194 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of a large TES system connected to a district heating network in Northern Italy

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    The addition of storage capacity to district heating systems increases flexibility and expands the range of usable heat sources. Despite their apparently simple nature, thermal energy storage (TES) tanks display a wide range of performances due to different construction and operation choices, as proven by numerous literature studies. However, most of the investigations focus on domestic-size tanks of few cubic metres or, on the other hand, very large seasonal storages of hundreds of thousands of cubic metres. In this work, the performances of a 5000 m3 TES recently introduced in a district heating network in Brescia, Italy, are experimentally analysed using temperature and flow rate measurements acquired over two months in the heating season. First-law efficiencies, exergy, and stratification parameters are calculated and discussed. Energy and exergy efficiencies computed for all examined cycles are above 90%, in line with literature values for smaller and larger TESs. The thermocline profile is generally stable through the cycle unless anomalous events occur, and its average thickness is below 4% of the water height. The combined analysis of single-point indicators, thermocline profiles, and qualitative temperature heatmaps shows that short partial charge/discharge events followed by long stand-by periods negatively affect performances. Stratification efficiency and stratification number give further time-dependent information on the vertical distribution of temperatures in the TES. Heat losses towards the outside are also estimated and discussed in the light of integrative measurements performed on other TESs with similar characteristics, showing that particular care must be paid to the top, where dissipation could be increased by evaporation phenomena if the water surface is not protected

    Design of a 5th Generation District Heating Substation Prototype for a Real Case Study

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    The evolution of district heating networks is moving toward low temperatures in heat distribution with so called 4th generation networks. However, the lowest heat transfer fluid temperatures in district heating are achieved through ultra-low temperature networks, referred to as 5th generation district heating networks (5GDHNs). Low temperatures in heat distribution results in an extremely different configuration of 5GDHN compared to traditional district heating network, especially in the grid substation due to the inability to directly couple the grid with the buildings. This paper presents a detailed design of a 5th generation substation prototype, which is carried out to verify the proper operation and monitor the performance of this type of substation in a real case study. The prototype is fed by low-temperature waste heat, currently dissipated through evaporative towers, and will be built in the city of Brescia, Italy. The layout of the substation prototype, consisting of a bidirectional pumping system, a reversible water-to-water heat pump, an inertial thermal energy storage and a heat exchanger, is presented. An analysis is performed to figure out which refrigerant offers the best performance of the heat pump. In addition, fixed the refrigerant, the performance of the grid connected heat pump is found to be increased from 29.5% to 55.5% for both heating and cooling compared with a stand-alone air-to-water heat pump solution. Finally, the process flow diagram and the piping and instrumentation diagram of the substation are presented and commented

    Accounting for predator species identity reveals variable relationships between nest predation rate and habitat in a temperate forest songbird.

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    Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most ground-nesting bird species. Investigations of relationships between nest predation rate and habitat usually pool different predator species. However, such relationships likely depend on the specific predator involved, partly because habitat requirements vary among predator species. Pooling may therefore impair our ability to identify conservation-relevant relationships between nest predation rate and habitat. We investigated predator-specific nest predation rates in the forest-dependent, ground-nesting wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix in relation to forest area and forest edge complexity at two spatial scales and to the composition of the adjacent habitat matrix. We used camera traps at 559 nests to identify nest predators in five study regions across Europe. When analyzing predation data pooled across predator species, nest predation rate was positively related to forest area at the local scale (1000 m around nest), and higher where proportion of grassland in the adjacent habitat matrix was high but arable land low. Analyses by each predator species revealed variable relationships between nest predation rates and habitat. At the local scale, nest predation by most predators was higher where forest area was large. At the landscape scale (10,000 m around nest), nest predation by buzzards Buteo buteo was high where forest area was small. Predation by pine martens Martes martes was high where edge complexity at the landscape scale was high. Predation by badgers Meles meles was high where the matrix had much grassland but little arable land. Our results suggest that relationships between nest predation rates and habitat can depend on the predator species involved and may differ from analyses disregarding predator identity. Predator-specific nest predation rates, and their relationships to habitat at different spatial scales, should be considered when assessing the impact of habitat change on avian nesting success

    CERN Proton Synchrotron Complex High-Level Controls Renovation

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    After a detailed study of the Proton Synchrotron (PS) complex requirements by experts of CERN controls & operation groups, a proposal to develop a new system, called Injector Controls Architecture (InCA), was presented to and accepted by the management late 2007. Aiming at the homogenisation of the control systems across CERN accelerators, InCA is based on components developed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) but also new components required to fulfil operation needs. In 2008, the project was in its elaboration phase and we successfully validated its architecture and critical use-cases during several machine development sessions. After description of the architecture put in place and the components used, this paper describes the planning approach taken combining iterative development phases with deployment in operation for validation sessions

    Commissioning and First Operation of the Antiproton Decelerator (AD)

