157 research outputs found

    Chandra ACIS-I particle background: an analytical model

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    Aims: Imaging and spectroscopy of X-ray extended sources require a proper characterisation of a spatially unresolved background signal. This background includes sky and instrumental components, each of which are characterised by its proper spatial and spectral behaviour. While the X-ray sky background has been extensively studied in previous work, here we analyse and model the instrumental background of the ACIS-I detector on-board the Chandra X-ray observatory in very faint mode. Methods: Caused by interaction of highly energetic particles with the detector, the ACIS-I instrumental background is spectrally characterised by the superposition of several fluorescence emission lines onto a continuum. To isolate its flux from any sky component, we fitted an analytical model of the continuum to observations performed in very faint mode with the detector in the stowed position shielded from the sky, and gathered over the eight year period starting in 2001. The remaining emission lines were fitted to blank-sky observations of the same period. We found 11 emission lines. Analysing the spatial variation of the amplitude, energy and width of these lines has further allowed us to infer that three lines of these are presumably due to an energy correction artefact produced in the frame store. Results: We provide an analytical model that predicts the instrumental background with a precision of 2% in the continuum and 5% in the lines. We use this model to measure the flux of the unresolved cosmic X-ray background in the Chandra deep field south. We obtain a flux of 10.2−0.4+0.5×101310.2^{+0.5}_{-0.4} \times 10^{13} ergerg cm−2deg−2s−1cm^{-2} deg^{-2} s^{-1} for the [1−2][1-2] keV band and (3.8±0.2)×1012(3.8 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{12} ergerg cm−2deg−2s−1cm^{-2} deg^{-2} s^{-1} for the [2−8][2-8] keV band

    Development of Hydrodynamic Instability in the Intergalactic Medium of the Merging Cluster of Galaxies A3667

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    A3667, a spectacular merger cluster, was observed by Chandra twice. In this paper we review the main results of the analysis of these observations. In particular we show evidence for the presence in the cluster of a 300 kpc Kelvin-Helmholtz hydrodynamic instability. We discuss the development of such instability and the structure of the intracluster magnetic filed in light of a self-consistent cluster dynamical model.Comment: 7 pages, color figures. To appear in Proc. "New Visions of the X-ray Universe in the XMM-Newton and Chandra Era", ESTEC, The Netherlands (Nov 2001), Eds. F.Janse

    Do radio core-halos and cold fronts in non major merging clusters originate from the same gas sloshing?

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    We show an interesting correlation between the surface brightness and temperature structure of the relaxed clusters RXJ1720.1+2638 and MS1455.0+2232, hosting a pair of cold fronts, and their central core--halo radio source. We discuss the possibility that the origin of this diffuse radio emission may be strictly connected with the gas sloshing mechanism suggested to explain the formation of cold fronts in non major merging clusters. We show that the radiative lifetime of the relativistic electrons is much shorter than the timescale on which they can be transported from the central galaxy up to the radius of the outermost cold front. This strongly indicates that the observed diffuse radio emission is likely produced by electrons re--accelerated via some kind of turbulence generated within the cluster volume limited by the cold fronts during the gas sloshing.Comment: 4 pages inc. 6 figures (2color). Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Heated Intracluster Gas and Radio Connections: the Singular case of MKW3s

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    Similarly to other cluster of galaxies previously classified as cooling flow systems, the Chandra observation of MKW3s reveals that this object has a complex X-ray structure hosting both a X-ray cavity and a X-ray filament. Unlike the other clusters, however, the temperature map of the core of MKW3s shows the presence of extended regions of gas heated above the radially averaged gas temperature at any radius. As the cluster does not show evidences for ongoing major mergers Mazzotta et al. suggest a connection between the heated gas and the activity of the central AGN. Nevertheless, due to the lack of high quality radio maps, this interpretation was controversial. In this paper we present the results of two new radio observations of MKW3s at 1.28GHz and 604MHz obtained at the GMRT. Together with the Chandra observation and a separate VLA observation at 327MHz from Young, we show unequivocal evidences for a close connection between the heated gas region and the AGN activity and we briefly summarize possible implications.Comment: To appear in a special issue of the "Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society" (JKAS). Proceedings of the International conference on Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure, Busan, Korea, 200

