251 research outputs found

    The training of Dental Technician students for work with certain types of systems for manufacturing of working models

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    The training of students enrolled in the Dental Technician program aims at mastering a certain volume of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competencies. In order for this knowledge to be long-lasting the focus is set on increasing the intellectual activity and motivation of the students. The elective course Types of Working Model Systems in Dental Technology intends to introduce the students to the variety of working model systems, available on the dentistry market and to help them understand their advantages and disadvantages. The topics included in the curriculum are based on the most widely used methods in contemporary dental technology practice. The format of the course consists of lectures and practice sessions. The lecture part of the course is composed of 10 classes during which the students are acquainted in detail with the three basic types of systems and learn about their advantages and disadvantages. There are 20 practice sessions, which include the manufacturing of models using each of the three types of systems. The introduction to the clinical and laboratory protocol for work with a facial arch and an articulator is also included in the theoretical and practical education, having a positive impact on the future training in the specialized discipline - Technology of Dental Prostheses. The aim of the current article is to review students’ training in the Types of Working Model Systems in Dental Technology elective course during the second semester, which started in the 2017/2018 academic year. The interest it garners is high and increasing with time. Suitable equipment and materials needed for the discipline were bought with the kind assistance of the Management of the Medical University of Varna. During the training process the students are able to produce one working model using each system, as well as to include these models in the Denar Mark 310 articulator with mean values with the help of a registrate and a facial arch by the same company

    Thermal stability of in-grown vacancy defects in GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy

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    We have used positron annihilation spectroscopy to study the thermal behavior of different native vacancy defects typical of freestanding GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy under high pressure annealing at different annealing temperatures. The results show that the VGa‐ON pairs dissociate and the Ga vacancies anneal out from the bulk of the material at temperatures 1500–1700K. A binding energy of Eb=1.6(4)eV can be determined for the pair. Thermal formation of Ga vacancies is observed at the annealing temperatures above 1700K, indicating that Ga vacancies are created thermally at the high growth temperature, but their ability to form complexes such as VGa‐ON determines the fraction of vacancy defects surviving the cooling down. The formation energy of the isolated Ga vacancy is experimentally determined.Peer reviewe

    Извори на финансирање на малиот бизнис со посебен осврт на македонската практика

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    Развојот на малите претпријатија е еден од клучните елементи за постигнување забрзан економски раст и зголемување на вработеноста. Малите и средните претпријатија во развиените земји учествуваат со повеќе од 50% во вкупната вработеност и бруто домашниот производ. Кај земјите со ниски приходи процентот на регистрирани мали и средни претпријатија е значително помал, но доколку се додадат малите фирми од неформалниот сектор тогаш нивното учество во економијата е значителен, и е процентуално слично со развиените земји. Со развојот на малите претпријатија се зајакнува конкурентноста и претприемништвото, а со тоа директно се влијае врз подобрувањето на продуктивноста, ефикасноста и иновативноста во економијата на една земја. За поттикнување на растот на малите и на големите претпријатија потребно е опкружување со развиен бизнис. Микроекономските политики постојано се насочени кон отстранување на пречките кои го попречуваат растот на малите и средните претпријатија. Постојат бројни пречки што се занемаруваат, а со кои се среќаваат сопствениците на мали претпријатија. Најчесто тоа е недостигот на искуство, недостигот на пари, премногу вложен капитал во фиксни средства, погрешна локација и слично

    Artificial intelligence technologies in e-learning personalization

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    In the modern world where technology dominates almost all aspects of our lives, the “one size fits all” solution does not work. Today consumers require “personalization”, businesses follow willingly this approach to make a product or service more attractive to their target customers. This also applies to education, when the academic environment allows students to manage their own learning experiences. Recently, e-learning, i.e. training using information and communication technologies has become popular. To be more effective e-learning should be personalized. The use of artificial intelligence technologies can be a way to achieve this goal. The aim of the research is to study the possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies for e-learning personalization. The research methods were comparative and system analysis, a logical approach. The article considers the main approaches to personalized learning, especially the personalization of e-learning. Possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies in e-learning personalization have been studied and described in detail. It’ been concluded that artificial intelligence technologies facilitate personalized e-learning without the need to increase the requirements for teachers

    Education 4.0 in the era of digital transformation: perspectives and possible project concepts

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    Digitalization changes the values and spheres of the existing industries. Technological achievements caused by the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) are developing incredibly fast, changing the image of our life, work and functioning of society as a whole. Artificial intelligence, robotics, Big Data and Internet of things in aggregate affect the labor market and the economy as a whole. Future employees should be well trained not only in new technologies, but, which is equally important, but in values related to the use of these technologies and should have such qualities as creativity, flexibility and adaptability.In order to take full advantage of the opportunities opened by advanced technologies, a similar revolution in education is needed for the successful training of specialists with new necessary competencies. It is these factors that determine the relevance of the research. As a result of the digital evolution, a new educational model Education 4.0 has appeared, which has been developed in response to Industry 4.0. The problem of the research is to disclose actual aspects of the implementation of Education 4.0 approach. For the successful implementation of the new model a clear understanding of the features of Education 4.0 is needed, its main characteristics, in addition, the adaptation of the practice of teaching to the changed requirements is needed. The aim of the research is to study the features of the new approach to learning, Education 4.0, and analyze its main characteristics. The research methods used are analysis, synthesis, induction, abstraction. The research results: approaches to modern education in the light of Industry 4.0 have been considered, the characteristics of Education 4.0 have been analyzed, such as learning personalization, expanding distance learning capabilities, many educational instruments, project training, simple and accurate estimation, availability of analytical data, mentoring, field experience), Possible ways of forming new competencies and skills in the learning process have been proposed. The key findings: for the successful implementation of Education 4.0 approach in terms of Industry 4.0, it is necessary to change the practice of teaching in accordance with the new requirements for the formation of competencies, the article defines the possible ways of forming such skills as global skills, innovation and creativity skills, technological skills and interpersonal communications kills, which are basic ones in Education 4.0