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    The Antiproton Decelerator (AD) is a simplified source of antiprotons which provides low energy antiprotons for experiments, replacing four machines: AC (Antiproton Collector), AA (Antiproton Accumulator), PS and LEAR (Low Energy Antiproton Ring), shutdown in 1996. The former AC was modified to include deceleration and electron cooling. The AD started operation in July 2000 and has since delivered cooled beam at 100 MeV/c (kinetic energy of 5.3 MeV) to 3 experiments (ASACUSA, ATHENA and ATRAP) for 1500 h. The flux (up to 2.5´105pbars /s delivered in short pulses of 330 ns every 110 s) and the quality of the ejected beam are not far from the design specifications. A linear RF Quadrupole Decelerator (RFQD) was commissioned in November 2000 to post-decelerate the beam for ASACUSA from 5.3 MeV to about 15 keV. Problems encountered in converting the fixed energy AC into a decelerating machine will be outlined, and the present status of the AD, including the performance of the cooling systems and the special diagnostics to cope with beams of less than 107 pbars, will be reviewed. Possible future developments will be sketche

    ELENA, a preliminary cost and feasibility study

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    To produce dense pbar beams at very low energies (100-200 keV), a small decelerator ring could be built and installed between the existing AD ring and the experimental area. Phase-space blowup during deceleration would be compensated by electron cooling in order to obtain final emittances comparable to the 5MeV beam presently delivered by the AD. This report describes preliminary machine parameters and layout of ELENA and also gives an approximate estimate of cost and manpower needs

    Reproductive success of the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix varies across Europe

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    Differences in population trends across a species’ breeding range are ultimately linked to variation in demographic rates. In small songbirds, demographic rates related to fecundity typically have strong effects on population trends. Populations of a forest songbird, the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, have been declining in many but not all regions of the European breeding range. We investigated if clutch size, hatching rate, nest survival and number of fledglings vary across Europe, and if nest survival is related to differences in the regionally dominant nest predator class (birds versus mammals). From 2009 to 2020, we monitored 1896 nests and used cameras at a subsample of 645 nests in six study regions: the United Kingdom (mid-Wales, Dartmoor, the New Forest), Germany (Hessen), Switzerland (Jura mountains) and Poland (Białowieża National Park). Number of fledglings was lowest in the New Forest (1.43 ± CI 0.23), intermediate in Jura (2.41 ± 0.31) and Białowieża (2.26 ± 0.24) and highest in mid-Wales (3.02 ± 0.48) and Dartmoor (2.92 ± 0.32). The reason for low reproductive success in the New Forest, Jura and Białowieża was low nest survival, and large clutch sizes in Białowieża did not compensate for high nest losses. High reproductive success in mid-Wales and Dartmoor was due to high nest survival and large clutch sizes. Overall predation rates were similar everywhere despite variation between the regions in the dominant nest predator class. Unsuccessful nests in mid-Wales were mainly predated by birds; in Dartmoor, the New Forest, Hessen and Jura similarly by birds and mammals; and in Białowieża exclusively by mammals. Regional reproductive success does not match the population trends recently reported for the wood warbler in the six study regions (i.e. high reproduction ≠ positive trend). Annual survival may be a decisive factor, but it is difficult to quantify for a nomadic species such as the wood warbler that rarely returns to the same breeding locations


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    The LHC will, in addition to proton runs, be operated with Pb ions and provide collisions at energies of 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair, i.e. more than 1.1 PeV per event, to experiments. The transformation of CERN's ion injector complex (Linac3-LEIR-PS-SPS) to allow collision of ions in LHC in 2008 is well under way. The status of these modifications and the latest results of commissioning will be presented. The remaining challenges are reviewed

    Ions for LHC: Towards Completion of the Injector Chain

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    The commissioning of CERN's ion injector complex [1] to allow 1.1 PeV collisions of ions in LHC is well under way. After the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) in 2005 [2] and the Proton Synchrotron (PS) in 2006 [3], the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) has now been commissioned with the 'Early' ion beam, which should give a luminosity of 5×1025cm−2s−15×10^{25}cm^{-2}s^{-1} in the LHC. This paper summarizes the operation in 2007 of all the machines involved in the ion injection chain

    C9orf72 Poly(PR) Mediated Neurodegeneration Is Associated With Nucleolar Stress

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    The ALS/FTD-linked intronic hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene is aberrantly translated in the sense and antisense directions into dipeptide repeat proteins, among which poly proline-arginine (PR) displays the most aggressive neurotoxicity in-vitro and in-vivo. PR partitions to the nucleus when heterologously expressed in neurons and other cell types. We show that by lessening the nuclear accumulation of PR, we can drastically reduce its neurotoxicity. PR strongly accumulates in the nucleolus, a nuclear structure critical in regulating the cell stress response. We determined that, in neurons, PR caused nucleolar stress and increased levels of the transcription factor p53. Downregulating p53 levels also prevented PR-mediated neurotoxicity both in in-vitro and in-vivo models. We investigated if PR could induce the senescence phenotype in neurons. However, we did not observe any indications of such an effect. Instead, we found evidence for the induction of programmed cell death via caspase-3 activation
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