4 research outputs found
EU Foreign Policy and the Uploading of National Preferences: The Case of Latvia
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs pēta, kā dalībvalsts, kurai ir vitāli svarīgas nacionālās intereses kādā no Eiropas Savienības (ES) ārpolitikas jautājumiem, spēj ietekmēt ES lēmumus un panākt sev labvēlīgu iznākumu. Gadījuma analīzei tiek izmantota Latvija centienos ietekmēt tai stratēģiski nozīmīgās ES attiecības ar austrumu kaimiņvalstīm. Balstoties uz eiropeizācijas konceptu un uz racionālās izvēles institucionālisma teorētisko pieeju, darbs argumentē, ka dalībvalsts spēj panākt ietekmi ES ārpolitikā ar šādiem mehānismiem: argumentu sniegšana, kooperatīvā kaulēšanās, kontaktēšanās ar citām dalībvalstīm, koalīciju izmantošana, lobēšana ES institūcijās un valsts iekšējās kapacitātes stiprināšana. Empīriskie pierādījumi apstiprina šo mehānismu nozīmīgumu. Jo izteiktākas bijušas Latvijas nacionālās intereses, jo vairāk no minētajiem mehānismiem tikuši izmantoti, lai panāktu sev vēlamo ES lēmumu.
Atslēgas vārdi: Eiropeizācija, ārpolitika, racionālās izvēles institucionālisms, nacionālās intereses, ietekmes mehānismi, Latvija.This study explores how a member state with high intensity of national preference in some European Union (EU) foreign policy issue can influence EU decision-making and achieve a preferable outcome. Latvia is used as a case study. The study analyses how Latvia seeks to influence EU relations with its Eastern neighbours, which is great strategic interest for the country. Drawing on the concept of Europeanization and a rational choice institutionalism this study argues that a member state can better attain the preferable outcome through the following uploading mechanisms: presenting arguments, cooperative bargaining, contacting other member states, using coalitions, lobbying the EU institutions and bolstering domestic uploading capacity. Empirical evidence confirms the relevance of the suggested mechanisms. The higher the intensity of preference the more of these mechanisms have been used.
KEYWORDS: Europeanization, foreign policy, rational choice institutionalism, national preferences, uploading mechanisms, Latvi
The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement prior to the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit
This paper seeks to explore how the EU policy on Ukraine evolved in the run-up to the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in November 2013. In particular, it looks into the preparations leading to the signature of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Thereby it contributes to better understanding of the EU policy debate related to the associated negotiations with the Eastern Partnership countries
Small new member states in the EU foreign policy: toward "small state smart strategy"?
This article explores the small new member states at the EU ‘frontline’ in their efforts to upload their geographic preferences in the EU foreign policy. It starts by reviewing the preferences of Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, and Slovenia. Next, it compares how they pursued these preferences in the EU. Third, it indicates their uploading success. Finally, it notes that these countries, despite their ‘double disadvantages’1, moved closer toward ‘small state smart strategy’2, including compromise-seeking behaviour, persuasive deliberation, lobbying, and using coalitions. While their uploading success has been mixed, their preference projection in the EU foreign policy has been visible