132 research outputs found

    Effects of a Mask on Breathing Impairment During a Fencing Assault: A Case Series Study

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    Background: Fencers often complain of progressive difficulty in breathing during matches, which is generally attributed to restricted air, light and heat circulation from wearing a mask. Physiologically, the nasal structure generates airflow resistance that can reach -50% of the total respiratory resistance. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the presence of nasal obstruction in fencers and the relationship with the use of mask. Materials and Methods: An observational study on 40 fencers (18 males, 22 females) was conducted. Fencers perform a usual assault, wearing the mask and standardized physical exercises (running, sprints and obstacles) without the mask. ENT examination with a nasal flexible fiberscope, Anterior Active Rhinomanometry (AAR) and Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF) measurement before and after physical activity with or without the mask was recorded. Results: Before physical exercise, the total nasal airway resistance mean value for AAR was 0.33 ± 0.17 Pa/cm3/s at 150 Pa. After a match with the mask, the mean value was 0.28 ± 0.16 Pa/cm3/s. After normal physical exercises without mask, the mean value was 0.24 ± 0.15 Pa/cm3/s. Using t tests, statistically significant difference between nasal resistance before and after physical activity (P < 0.05) was observed, but no significant difference in nasal resistance between the basal value and that taken after a match wearing the masks (P = 0.1265). PNIF values significantly increase with exercise (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Our study shows that wearing the mask causes increased breathing impairment in fencers, when compared with similar physical activity without the mask

    Foreign Bodies Causing Asphyxiation in Children: The Experience of the Buenos Aires Paediatric ORL Clinic

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    Inhalation or aspiration of a foreign body (FB) occurs relatively frequently in young children. The size, shape, type and site of arrest of the FB lead to variability in the clinical picture. The present study included data from 65 cases of FB inhalation presenting over 1 year at the Children's Hospital Gutierrez, Buenos Aires, Argentina, compared with information from four well-known published case series chosen as representative of other cultural and geographical backgrounds: the USA, Europe, North Africa (Egypt) and Asia (India). The mean age of children studied was 4.03 years. Injuries happened mainly at home (53 cases [81.54%]) and under adult supervision (59 cases [90.77%]). The most frequently inhaled FB was nuts, however, in contrast to previous reports, the majority of incidents involved inhalation of an inorganic, rather than an organic (food) FB. Complications included pneumonia (three cases), atelectasis (two cases) and pneumonitis (one case). No deaths were recorded. These data suggest that children play with objects inappropriate for their age, such as pins and nails, that adults may not be aware of the choking risks, and that more effort is required in educating caregivers about these risks

    Activity of coenzyme Q 10 (Q-Ter multicomposite) on recovery time in noise-induced hearing loss

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    A potential consequence of exposure to noise is a temporary reduction in auditory sensitivity known as temporary threshold shift (TTS), which mainly depends on the intensity and duration of exposure to the noise. Recovery time is related to the amount of initial hearing loss, and the most recovery takes place during the first 15 min following exposure. This study evaluated the efficacy in otoprotection against noise-induced hearing loss of an orally administrated food supplement containing coenzyme Q 10 -Ter. This water-soluble formulation of coenzyme Q 10 shows better bioavailability than the native form and has been found to have a protective effect on outer hair cells after exposure to noise in animal models. Thirty volunteers were enrolled, and the right ear of each subject was exposed to a narrow-band noise centered at 3 kHz for 10 min at the intensity of 90 dB HL. In the 30 subjects enrolled, TTS was evaluated after 2, 15, and 30 min and the recovery time was recorded in each subject. The longest recovery time was 45 min. Among the 18 subjects who underwent a second test after treatment with Q-Ter, the mean recovery time was 31.43 min. The results of the present study show that 30 days′ treatment with Q-Ter can aid faster recovery after exposure to noise (P < 0.0001). The reduction in the recovery time following treatment can be explained by Q-Ter-mediated improvement of the outer hair cells′ response to oxidative stress