    On the Discrepancy between Theoretical and X-Ray Concentration-Mass Relations for Galaxy Clusters

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    [Abridged] In the past 15 years, the concentration-mass relation has been investigated diffusely in theoretical studies. On the other hand, only recently has this relation been derived from X-ray observations. When that happened, the results caused a certain level of concern: the X-ray normalizations and slopes were found significantly dissimilar from those predicted by theory. We analyzed 52 objects, simulated each time with different physical recipes for the baryonic component, as well as 60 synthetic X-ray images, to determine if these discrepancies are real or artificial. In particular, we investigate how the simulated concentration-mass relation depends (1) on the radial range used to derive the concentration, (2) on the presence of baryons in the simulations, and on the prescription used to reproduce the gas. Finally, we evaluate (3) how the results differ when adopting an X-ray approach for the analysis and (4) how the selection functions based on X-ray luminosity can impact the results. All effects studied go in the direction of alleviating the discrepancy between observations and simulations, although with different significance: while the fitting radial range and the baryonic component play only a minor role, the X-ray approach and selection function have profound repercussion on the resulting concentration-mass relation.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, ApJ in press. Significant extension of the study of the selection-function influence and more attentive treatment of errors (results unchanged

    Chandra Observation of a 300 kpc Hydrodynamic Instability in the Intergalactic Medium of the Merging Cluster of Galaxies A3667

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    We present results from the combination of two Chandra pointings of the central region of the cluster of galaxies A3667. From the data analysis of the first pointing Vikhlinin et al. reported the discovery of a prominent cold front which is interpreted as the boundary of a cool gas cloud moving through the hotter ambient gas. Vikhlinin et al. discussed the role of the magnetic fields in maintaining the apparent dynamical stability of the cold front over a wide sector at the forward edge of the moving cloud and suppressing transport processes across the front. In this Letter, we identify two new features in the X-ray image of A3667: i) a 300 kpc arc-like filamentary X-ray excess extending from the cold gas cloud border into the hotter ambient gas; ii) a similar arc-like filamentary X-ray depression that develops inside the gas cloud. The temperature map suggests that the temperature of the filamentary excess is consistent with that inside the gas cloud while the temperature of the depression is consistent with that of the ambient gas. We suggest that the observed features represent the first evidence for the development of a large scale hydrodynamic instability in the cluster atmosphere resulting from a major merger. This result confirms previous claims for the presence of a moving cold gas cloud into the hotter ambient gas. Moreover it shows that, although the gas mixing is suppressed at the leading edge of the subcluster due to its magnetic structure, strong turbulent mixing occurs at larger angles to the direction of motion. We show that this mixing process may favor the deposition of a nonnegligible quantity of thermal energy right in the cluster center, affecting the development of the central cooling flow.Comment: Replaced to match version accepted for publication in ApJL; some changes on text. 4 pages, 3 color figures and 2 BW figures, emulateapj

    Mapping the particle acceleration in the cool core of the galaxy cluster RX J1720.1+2638

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    We present new deep, high-resolution radio images of the diffuse minihalo in the cool core of the galaxy cluster RX J1720.1+2638. The images have been obtained with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 317, 617 and 1280 MHz and with the Very Large Array at 1.5, 4.9 and 8.4 GHz, with angular resolutions ranging from 1" to 10". This represents the best radio spectral and imaging dataset for any minihalo. Most of the radio flux of the minihalo arises from a bright central component with a maximum radius of ~80 kpc. A fainter tail of emission extends out from the central component to form a spiral-shaped structure with a length of ~230 kpc, seen at frequencies 1.5 GHz and below. We find indication of a possible steepening of the total radio spectrum of the minihalo at high frequencies. Furthermore, a spectral index image shows that the spectrum of the diffuse emission steepens with the increasing distance along the tail. A striking spatial correlation is observed between the minihalo emission and two cold fronts visible in the Chandra X-ray image of this cool core. These cold fronts confine the minihalo, as also seen in numerical simulations of minihalo formation by sloshing-induced turbulence. All these observations favor the hypothesis that the radio emitting electrons in cluster cool cores are produced by turbulent reacceleration.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    LoCuSS: Hydrostatic Mass Measurements of the High-LXL_X Cluster Sample -- Cross-calibration of Chandra and XMM-Newton

