16 research outputs found

    Cristianismo y libertad

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    Resumen: La- Fundación para el Avance de la Educación ha difundido el libro Cristianismo y Libertad, escrito por los autores mencionados, con el propósitc de investigar acerca de la aparente contradicción entre la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y determinadas afirmaciones de la ciencia económica. Sus autores, católicos y defensores de la economía de mercado, • parten de una premisa, esta. es: si la libertad es el elemento >fundamental de la ética cristiana también lo es para el logro de las legítimas aspiraciones temporales. Si bien la libertad es uno de los atributos de la persona humana, de la cual ésta se vale para el logro de sus legítimas aspiraciones, como juicio previo podemos decir que determinados postulados de la economía de mercado, así como el pensamiento de sus más altos exponentes (L.v.Mises, F.v.Hayek) están en franca y abierta contradicción con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia que, en el Magisterio de los Pontífices, nos enseña cuáles deben ser aquellos principios oue deben regir el orden social, tanto en su aspecto económico, como político y cultural

    Biometrics at work: replacing humans, companies, and places at the heart of technology

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    Since at least ten years, we have often heard speaking about biometric technologies and their promises in various fields: distributing state finances and public subsidies to citizens, allowing the poor access to financial services and banking as well as in the southern countries the issue of an "identity gap" and questions how to solve electoral disputes and state legitimacy etc. However, even if this technology has been often described as a way of owning democratic attributes, not a lot of p..

    The (un)making of electoral transparency through technology: The 2017 Kenyan presidential election controversy

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    Marked by the killing of a senior ICT professional working for the Electoral Commission and the invalidation of the presidential election by the Supreme Court, the 2017 Kenyan elections make for a good case through which to study how digital technologies shape contemporary electoral practice. This article examines the practice of electoral transparency through technology and argues that it can be conceived as a socio-technical device based both on distancing people from knowledge of the electoral infrastructure and on staging a simplified discourse on public access to the electoral infrastructure. Drawing on interviews with key actors in election technology implementation and ethnographic observations of public events around it, the article argues that digital technology has had three sets of implications for elections. First, it has shaped the electoral infrastructure and the nature of the final result (now a paper and digital hybrid). Second, it has shaped the distribution of knowledge among electoral professionals, giving a central role to ICT actors, objects, and knowledge in the definition of electoral transparency. Third, the centrality of ICTs in elections and the order of knowledge they bring are highly controversial and criticized by other electoral actors who demand for material proof for understanding the inner workings of elections

    Structural bistability of the GAL regulatory network and characterization of its domains of attraction

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    Bistability is a system-level property, exploited by many biomolecular interaction networks as a key mechanism to accomplish different cellular functions (e.g., differentiation, cell cycle, switch-like response to external stimuli). Bistability has also been experimentally found to occur in the regulatory network of the galactose metabolic pathway in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this yeast, bistability generates a persistent memory of the type of carbon source available in the extracellular medium: under the same experimental conditions, cells previously grown with different nutrients generate different responses and get stably locked into two distinct steady states. The molecular interactions of the GAL regulatory network have been thoroughly dissected through wet-lab experiments; thus, this system provides a formidable benchmark to our ability to characterize and reproduce in silico the behavior of bistable biological systems. To this aim, a number of models have been proposed in the literature; however, we found that they are not able to replicate the persistent memory behavior observed in (Acar et al., 2005 ). The present study proposes a novel model of the GAL regulatory network, which, in addition to reproducing in silico the experimental findings, can be formally analyzed for structural multistability of the network, using chemical reaction network theory (CRNT), and allows the characterization of the domains of attraction (DA). This work provides further insights into the GAL system and proposes an easily generalizable approach to the study of bistability-associated behaviors in biological systems

    Unfolding San Lorenzo

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    "Angeli del fango" e putredine. Vulnerabilità e socialità nelle catastrofi (1951 - 1966)

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    Le catastrofi naturali italiane dal 1951 al 1966, ovvero dal Vajont all'alluvione di Firenze e dell'Alta Italia, vengono assunte come rivelatrici di fratture e ricomposizioni della socialità, del mutare delle sensibilità collettive verso l'ambiente e l'idea di natura: tutti elementi osservabili simbolicamente nella nuova percezione del fango. Il quale figura volta a volta sia come un nemico esterno che penetra in città, sia come un nemico in ritirata, come l'acqua limacciosa. Diverse sono le fasi della reazione contro un tale nemico: prima il mondo alla rovescia, la morte "sporca", poi la solidarietà nazionale e del Governo, culminata simbolicamente negli Angeli del fango (i giovani accorsi volontariamente a Firenze), che soccorsero gli dei (opere d'arte e libri) aggrediti dalla putredine. Infine la melma viene rigettata in Arno e il fango putredine torna a essere semplice fango