    Nasolacrimal duct obstruction: the relationship with nasal allergy

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    Abstract Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) is a common event in clinical practice. The authors, all members of the Italian Society of Rhinology, analysed 100 cases from different ENT Departments. The causes of NLDO, according to the etiology, can be divided into two classes: idiopathic primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction and secondary. The aim of the study was to describe an association between the sign and symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis and a complaint of epiphora

    an unusual combined parotideal and neck abscess case report

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    Abstract Cervical and parotideal abscess is a rare finding in all populations and even more so in the paediatric population. The antibiotic resistance of the bacteria that cause these diseases can make it very dangerous. We present a paediatric case in which there is a combined left-cervical and parotideal abscess in a female 3-month-old baby who presented fever, pain and cervical swelling

    Speech outcome in tongue cancer surgery: objective evaluation by acoustic analysis software

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    BACKGROUND. Cancer of the oral cavity is one of the most common malignancies of which 60% affect the tongue. Carcinoma of the tongue causes significant alterations of the articulatory and swallowing functions. The gold standard of care remains primary surgical resection with or without postoperative adjuvant therapy. Whereas T1 and T2 tongue tumors can be treated with more conservative surgeries, as partial glossectomies, the larger tumors require total and aggressive glossectomies which increase survival, but, on the other hand, they might often make speech, chewing and swallowing impossible. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Our study was performed on a total of 21 patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue who underwent either partial resection or hemiglossectomy. Each subject (either surgical patients or controls) was asked to pronounce the vowels /a/, /e/, /i/, /u/, and all signals were evaluated separately by two operators. Acoustic (F0, jitter, shimmer, NHR) and vowel metric (the ratio F2i/F2u, tVSA, qVSA, FCR) features have been extracted. In order to define the speech intelligibility, all patients were evaluated by two doctors and one speech therapist and all patients received the Speech Handicap Index (SHI) translated into Italian language before recording. RESULTS. No statistically significant variations were observed, regardless of the gender, between controls and surgically resected patients when tumor staging was T1-T2. On the contrary, when patients had to undergo more extensive surgical resection due to the presence of a T3-T4 tumor, a dramatic increase of F2u could be observed. This change, together with a decrease of F2i, led to a highly significant reduction in the F2i/F2u parameter in surgically resected patients as compared to controls. The other parameters which were reduced in a statistically significant manner in T3-T4 surgically resected patients were tVSA and qVSA. Instead, two parameters increased in a statistically significant manner in T3-T4 surgically resected patients: FCR and SHI. Again, none of the above-mentioned parameters was altered in a statistically significant manner in early tumor stage resected patients, regar dless of the gender. CONCLUSION. For the first time, we used a series of newly developed formant parameters, introduced by various authors for the study of the articulatory undershoot of the tongue in various neurodegenerative diseases. The statistical analysis of our results highlighted in an incontrovertible way a strong correlation and significance of each of our parameters F2 / i / / F2 / u /, FCR, tVSA, qVSA, with the entity of the TNM, and therefore of the surgical extension of the resection, and in parallel with the loss of the intelligibility of the speech that proportionally reaches higher values in the advanced stages of the disease as can be deduced from the SHI trend


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    Inaugural Issue Journal of Rhinolaryngo-Otologie

    Screening of allergic rhinitis.

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    The author, in an attempt to define the most suitable means for the preclinical diagnosis of allergic rhinopathy, submitted 1620 pupils from seven different state schools to examination. Their parents were asked to fill in a questionnaire through which 370 were considered to be "at risk". All children underwent scratch skin tests: 73 with positive skin reactions also underwent nasal examination, measurement of immunoglobulins in nasal secretion, rhinomanometry, nasal exposition tests, determination of blocking antibodies and radiological examination of the paranasal sinuses. RAST was carried out in 30 cases. After the analysis of the clinical data, the author came to the conclusion that the tests of nasal conductance and provocation, of mucociliary clearance and determination of blocking antibodies are adequate means for the long term study of allergic rhinitis and for the follow-up of contingent hyposensitization therapy. As far as the preclinical diagnosis is concerned the skin tests and the radiological examination of the paranasal sinuses are to be considered more specific than RAST which, in the population sample taken into consideration, was positive exclusively in those cases that already had a manifest symptom complex
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