94 research outputs found

    Long-term follow-up after surgical removal of meningioma of the inner third of the sphenoidal wing: outcome determinants and different strategies

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    Meningioma arising in the inner third of the sphenoidal wing has been well recognized since the origin of neurosurgery, yet it still poses a formidable challenge for the surgeon. Treatment strategies can be optimized through a tailored approach to surgical timing and use of a non-surgical armamentarium. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of different strategies on progression-free survival and overall survival. We examined the clinical records of brain tumor patients to assess determinants for surgery (extent of tumor removal, postoperative complications) and for progression-free survival and overall survival in relation to timing of surgery eventually followed by stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). The records of 60 patients were retrospectively reviewed, from preoperative assessment to a median follow-up of 104 months. All were symptomatic with prevalently visual symptoms (42.2%), large tumors (median diameter 3.44 cm), extension into the cavernous sinus (38.3%), and severe vascular involvement of one or more encased or narrowed vessels (50%). Subtotal removal was achieved in 40% of cases, mainly determined by cavernous sinus and vascular involvement; neurological complications occurred in 18.3% (persistent in 6.7% due to oculomotor and vascular injury). The overall rate of symptom improvement was 32.3% at 3 months and 49.5% at 12 months. Radiological monitoring prevented clinical progression; tumor progression occurred in 11.7% of cases. There were significant differences in progression-free survival between patients with (median 46 months) and those without (median 104 months) recurrence (p = 0.002): 12.5% after total removal, 6.2% after subtotal removal and adjuvant SRS, and 28.5% after subtotal removal and observation. The related Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed no significant difference between the three strategies. Further, disease progression after recurrence was noted in 28.6% of cases, but overall survival was not influenced by either tumor recurrence or type of treatment. Treatment failure was recorded in four cases (6.7%): one perioperative death and three later on. Surgery is the mainstay for the treatment of symptomatic meningioma and to restore neurological function; however, resectability is limited by vascular and cavernous sinus involvement. Careful postoperative monitoring prevented clinical progression and adjuvant or adjunctive SRS proved effective in tumor control. A low surgical complication rate and excellent long-term outcomes were achieved with this strategy

    Transparency meets management: A monitoring and evaluating tool for governmental projects

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    The Brazilian government is maintaining several digital inclusion projects, providing computers and Internet connection to developing regions around the country. However, these projects can only succeed if they are constantly assessed; namely, the projects infrastructure deployment must be closely monitored and evaluated. In this paper, we introduce a system called SIMMC, which is currently monitoring and evaluating more than 4,500 computing devices from Brazilian digital inclusion projects. This system is innovative because, in addition to being used by the government for managing and expanding its projects, the collected data is also publicly available on a web page, allowing the citizens to follow the projects' deployment. We describe the SIMMC architecture, reporting some techniques used to optimize its data analysis processes, and describe how the information acquired and presented by the system has been used to enable public administration overhaul and improve efficiency on the project management, as well as its strategic use for security, theft, and defrauding

    Monitoring contractility in cardiac tissue with cellular resolution using biointegrated microlasers

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    Funding: This research was financially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (FP/2014-2020)/ERC grant agreement no. 640012 (ABLASE), by EPSRC (grant no. EP/P030017/1) and by the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust. S.J.P. acknowledges funding by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Biomedical Fellowship) and the British Heart Foundation (grant no. FS/17/9/32676). S.J.P. and G.B.R. acknowledge support from The Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund to the University of St Andrews (grant no. 204821/Z/16/A). M.S. acknowledges funding by the European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 659213) and the Royal Society (Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship, DH160102; grant no. RGF\R1\180070).The contractility of cardiac cells is a key parameter that describes the biomechanical characteristics of the beating heart, but functional monitoring of three-dimensional cardiac tissue with single-cell resolution remains a major challenge. Here, we introduce microscopic whispering-gallery-mode lasers into cardiac cells to realize all-optical recording of transient cardiac contraction profiles with cellular resolution. The brilliant emission and high spectral sensitivity of microlasers to local changes in refractive index enable long-term tracking of individual cardiac cells, monitoring of drug administration, accurate measurements of organ-scale contractility in live zebrafish, and robust contractility sensing through hundreds of micrometres of rat heart tissue. Our study reveals changes in sarcomeric protein density as an underlying factor to cardiac contraction. More broadly, the use of novel micro- and nanoscopic lasers as non-invasive, biointegrated optical sensors brings new opportunities to monitor a wide range of physiological parameters with cellular resolution.PostprintPeer reviewe