539 research outputs found

    Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third Edition - Comments and Statistics

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    The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Donn\'ees Stellaires de Strasbourg, consists of 13573 records concerning the results obtained from different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. The following data are listed for each star: identifications, apparent magnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radius in solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Comments and statistics obtained from CADARS are given.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Von willebrand and factor VIII portosystemic circulation gradient in cirrhosi. Implications for portal vein thrombosis

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    OBJECTIVES: Portal vein thrombosis seems to be dependent on local hypercoagulation and venous stasis; data regarding endothelial damage are lacking. METHODS: von Willebrad factor, a marker of endothelial damage/perturbation, factor VIII, and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were studied in the portal and systemic circulation of 20 cirrhotic patients undergoing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic procedure. RESULTS: von Willebrad factor, factor VIII, and LPS were higher in the portal compared with systemic circulation, with a significant correlation between LPS and the other 2 variables. DISCUSSION: Endothelial damage and hypercoagulation coexist in the portal tree of patients with cirrhosis, and both could contribute to portal vein thrombosis. LPS may be a potential trigger of endothelial damage


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    During the months of April and May 2010, a seismic sequence (here named “Pietralunga seismic sequence”) took place in the northeastern part of the Gubbio basin (Northern Apennines); this area is well known to be interested by a continuous background micro-seismic activity. The sequence was recorded both by the INGV National Seismic Network, and by the stations installed by the Project “AIRPLANE” (financially supported by MIUR-Italian Ministry of Education and Research) with the aim of investigating the seismogenetic processes in the Alto Tiberina Fault (ATF) system region. In this work we present the anisotropic results at four stations: ATFO, ATPC, ATPI, ATVO located around the northern termination of the Gubbio basin that well delimit both the seismic se- quence and the whole 2010 seismicity (about 2500 events). The study of seismic anisotropy has provided useful information for the interpretation and evaluation of the stress field and active crustal deformation. Seismic anisotropy can yield valuable information on upper crustal structure, fracture field, and presence of fluid-saturated rocks. Moreover, the large number of seismic waveforms recorded especially during the Pietralunga sequence allows us also to study the spatio-temporal changes of anisotropic parameters to better understand its evolution and the possible correlation to the presence and migration of fluids

    Very elderly patients with venous thromboembolism on oral anticoagulation with VKAs or DOACs. results from the prospective multicenter START2-register study

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    Introduction: Few data are available on the safety of anticoagulation in very elderly patients treated with Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) and direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods: We carried out a prospective cohort study on VTE patients aged ≥85 years enrolled in the Survey on anticoagulaTed pAtients RegisTer (START2-Register) on treatment with VKAs or DOACs, with the aim to evaluate mortality, bleeding and thrombotic rates (venous and arterial). Results: We enrolled 272 patients, 58.7% on VKA and 41.3% on DOACs. Baseline characteristics were similar between treatment groups, with a higher prevalence of renal failure in VKAs patients and of a history of bleeding and previous stroke/TIA in DOACs patients. During follow-up of 429 patient-years, 15 major and non-major clinically relevant bleedings were recorded (rate 3.5 × 100 pt-yrs), 5 were major bleeds (rate 1.2 × 100 pt-yrs), 1 in a patient on aspirin (rate 4.3 × 100 pt-yrs). Bleeding rate was higher in patients on DOACs (crude HR 4.7; 95%CI 1.5–15.01). Eight thrombotic events were recorded (rate 1.9 × 100 pt-yrs), 3 recurrent VTE and 5 stroke/TIA. Overall, the incidence of thrombotic events was higher in DOACs patients (crude HR 4.5; 95% CI 1.5; 13.3). The rate of recurrent VTE was similar in the two group. Mortality rate was significantly lower in DOACs patients (crude HR 0.30; 95% CI 0.1;0.9). Conclusion: A higher bleeding risk was found in very elderly VTE patients on DOACs despite the wide use of low-dosages. Similarly a higher thrombotic risk was found while the incidence of recurrent VTE was low and similar between the groups. Mortality rate were significantly lower in DOACs patients

    Association between the Mediterranean diet and metabolic syndrome with serum levels of miRNA in morbid obesity

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    Background: The Mediterranean diet (MD) could be involved in the regulation of different miRNAs related to metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods: We analyzed the serum level of mir-let7a-5p, mir-21, mir-590, mir-107 and mir-192 in patients with morbid obesity and its association with the MD and MS. Results: There is an association between the adherence to MD and higher serum levels of mir-590. Mir-590 was lower in those patients who consumed >2 commercial pastries/week. Mir-let7a was lower in those who consumed ≥1 sweetened drinks, in those who consumed ≥3 pieces of fruit/day and in those who consumed less red than white meat. A lower mir-590 and mir-let7a, and a higher mir-192 level, were found in patients who met the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) criterion of MS. A higher mir-192 was found in those patients who met the triglyceride criterion of MS and in those with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Conclusions: There is an association between specific serum levels of miRNAs and the amount and kind of food intake related to MD. Mir-590 was positively associated with a healthy metabolic profile and type of diet, while mir-192 was positively associated with a worse metabolic profile. These associations could be suggestive of a possible modulation of these miRNAs by food
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