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    We present a consistent analysis of Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of an approximately mass-selected sample of 50 galaxy clusters at 0.15<z<0.30.15<z<0.3 -- the "LoCuSS High-LXL_X Sample". We apply the same analysis methods to data from both satellites, including newly developed analytic background models that predict the spatial variation of the Chandra and XMM-Newton backgrounds to <2%<2\% and <5%<5\% precision respectively. To verify the cross-calibration of Chandra and XMM-Newton-based cluster mass measurements, we derive the mass profiles of the 21 clusters that have been observed with both satellites, extracting surface brightness and temperature profiles from identical regions of the respective datasets. We obtain consistent results for the gas and total hydrostatic cluster masses: the average ratio of Chandra- to XMM-Newton-based measurements of MgasM_{\rm gas} and MXM_X at r500r_{500} are 0.99±0.020.99\pm0.02 and 1.02±0.051.02\pm0.05, respectively with an intrinsic scatter of ∼3%\sim3\% for gas masses and ∼8%\sim8\% for hydrostatic masses. Comparison of our hydrostatic mass measurements at r500r_{500} with the latest LoCuSS weak-lensing results indicate that the data are consistent with non-thermal pressure support at this radius of ∼7%\sim7\%. We also investigate the scaling relation between our hydrostatic cluster masses and published integrated Compton parameter YsphY_{sph} measurements from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array. We measure a scatter in mass at fixed YsphY_{sph} of ∼16%\sim16\% at Δ=500\Delta=500, which is consistent with theoretical predictions of ∼10−15%\sim10-15\% scatter.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Scaling Rrelation in two situations of extreme mergers

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    Clusters of galaxies are known to be dynamically active systems, yet X-ray studies of the low redshift population exhibit tight scaling laws. In this work, we extend previous studies of this apparent paradox using numerical simulations of two extreme merger cases, one is a high Mach number (above 2.5) satellite merger similar to the "bullet cluster" and the other a merger of nearly equal mass progenitors. Creating X-ray images densely sampled in time, we construct TX, Mgas, and YX measures within R500 and compare to the calibrations of Kravtsov et al. (2006). We find that these extreme merger cases respect the scaling relations, for both intrinsic measures and for measures derived from appropriately masked, synthetic Chandra X-ray images. The masking procedure plays a critical role in the X-ray temperature calculation while it is irrelevant in the X-ray gas mass derivation. Mis-centering up to 100 kpc does not influence the result. The observationally determined radius R500 might conduce to systematic shifts in Mgas, and YX which increase the total mass scatter.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Ap

    New Detections of Radio Minihalos in Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters

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    Cool cores of some galaxy clusters exhibit faint radio minihalos. Their origin is unclear, and their study has been limited by their small number. We undertook a systematic search for minihalos in a large sample of X-ray luminous clusters with high-quality radio data. In this article, we report four new minihalos (A 478, ZwCl 3146,RXJ 1532.9+3021, and A 2204) and five candidates found in the reanalyzed archival Very Large Array observations.The radio luminosities of our minihalos and candidates are in the range of 102325 W Hz1 at 1.4 GHz, which is consistent with these types of radio sources. Their sizes (40160 kpc in radius) are somewhat smaller than those of previously known minihalos. We combine our new detections with previously known minihalos, obtaining a total sample of 21 objects, and briefly compare the cluster radio properties to the average X-ray temperature and the total masses estimated from Planck.We find that nearly all clusters hosting minihalos are hot and massive. Beyond that, there is no clear correlation between the minihalo radio power and cluster temperature or mass (in contrast with the giant radio halos found in cluster mergers, whose radio luminosity correlates with the cluster mass). Chandra X-ray images indicate gas sloshing in the cool cores of most of our clusters, with minihalos contained within the sloshing regions in many of them. This supports the hypothesis that radio-emitting electrons are reaccelerated by sloshing. Advection of relativistic electrons by the sloshing gas may also play a role in the formation of the less extended minihalos
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