    Practical aspects of using СhatGPT in higher education

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    The past few years have seen unprecedented growth in technology development in the field of advanced artificial intelligence. One of the latest major advances was the release of a platform called ChatGPT in November 2022.ChatGPT is changing expectations and practices in education; the teaching and academic community is concerned about the rapid pace of implementation of the chatbot in the educational process and the possible negative consequences of this implementation.The relevance of the research is due to the development of artificial intelligence technologies, the rapid growth of the popularity of ChatGPT and the introduction of new technologies in the field of higher education.The purpose of the research is to study the practical aspects of using generative neural networks in higher education.The objectives of the research are to consider real cases of using artificial intelligence technologies in higher education and analyze our own experience of using ChatGPT in educational practice.The methodological basis of the research consists of the following methods: analysis of Internet resources and literary sources, method of studying cases for research and generalization of teaching experience, synthesis.The research results include the possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies (using the example of the generative language GPT model) in the educational process of higher educational institutions, the advantages and disadvantages of integrating generative neural networks into the educational process of a university.Key conclusions: Generative neural networks are a controversial technology, raising concerns about ethics and academic integrity in higher education, but are also discussed as a powerful tool for teaching and research. In higher education ChatGPT can be used to create learning materials, engage learners in subject-matter discussions, provide personalized feedback, develop assessment rubrics, and support interactive and collaborative learning, thereby enhancing learning effectiveness. In the process of introducing generative neural networks into the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the limitations of their use: lack of creativity, bias and inaccuracy, dependence on technology. Teachers must adapt their teaching methods to make the most of these powerful tools

    Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Soil Quality Parameters

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    AbstractDesignof wireless sensor network for monitoring of soil quality parameters (temperature, humidity, conductivity and acidity) is proposed in the study. The structure, panels and block - diagrams of graphical user interface in the software LabView are developed. Web-based mobile system for wireless measurement of temperature, humidity, conductivity and acidity based on Arduino modules is proposed. The devices are configured and appropriate software for the operation of wireless sensor modules is written

    Spline Intersection Improvement

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    Rendering and simulation software needs many models of reality. Every human has hair and we need to visualize realistic hair. We can model hair with many spline curves. A typical task of the ray tracing method is finding an intersection of spline curves with a ray. We try to find a fast way to calculate the point where the ray intersects the curve

    Features of application of immersive technologies of virtual and augmented reality in higher education

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    Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are immersive technologies that allow users to get acquainted with digital content both in physical and virtual space, expanding the possibilities of the educational environment.The relevance of the research is due to the growing introduction of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the educational environment.The research problem: what are the mechanisms for using immersive technologies of augmented and virtual reality in the field of innovative development of educational services in higher education?The aim of the research is to study the features of the application of immersive learning programs using AR/VR technologies in higher education.The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of Internet resources and literary sources, the study and generalization of pedagogical experience, synthesis.The results of the research are: the main advantages of using AR and VR technologies have been considered, possible options for introducing immersive educational technologies into the educational process proposed, the problems of their integration into the educational process of higher educational institutions and ways to overcome these problems identified.Key conclusions: AR/VR technologies are a promising addition to the educational space due to their immersive nature; in higher education, the use of immersive technologies can increase student engagement in the learning process, help students understand abstract concepts, allow for more personalized learning approaches, and improve learning analytics; when introducing AR / VR into the educational process. It is necessary to determine the goals and desired learning outcomes, choose a technology for work, organize a safe learning environment, plan the course structure. The main problems in the implementation of AR / VR are the high cost of technology and development, the need for regular software and hardware updates, health and safety risks for users, and technological problems

    Formation and dissociation of hydrogen-related defect centers in Mg-doped GaN

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    Moderately and heavily Mg-doped GaN were studied by a combination of post-growth annealing processes and electron beam irradiation techniques during cathodoluminescence (CL) to elucidate the chemical origin of the recombination centers responsible for the main optical emission lines. The shallow donor at 20-30 meV below the conduction band, which is involved in the donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) emission at 3.27 eV, was attributed to a hydrogen-related center, presumably a (VN-H) complex. Due to the small dissociation energy (<2 eV) of the (VNH) complex, this emission line was strongly reduced by low-energy electron irradiation. CL investigations of the DAP at a similar energetic position in Si-doped (n-type) GaN indicated that this emission line is of different chemical origin than the 3.27 eV DAP in Mg-doped GaN. A slightly deeper DAP emission centered at 3.14 eV was observed following low-energy electron irradiation, indicating the appearance of an additional donor level with a binding energy of 100-200 meV, which was tentatively attributed to a VN-related center. The blue band (2.8-3.0 eV) in heavily Mg-doped GaN was found to consist of at least two different deep donor levels at 350±30 meV and 440±40 meV. The donor level at 350±30 meV was strongly affected by electron irradiation and attributed to a H-related defect