psychiatry team during the period 2016 - 2017 with the aim to provide patients with a full assessment of their psychological state and offer them an appropriate holistic medical care both physically and mentally through the valuable cooperation of the Liaison team with the other medical specialties. Method: The case histories of 178 cancer patients, 82 men and 96 women with an age range between 17 to 96 years (Mean = 65.82, SD = 14.49) who have been hospitalized at the "ATTIKO" hospital were collected by the Liaison Psychiatry team and used for the needs of the present study. Patients' histories were recorded in the Redcap database at the Liaison Psychiatry office where their descriptive analysis was carried out, subsequently, examining variables such as demographics, referral requests, psychiatric history, psychiatric diagnosis, medication and life stressors events. Results: According to the results of this survey, the main referral request was the occurrence of psychiatric problems with a percentage of patients (55.6%, n=99) and the secondary intake of psychiatric history (31.8%, n=14). In terms of psychiatric history, 75 patients (46.3%) did not report any form of psychopathology in their history, while 19 patients (11.7%) reported that they were suffering from recurrent depressive disorder. A significant number of patients (71.6% n=53) reported the experience of a serious injury or the diagnosis of a serious illness as a stressful- life event. In addition, an important reference was made to the symptomatology expressed by patients during their examination by psychiatrists where 56 patients (31.5%) reported anxiety and disconnective symptoms and 79 patients (44.4%) depressive symptoms, respectively. Regarding psychiatric diagnosis, it was found that 24 patients (17.5%) suffered from acute organic psychosyndrome, 16 patients (11.7%) diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and 13 patients (9.5%) with recurrent depressive disorder. Conclusions: Further research is needed to investigate the relationship between cancer disease and patients' mental health as well as the role and contribution of Liaison Psychiatry in this work

    Impact of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in Two Transgenic Mouse Models of Cerebral β-Amyloidosis: A Neuropathological Study

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    Microhemorragias cerebrales; Beta-amiloidosis cerebral; Resonancia magnética preclínicaCerebral microbleeds; Cerebral beta-amyloidosis; Preclinical MRIMicrohemorràgies cerebrals; Beta-amiloidosi cerebral; Ressonància magnètica preclínicaThe pathological accumulation of parenchymal and vascular amyloid-beta (Aβ) are the main hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA), respectively. Emerging evidence raises an important contribution of vascular dysfunction in AD pathology that could partially explain the failure of anti-Aβ therapies in this field. Transgenic mice models of cerebral β-amyloidosis are essential to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying amyloid accumulation in the cerebrovasculature and its interactions with neuritic plaque deposition. Here, our main objective was to evaluate the progression of both parenchymal and vascular deposition in APP23 and 5xFAD transgenic mice in relation to age and sex. We first showed a significant age-dependent accumulation of extracellular Aβ deposits in both transgenic models, with a greater increase in APP23 females. We confirmed that CAA pathology was more prominent in the APP23 mice, demonstrating a higher progression of Aβ-positive vessels with age, but not linked to sex, and detecting a pronounced burden of cerebral microbleeds (cMBs) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In contrast, 5xFAD mice did not present CAA, as shown by the negligible Aβ presence in cerebral vessels and the occurrence of occasional cMBs comparable to WT mice. In conclusion, the APP23 mouse model is an interesting tool to study the overlap between vascular and parenchymal Aβ deposition and to evaluate future disease-modifying therapy before its translation to the clinic.This work was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), (PI20/00465) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The Neurovascular Research Laboratory is part of the RICORS-ICTUS-Enfermedades Vasculares Cerebrales network, ISCIII, Spain (RD21/0006/0007)